Republican Leaders Declare War on Gay America 
Senator Trent Lott & Dick Armey
White House Press Secretary Deplores a Backward GOP

Dick Armey & Trent Lott
Pander to Religious Fanatics 

Compiled by Badpuppy’s GayToday 
On Tuesday House Majority Leader Dick Armey followed Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott’s commentary, making disparaging comments about gay Americans and calling homosexuality a sin. 

Citing biblical verses from Corinthians, when asked if he agreed with Lott's statements Armey said, "My faith is very important to me...I do not quarrel with the Bible on this subject."  

The House Majority Leader’s remarks are the latest in a barrage of blatant attacks against gay men and women that the Republican leadership has used to pacify James Dobson after he threatened to bolt the Republican party unless they adopted his far-right agenda, asserts the Human Rights Campaign.  

This is not the first time Armey has insulted gay men and lesbians. In 1994, Armey refereed to openly gay congressman Barney Frank as "Barney Fag."  

Tuesday's statement by Armey follows the remarks Lott made Monday in an interview for commentator Armstrong William's cable television show. 

Williams asked Lott whether or not homosexuality was a sin and Lott replied, "Yeah, it is. You should still love that person. You should try not to mistreat them as outcasts. You should show them a way to deal with that problem, just like alcohol or sex. There are all kinds of problems, addictions, difficulties, experiences of things that are wrong, but you should try to work with that person to learn how to control that problem."  

Lott's statements conflict with modern science. They are also contradicted by mental health experts. In August 1997, the American Psychological Association overwhelmingly passed a resolution, at the APA convention, that asserts that there is no sound scientific evidence on the efficacy of "reparative therapy," which seeks to "cure" homosexuals. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.  

White House Press Secretary, Mike McCurray, replied vigorously to anti-gay Republican bigots on behalf of President Clinton, critiquing the GOP leadership’s anti-gay frenzy.  The text of the Press Secretary’s response is as follows: 

Question: What does President Clinton think when the Senate Majority Leader describes homosexuality the way he did in an interview yesterday?  

Mr. McCurray: He thinks that the American people understand how difficult it is to get business done in Washington sometimes when you're dealing with people who are so backward in their thinking. For over 25 years, it's been quite clear that sexual orientation is not an affliction. It is not a disease. It isn't something that is part of defining one's sexuality. And the fact that the Majority Leader has such views, apparently, consistent with some who are fairly extreme in his party, is an indicator of how difficult it is to do rational work in Washington. 

Question:  Well, wait a minute. How does this relate to -- this is stopping what kind of work? Does this relate to the tobacco bill or – 

Mr. McCurray: It's on a wide variety of matters. The views of Gary Bauer and James Dobson define the approach that many take in the Republican Caucus and that puts, at sometimes, the Republican Caucus and its leadership in the Congress to the extreme point of view in American political life. And it makes it hard to do business with people who want to – 

Question:  But is there any specific piece of legislation that this kind of view is holding up?  

Mr. McCurray: One would argue that the whole State Department authorization bill is being held up for exactly, that reason. There are probably other examples, too. 

Question:  Back on the Uniformed Services – 

Question:  Can we just finish that gay issue for a second? 

Mr. McCurray: Yes. 

Question:  Lott says he'll oppose the nomination of James Hormel to be ambassador to –  

Mr. McCurray: Yes, exactly. You can see -- why would they oppose someone who is otherwise well-qualified to be a U.S. ambassador other than the prejudice that exists in their minds against people who are gay and lesbian? And that's such a clear example of why. I mean, now you understand why. It's because they have views that are, to put it charitably, quite out of date. 

Question:  But he says that that's because Hormel has advocated the gay lifestyle. 

Mr. McCurray: Mr. Hormel has more than adequately addressed that in his confirmation hearings. And that's not the reason. They're refusing to move forward on that nomination because he's gay. That's quite plain and simply the case. 

Question:  Mike, you've been saying that when you refer to people who are so backward in their thinking, people who can't do rational work, and people who are prejudiced against the gay and lesbians, are you referring to Trent Lott? 

Mr. McCurray: I'm referring to people who reflect that point of view. And if that is the way in which he defines his approach on these issues, I guess it does apply to him. But he should maybe clarify that and explain how his views on sexual orientation are consistent with what every expert in the field has to say.  

Question:  Do you think your views, Mike, might hurt – the views that you expressed today might hurt chances for the tobacco bill? 

Mr. McCurray: No. 


Question:  Mike, when you describe Lott's statements as backward in thinking regarding homosexuality, are those the views of the President? 

Mr. McCurray: The President has made it very clear that he thinks that people who are law-abiding, contributing members of this community and this nation should not suffer discrimination because of their sexual orientation. And I think the President believes that there are a significant number of Americans that share that point of view. 

Question:  Well, regarding social issues, the President has also shown respect, acknowledged that on various social issues there are different views because of convictions held, but is this the same kind of spirit shown by saying that he's backward in this thinking? 

Mr. McCurray: Well, that's true when it's a matter of conscience. This is a case in which, contrary to fact, contrary to statements of the medical community and those who are expert, the Majority Leader has taken an incorrect view that homosexuality is a disease. It is not. And that's an entirely different matter. That's not a position held as a conviction or a matter of conscience.  Now, the Majority Leader, as a religious matter, a matter of theology, may have views, and the President doesn't contest that. The President's is the President; he's not a theologian. But that's not the specific issue that the majority -- that I think aroused such profound concern in the community. It was the view that's now been strongly refuted for over a generation that homosexuality is a disease. 

Question:  Didn't he say it was a sin? 

Mr. McCurray: He said several things, but the one that I am addressing is that one. 
