Gay News


September 2001
September 4, 2001 World's Gay Leaders Gather in Oakland, California - Rex Wockner
September 5, 2001 Bush Denounces a Rogue Imposter White House Web Site - GayToday
September 6, 2001 Anne Heche tells Barbara Walters about Her Life Spent 'Insane' - Jack Nichols
September 7, 2001 'GLAAD Has Lost Its Way' says Author Michael Bronski - Michael Bronski
September 10, 2001 John Ashcroft's First Six Months at the U.S. Justice Department - GayToday
September 11, 2001 Democrats.Com to Launch Offensive over Stolen Election 2000 - GayToday
September 12, 2001 Shock in Attacked Cities: Gay Activists & Journalists Report - GayToday
September 17, 2001 Falwell & Robertson Burn in the Fire of Angry Media Scorn - GayToday
September 18, 2001 USA Reacts Emotionally to Events - Shows Variety of Feelings - GayToday
September 19, 2001 More Organizations, Individuals Respond to National Tragedy - GayToday
September 20, 2001 Pentagon Expert on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Missing after Attack - GayToday
September 21, 2001 Pentagon's Repeal of Gay/Lesbian Discharges not Guaranteed - GayToday
September 24, 2001 America Must Not Cede Democracy to Terrorism says ACLU - GayToday
September 25, 2001 New U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Michael Guest, Openly Gay - GayToday
September 26, 2001 White House Considers Renewed Drive to Fund Churches - GayToday
September 27, 2001 Concern Increases Over Egypt's Jailing of 52 Suspected as Gay - GayToday
September 28, 2001 Australian Democrats Blast Barring of Tatchell from Birthplace - GayToday