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Letters to
Gay Today

'Don't Use Your Brain!'

jesusbrain.gif - 21.27 K I am and will pray for you and your organization. We love and accept gays. It is not God's plan to be homosexual. God desires to fellowship and invites you and everyone else regardless of sex, race, creed or your sinful lifestyle to spend eternal life in Heaven. You will not have that opportunity unless you turn from your sinful nature, and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. People just don't get it. There is only one way to eternal life. I am at peace. Are you? Think about it. What will happen when you die? Where will you go? This is not a service question. Have you ever really stopped and really thought about it. Don't use your brain, use your spirit. The one God put in you.

Serving The One and only tru God,

Signed, Kirk Rightmire

A Brazilian-American Addresses Republican Politicians: A Not-So-Fond Recollection of Life Under 'The Gipper'

On the day that Ronald Reagan was elected, I wore a black armband. For the years that that senile actor was the president, the country wasted its enormous resources on pork barrel defense projects, transferred the bulk of the country's wealth to a small percentage of the public from the investing class, and ruined as much of the environment as unregulated industry demanded. reagan3.gif - 13.81 K Ronald Reagan

The Reagan nightmare made the U.S. the largest debtor nation in the world. It ignored public education. It produced the conditions that led to the Los Angeles riots. It set the stage for the insane health industry crisis.

Reagan disgraced the republic with his shameful arms for hostage deal, he led the country into ludicrous assaults on Grenada and Libya, he fed the media a circus of foreign adventurism. During his presidency, the Religious Right gained ascendancy in his party -- home to homophobes and bigots, anti-environmentalists and the sociopathic gun-toting rich. The Democrats should have arrested Reagan and impeached Bush for their lawbreaking in Iran-Contra. It is rather like a horror movie in which the heroes somehow fail to make sure the monster is dead, he raises up to attack over and over again.

The maudlin sentimentality of Reaganism is a great distortion that will be corrected by historians. The true hero of the Cold War is Gorbachev, who Bush failed to support, destabilizing the only other major nuclear power. We will yet pay for that shortsightedness. To read Gorbachev, and understand that he, the single most powerful man in the world, turned his power over to the people with glasnost, and a yearning for perestroika, these simple ideas changed the path of world socialism forever. The mafia led criminals of the Yeltsin corrupt crowd have the morals of a stockbroker, and cannot sustain what it takes in the hearts of men to give of themselves to their nation. Reagan sleeps in his mind, fiddling with flowers and wondering who is talking to him.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Pen Points: Nov. 16, 1998

Kenneth W. Starr: Investigating Private Sexual Behavior

Republicans Attack Fair Play 'Pearl Harbor-Style'

Related Sites:
GHMC Interview: Larry Kramer
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Clinton's great character shows every day now, as he gamely conducts the business of the presidency while the Republicans at ABC make a show of their disdain and haughty moralizing. Take them down. Trash them. Wipe them out of public life. Clinton, his beautiful eyes, his inspiring Southern charm, his sincerity, and his anger, his scholarly ability to analyze and debate. Now there is a man and an American I put my faith in. This is a man after my own heart. Someone who tries every day to make things more right for more people.

Bill Clinton's legacy will be how he overcame the stigma of a bitterly partisan, unjust and unfair kangaroo court, to become an elder statesman in the pantheon of the great.

I can hardly wait to vote for Al Gore. Gore will be the first President since Teddy Roosevelt who has a sweeping vision for the health of our environment. He has the compassion to lead working people out of their status as wage slaves in the nascent investing class autocracy.

If the Republicans had had their way, there would be no social security, no medicare, no environmental regulation, no body of legislation to protect workers, no 40 hour workweek. There would be no gay rights. Pray every day for the Republicans to leave the planet.

Under Al Gore, I will be proud to be an American, as I am under Bill Clinton. I lived in Brazil, where Clinton is very popular, as he is here. When Hillary came to Rio, the city opened its arms to her. When Al Gore addressed the environmental summit in 1992, Brazilians, who hold in their political power the means to generate global climatic havoc, took note, and the growing ecology movement took heart in Brazil. Bill Clinton's relentless pursuit of free trade in Latin America, instead of the Republican's tactic of propping up dictatorships and police states, is the greatest single contribution to foreign policy in the latter part of this century. Everywhere, Bill Clinton is a messenger of good will and economic democracy.

Eight years for Albert Gore!! I am willing to try to live long enough to enjoy every day of it, and I am working every day to elect candidates who will defeat Republicans wherever they can be driven out.

Signed, Novato

Larry Kramer's Open Letter to the NYT Book Review Editor: Reading with a More Diminished Eye

larrykramer.gif - 9.82 K Larry Kramer How quaint that Peter Ackroyd, an openly gay biographer himself, should object to Edmund White's "tendency …to assert the gay life and consciousness of Proust" in his new Penguin biography of this great gay writer (review, Jan. 10).
How insulting that Ackroyd finds this "diminishes Proust's significance." What kind of dishonest biography does Ackroyd desire? Proust was unmistakably, irrefutably, outrageously gay, whether there was a word for it then or not, and every gay person is certainly ennobled by the knowledge that Marcel, if not Peter, is one of us. I shall certainly now read Ackroyd with a more diminished eye.

Larry Kramer

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