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Protesters Brave Rain
at St. Patrick's Cathedral to Make a Point

Between 150-200 Marchers Garner Wide Coverage in the Media

Matt Foreman Blasts Church's Attempt to Shift Blame to Gays

Compiled By GayToday

New York, New York-Following rains in which protesters gathered, Matt Foreman, a prominent New York activist offered:

"Many thanks and congratulations to all those who worked on and attended in body (or spirit) yesterday's demonstration and press conference at St. Patrick's Cathedral."

Matt Foreman

Foreman continued:

"Between 150 and 200 braved the rain. The reaction from passerbys and people leaving and entering the Cathedral was almost universally positive. There were no incidents of any nature and the police were extremely cooperative.

"As important, the events received widespread media attention. All six dailies in NYC covered the protest in this morning's editions, and five of them have pictures with our signage accompanying their stories (only the New York Times did not have a photo). We were also covered on at least 5 television news programs yesterday (we are still waiting for the final tally), and it was the lead story on AOL News yesterday and there was an AP wire story.

"While - as always - the coverage varied in quality, all of it repeated our focused message about the church not shifting the blame to gay people. None of it came across as directed at Catholic people.

"There are many ideas about steps to keep the pressure up. We'll be in touch."

Foreman concluded with an appreciation for New York's community support:

"This was a wonderful example of the grassroots energy and organizing ability of our community. Thank you!"

Media Coverage

Foreman had told reporters: "I think this is a very calculated, orchestrated campaign to shift the blame of this public relations and moral disaster onto gay people."

The demonstrators chanted:, "We won't be your scapegoat,"; "Cardinal Egan, Don't Blame Gays for Your Sins," and "Stop Abusing Children, Stop Abusing Gays."

While rain kept attendance down, what was important, according to activist and lgbt newsfeed specialist Scott Miller, "was that news outlets" heard "about gay indignation over the scapegoating of gays by the Roman Catholic church." In that regard, Miller believes, the protest "was a resounding success."

Associated Press coverage was, as Miller recalls it, "somewhat flawed." On the positive side, he notes, AP quoted "no anti-gay forces being quoted to support some of the church's homophobic comments."

On the negative side Miller feels that AP gives "the impression is given that the protest was solely to respond to the anti-gay sermon that Monsignor Clark gave last Sunday. According to the AP article, one would think that Clark had renounced his very specific, anti-gay comments (he did not). Additionally, the barrage of anti-gay statements from Rome, including that of Wilton Gregory, were not even referred to."

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Roman Catholic Hierarchy Dishonors Vow-Faithful Gay Priests

New Yorkers Angered by Roman Catholic Anti-Gay Strategy

Matt Foreman Interviewed by Perry Brass

Related Sites:
Lesbian & Gay New York Newspaper: Matt Foreman

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