Badpuppy Gay Today

Monday, 28 July, 1997

The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot
Eighth in a Series

By Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D.


Blacks understand genocide very well. For three centuries they were stolen from African villages, boarded in chains on ships bound for the Americas, and sold as slaves. In those times slavery was politically correct and enthusiastically supported by many white Christians. The inhumane treatment of Blacks caused no major concern for those whites who lived by the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. Blacks were considered animals. Thus, biblical injunctions of brotherhood and love did not apply to slaves.

Blacks are fully aware of the power and the curse of the white man. Unfortunately, Black people still suffer the ill effects of prejudice and centuries of social neglect. Homicide and AIDS are now the leading causes of death among young Black men.

Every Black has heard the rumor that AIDS is a manufactured virus genetically created to kill off the black race. Thirty percent of New York City Blacks polled by The New York Times (October 29, 1990) actually believe that AIDS might be an ethno-specific bioweapon designed in a laboratory in order to infect and kill Black people.

Louis Farrakhan, the spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam, blames Jewish doctors for injecting Black babies with AIDS. He preaches that rich Jews are behind the genocide program, just as they were heavily involved in the profitable Dutch-based slave trade.

In discussing Farrakhan's inflammatory beliefs, Morris Wolfe claims that "many Blacks, especially men, including a growing number of college students, now look to Farrakhan's leadership. It offers a simple program: No feminism or gay rights, no abortion, no pork, no drugs or alcohol, no discussion."

When I first met Strecker I asked about the gay AIDS "connection" to Africa. "There isn't any," he answered. "It's all a big cover-up to hide the real truth. The Africans were infected during the smallpox vaccine programs. Black Africa is doomed."

Initially, Strecker's African prediction seemed baseless. But Time (February 16, 1987) quoted Sam Okware, the Ugandan Minister of Health, as saying: "In the year 2000, one in every two sexually-active adults will be infected."

Five years later, the cover of the Los Angeles Times Magazine (March 1, 1992) showed a Black African mother holding her baby on her lap. The headline read: "Africa's Death Sentence: Where women are powerless, AIDS is spreading relentlessly from husband to wife, mother to child. And a continent is dying." Scott Kraft's story claims that by the year 2000, an estimated 15 million African Blacks will be dying of AIDS. Presently four out of five women with AIDS live in Africa. Although Africans comprise only 10% of the world's population, the continent has two-thirds of the world's AIDS cases.

The WHO estimates that 25% of the African work force will be wiped out in twenty years; and the average life expectancy will fall from 60 to 47 years. Robert Strecker believes the diabolic "plan" for Africa was spelled out in a 1972 memorandum published by the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. The report indicated that infection with certain retroviruses could result in "selective damage" to the immune system, particularly to white blood cells known as "T-cells." This immune system damage could also lead to cancer. The WHO recommended a "systematic evaluation" of these immunosuppressive retroviruses. Part Two of the memorandum reviews the results of previous animal experiments which have "serious implications for human disease and clinical research."

In the same year (1972) a document published in the Federation Proceedings proposed the further study of bacterial and virus "antigens" that selectively kill T-cells in the blood. The scientific committee "visualized" human vaccine experiments conducted on sibships "during preventive vaccination." In plainer English, the word "sibships" refers to children of the same family. "During preventive vaccination" means children would be covertly given "experimental" infections agents (i.e., "bacterial and viral antigens") at the time of routine vaccinations. The WHO officials stressed the need for the proper "choice of an appropriate control population."

Within a few years of these suggested experiments, a new and mysterious immunosuppressive disease began killing millions of African Blacks.

Strecker was correct. Black Africa was headed for extinction.

African AIDS cases started to appear around the same time as AIDS cases were uncovered in Manhattan and Haiti. Although Robert Gallo and Max Essex claim that some "old" African blood samples test "positive" for HIV, the fact remains that there are no proven African cases until the late 1970s, at the earliest.

In The Epidemiology of AIDS, Thomas Quinn and Jonathan Mann write: "The first confirmed AIDS cases among sub-Saharan Africans were reported from Europe in 1983." Quinn and Mann also warn against the dangers of testing "old" African blood in an attempt to prove the "past presence of HIV- 1 infections in Africa." Due to the problem of "false-positive" blood tests, the epidemiologists now believe that "some of the early reports of high seroprevalence in sera from East and West Africa in the 1960s and early 1970s are now considered uninterpretable."

To prove that AIDS is not an old disease in Africa, a team of scientists led by J.W. Carswell tested the blood of old, sexually-inactive people living in geriatric homes in Kampala --Uganda's largest city and the epicenter of AIDS in Africa. The elderly people's blood was tested against 716 healthy, sexually-active adults living in the same city. Fifteen percent of the healthy people were positive for HIV antibodies, but none of the elderly people tested positive.

This 1986 study indicated the AIDS virus had not been in Uganda for a long time, as Gallo and Essex were proclaiming. The researchers conclude: "The results presented here do not support previous suggestions that the virus might have originated in Uganda; on the contrary, if interpreted correctly, they indicate it arrived in the country only recently."

In 1989 another scientific team investigated HIV antibody infection among the semi-nomadic San bushpeople living in the Central Kalahari desert in Botswana. The Sans are considered the oldest race currently living in Africa. San-type skeletons date back 15,000 years or more. Noting that "the origin of human retrovirus infection is debated," the team tested 150 San adults. No one tested positive for HIV.

The results of this study, as well as others, all cast doubt on the African origin of HIV and discredits the "fact" that HIV has been around Africa for centuries and millennia. As Strecker is often fond of saying, "If HIV was around in Africa for so long, where was it?"

Richard and Rosalind Chirimuuta, in their well-researched and well-documented book, AIDS, Africa and Racism, are highly critical of Robert Gallo and his determination to prove the African origin of AIDS and HIV. They think much of his scientific work "seems to be influenced by racial obsession." The Chirimuutas discuss The London Times smallpox story and the claim that HIV is a man-made virus. Although scientists have dismissed the man-made theory due to lack of evidence, the authors write: "No evidence, perhaps, because everyone is too busy chasing monkeys around the jungle."

Reminding their readers about the fatal laboratory accident in which "the Marburg virus" was transmitted from green monkeys to man in 1977, the Chirimuutas conclude, "If there is any truth in the hypothesis that the AIDS virus originated in monkeys, it would seem more appropriate to investigate modern medical research rather than speculate widely in such an offensive and ignorant fashion about the customs and behavior of Africans."

In the United States, racist experiments using unsuspecting Blacks as guinea pigs are now well-known. In 1932 a medical experiment, conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service, was undertaken on four hundred poor, illiterate Black sharecroppers in Tuskegee, Alabama. All the men had syphilis. The doctors who carried out the experiment lied to the men and their families, telling them only that they were suffering from "bad blood." Under the watchful eye of the government and the medical establishment, the Tuskegee experiment lasted 40 years.

The racist experiment was as simple as it was diabolic. The physicians wanted to know what would happen to the health of these men if treatment for syphilis was withheld. The doctors assured the men they would look after their "bad blood" and provide for all their health care, free of charge.

When a penicillin cure for syphilis became available in the 1940s, the men were not treated because treatment would ruin the medical experiment. Throughout their lives the men never knew they had a serious, life-threatening venereal disease. Some of the men sexually transmitted syphilis to their wives and lovers. Some of the babies born of these infected women were syphilitic. When each man died, the experimenters offered money for funeral and burial expenses with the proviso that the family permit an autopsy at the special hospital involved in the study.

During the Black Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, intense political pressure was put on the government to stop this unethical, racist experiment. In 1972 the syphilis study was finally terminated. The definitive account of the Tuskegee syphilis study appears in Bad Blood by James H. Jones. Martin P. Levine has also reported on this shocking study with genocidal overtones (Bad Blood, New York Native, February 16, 1987). Levine emphasizes that the Tuskegee experiment was supervised by the CDC, the same government agency that now oversees the AIDS epidemic.

There are many Blacks who believe they are being used as scapegoats for AIDS by racist American scientists. Even the gay Kaposi's sarcoma "connection" to African KS has proved phony. When tested for the AIDS virus, most African KS patients were HIV-negative.

The precise significance of KS as an indicator of AIDS and HIV infection continues to confuse AIDS scientists. Before the late 1970s KS was never an indicator of AIDS. But with the "introduction" of the AIDS virus, KS became a common cancer in HIV-infected gays. By definition, a KS patient who tests HIV-positive is diagnosed as AIDS. Conversely, HIV-negative KS patients cannot be diagnosed with AIDS.

Ignoring the necessity of correlating a clinical diagnosis of KS with an HIV blood test, researchers now investigate "old" KS cases and theorize about the origin of AIDS. In 1987, infectious disease specialists Harold Katner and George Panker reviewed 28 rapidly fatal cases of KS dating back as far as the year 1902. These old KS cases were then reclassified as "probable marker cases" of AIDS, and were presented as "proof" that AIDS did not originate in Africa. On the basis of this library research, Katner and Panker conclude that the AIDS virus has a "Euro-American" origin, and that AIDS was "exported" to Africa. The two researchers do not speculate exactly which group "exported" HIV to Africa, but the homophobic tone of their report suggests it was exported by gay American men who "moved away from heterosexual lifestyles."

In a letter to the editor entitled "Origin of AIDS", published in the Journal of the National Medical Association, Harold Katner further speculates on the role of horse, goat, and cow retroviruses in the outbreak of AIDS. "These viruses are found in European and American animals, all of which have been reported as sexual contacts of men, (thus) explaining a possible route of interspecies transmission."

In another attempt to "prove" that AIDS cases existed before the "introduction" of HIV in the late 1970s, several Israeli physicians reviewed 19 cases in the medical literature suggestive of "AIDS in the pre-AIDS era." Sixteen patients had opportunistic infections; three had KS. The cases dated back to 1950 and included two men who were definitely gay. The Israelis concluded: "In view of the historical data, unrecognized cases of AIDS appear to have occurred sporadically in the pre-AIDS era." This article was published in the prestigious Reviews of Infectious Diseases in November 1987.

Before AIDS, all the KS cases I had encountered were in older Jewish men. To this day, I never have seen a woman with KS, although female cases have been reported. In the U.S. prior to the epidemic, Kaposi's was most frequently diagnosed in Jews. Until 1950, only 600 KS cases were recorded in the world medical literature. Undoubtedly, other cases occurred but were not recorded. In Kaposi's Sarcoma (1957), dermatologist Sam Bluefarb wrote: "In many large cities KS is not reported unless the patient exhibits unusual manifestations of the disease."

Bluefarb's view was reiterated in 1973 when three dermatologists recorded one hundred New Yorkers with proven KS. The 100 patients ranged in age from 40 to 89 years. Seventy-eight were men. Fifty-three were Jewish; eighteen were Italian. Follow-up information on 56 patients revealed that no one had died from their disease. The reporting physicians noted "this is apparently the largest series of patients with KS ever reported in the western world." They estimated "the true incidence and prevalence of KS is probably several times that estimated in the literature."

Using the kind of "scientific" logic presented in current journals insinuating that gay sex, Black sex, and animal sex are at the root of AIDS, I could imagine Louis Farrakhan reasonably claiming that New York Jews with KS were the ones responsible for the outbreak of AIDS, not only in America but in Africa as well.

In 1992, through the Rolling Stone article and the media hype surrounding it, the American public became aware of contaminated polio vaccines that contained a cancer-causing green monkey virus. Could AIDS in Africa have originated from polio vaccine which was given to millions of African blacks during the 1950s?

When writer Tom Curtis questioned David Heymann about the possibility, the WHO official declared: "The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance." Harvard pathology professor William Haseltine was even more adamant. He exploded, "Who cares what the origin was? Who really cares? If you want to do something good, write about problems people experience. Who cares where it came from? It's an unanswerable question." Curtis pressed the issue, but Haseltine ended the conversation. "I'm not interested in discussing it," he said emphatically.

I was not surprised by the attitude of WHO officials regarding the source of AIDS and HIV. In June 1989 my book, AIDS and the Doctors of Death, was suppressed at the Fifth International AIDS Conference held in Montreal, Canada. The book was being sold at an exhibit sponsored by the Highway Bookshop. An official of the WHO (one of the sponsors of the Conference) put pressure on the Canadian bookstore owners to remove the book from their shelves. The booksellers were intimidated into complying with the official's request.

Bill Andriette penned a short newspiece of the WHO incident in The Guide to the Gay Northeast (July 1989). A WHO employee (who asked not to be named) characterized the book as "right wing bigotry" and claimed it contained a "number of really weird suppositions." The employee admitted: "We can't actually make the booksellers take it off their shelves."

Reporter Bill Andriette commented on the affair: "It is curious that the WHO felt so threatened by Cantwell's criticisms that they thought it best to suppress his book at Montreal. One wonders why they felt it was necessary to protect those attending the conference, the people in the world presumably best informed about AIDS. The WHO must believe either that Cantwell's claims are powerfully convincing, or that those spearheading the global fight against this illness are highly gullible."

Despite all the lapses of logic surrounding AIDS and the HIV virus, the widespread belief in the African origin of AIDS remains firm. However, if one carefully follows the intrigues of AIDS science, it is clear that there are some reservations about the African origin of HIV. Amazingly, doubts have been expressed by the French discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier.

In 1988 Montagnier made a few startling comments about African AIDS and green monkeys. His barbs were undoubtedly directed at Gallo, who stands accused of stealing Montagnier's AIDS virus from the Pasteur Institute. "There is no evidence of any reservoir or species of monkey that is truly positive for HIV, the AIDS virus," Montagnier declared. The origin of AIDS is "a continuing mystery." He further explained, "Some very weak arguments are used to place the origin of HIV in Africa. One is the discovery of AIDS virus in serum samples taken from a woman in Zaire before 1970, but that isn't long ago, and does not prove the virus first sprang from that region. We have to be very careful in assessing the origin of this virus, which is really mysterious."

There are many unanswered questions about the origin of AIDS. Putting aside the Manchester sailor in 1959 and the St. Louis boy in 1968, there is general agreement that epidemic cases of AIDS in Africa, Haiti and New York all appeared around the same time, in the late 1970s. Bearing this in mind, I could never understand how a Black heterosexual epidemic in Central Africa could have transformed itself into a white homosexual epidemic in Manhattan.

No AIDS experts have ever adequately explained how this could have occurred. The "facts" surrounding the importation of AIDS from Africa certainly defy sexual logic. In reality, transforming a Black African heterosexual epidemic into a white homosexual epidemic on the other side of the world is not possible. It could never have happened the way "they" said it did. There was never any "connection" between American and African AIDS. It simply could not be. No matter what the experts said.

But if vaccines containing lethal biological agents were injected into Blacks in Africa, and into white gays in Manhattan, it would be entirely possible to produce a Black and white biologic holocaust that would effectively remove two "undesirable" groups right off the face of the earth. And blame them in the process.

Forcibly removed from the Dark Continent generations ago, and far from the African epicenter of AIDS, American Blacks are once again highly involved in a genocide program.

In 1980, AIDS was unknown on the planet. By 1990, AIDS was the sixth leading cause of death in American Blacks. For African-American men between the ages of 35 and 44, AIDS was the leading cause of death, accounting for almost 25% of all deaths in that group. For younger African-American men and women between the ages of 25 and 35, AIDS was the second leading cause of death. Black Africa was doomed. I feared the same would eventually be true for Black America.


Excerpted from QUEER BLOOD; The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot by Alan Cantwell, J., M.D., published by ARIES Rising Press, P.O. Box 29532, Los Angeles, California 90029 $12.95 Telephone: (213) 462-6458


(To Be Continued)

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