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Letters to
Gay Today

A Switch Hitter's Viewpoint

shepelecchair2.jpg - 9.26 K It saddens and sickens me to see that there are those in the GLBT community who do not support the death penalty. The death penalty is to meet out justice. Will Matthew Shepard or any other GLBT person who has been murdered receive justice if these self righteous groups have their way? Absolutely not!

When a member of Queer Watch compares Matthews horrific torture and death with the peaceful execution that is given today, saying that it is barbaric, I honestly don't comprehend it.

A lifetime of life does not equal the scales of justice in any murder.

When the religious right incites and encourages acts of violence against our community and it results in a death--send them to their God --Quickly. If it would ever be possible for me to turn the switch to put those two men, and any others who may commit murder, I'd pull it without hesitation. (And if it was Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bob Dornan, Gary Bauer or any of their ilk, I'd go and throw a party afterwards).

John Carlisle,
The OuterSider

Oral Sex Gets a Human Face

oralsexbm.gif - 18.02 K I just want to congratulate you on a wonderfully well-written article on sex lies and the Clinton scandal. I ran across it during a search for a comparison between Arthur Miller's The Crucible and modern "witch hunts" and Clinton, and my teacher didn't believe such an article existed. Thank you for having excellent background information to prove your theory. I printed the article and will use full documentation from what I use, but if this is a problem please feel free to email me.


Being Fresh

GayToday is one of the freshest gay news sources online, or anywhere. You scout out stories that nobody else manages to pick up on. The reporting on the Iranian gay man in Sweden and the gay man jailed in Michigan in December are two recent examples. My hat, if I wore one, would be off to you. You guys do nice work.


Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Oral Sex Gets a Human Face

Gay Iranian Faces Sure Execution ...

GayToday's Cloning Series

Related Sites:
The OuterSider
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Japan's Foremost News Service Does Cloning Research

japanclon.gif - 14.64 K Going through the articles (on cloning in GayToday) I could get to know how you and your (cloning activist) friend, Randolfe Wicker have been leading opinion on human cloning. It was pretty impressive.

Talking about our project featuring "cloning", I am visiting laboratories at University of Hawaii and University of Wisconsin with a writer. However, I believe more photos should show or help imaginations (understand) how cloning technologies will relate directly to our lives outside of labs.

Therefore, I am desperately searching any activities relating to pro- or anti-human cloning issues. Since I am visiting New York… I am looking for any kind of information.

Do you have any plans for demonstrations, marches, or meetings in the near future? If you have no plan right now, do you know any other groups working on it? If there is no activities you can suggest, are there any visual tools like big posters or flyers?

Also, is it possible to visit your office or CRUF (Randolfe Wicker's Clone Rights United Front) to cover your activities? Thank you for time and consideration.

K. K.
21st Future Project Team
Kyodo News,Tokyo, Japan

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