Gay News

ENRON Helped Steal Election 2000
says Florida Candidate

Representative Henry Waxman Blasts White House Silence

White House Stood By, Letting this Happen to Thousands

By Jack Nichols

Rep. Henry Waxman: Disturbed by ENRON/Bush Administration relationship
Miami Beach, Florida--The ENRON bankruptcy scandal reaching into George W. Bush's White House troubles Representative Henry A. Waxman (D-California) who released a January 10 statement saying:

"It is clear the White House had knowledge that Enron was likely to collapse but did nothing to try to protect innocent employees and shareholders who ultimately lost their life savings. I am deeply troubled that the White House stood by and let this happen to thousands of families."

The numberless conversations that were held with high-level Bush appointees are raising, Congressman Waxman notes, "very serious concerns….In contrast to the six contacts the White House disclosed on January 3, I suspect there were dozens of conversations between Administration officials and ENRON representatives during the past year."

Bob Kunst, an openly gay gubernatorial candidate in Florida, plans to demonstrate at 10am on January 18 against ENRON, exposing what he calls its Bush electoral connections. The protest will take place in front of the Tallahassee mansion of incumbent governor Jeb Bush, George W's brother.

"I'm accusing ENRON of paying for the stolen election," says Kunst.

Kunst charges that "ENRON's payments to 70 Senators and 180 House members; it's money arrangement to all who are currently 'recusing' themselves from this investigation, and the Bush, Cheney, 'secret energy' gang in the White House, are also ENRON investors, who took their monies before the collapse, just as the executives did. This warrants a special counsel to conduct the investigation, not just the Bush-managed Justice Department. Even Ashcroft's chief of staff was on the take from ENRON."

Kunst further charges:

"It was ENRON in Florida that helped pay for Stolen Election 2000, to manipulate 'energy policy' in Florida and in the nation, and it was also part of a group plan to build 57 polluting power plants in Florida and to sell electricity outside of the state and to have Florida's citizenry pay for it, as was tried in California with a $50 billion debt to taxpayers.

"ENRON, had a 50% interest in a natural gas pipeline from Alabama to Florida., and all of this planning by Jeb and his gang, would double Florida's population, even though the state can't sustain what we have now with water and other shortages. I also discovered this morning that Gore's attorney David Boies, who failed in his attempt to right the stolen election before the U.S. Supreme Court, is also representing ENRON."

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Florida Candidate Bob Kunst Speaks Out about Bush Treachery

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Related Sites:
Bob Kunst for Governor
Rep. Henry Waxman

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Kunst's Florida perspective is not being mentioned nationally, he says, "but only in scattered terms and, so far, with only a limited investigation."

Kunst told GayToday he would write to Senator Carl Levin and to Representative Waxman, urging them not to forget the Florida connection in their investigations of the wide-ranging ENRON scandal.

The date of Kunst's protest at Governor Jeb Bush's Tallahassee mansion-January 18- has special gay-related significance for the candidate.

Florida gubernatorial candidate and activist Bob Kunst
Kunst said:

"January 18, 1977, is when we Floridians first passed the landmark and internationally known 'affectional and sexual preference' ordinance that Anita Bryant and Jerry Falwell opposed. We used it to help make what would become an enormous change in the whole movement for emotional and sexual liberation. Now, this January 18 protest will signify the next American Revolution of the people who are fed up and not taking it any longer."
