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Letters to
Gay Today

If America's Gays Were Ethnic Albanians

milsonato.jpg - 9.45 K Yugoslavia's Milosevic:
Not the world's only hate criminal
If we were Ethnic Albanians, NATO would have ordered air strikes in Salt Lake City, Laramie and, hell, just blown away the entire state of Texas. And that's only for a start.

Why are we the only corpses on the field of battle in this country? When do we fight back? When do we kill a few of them? When? Me, I've run out of cheeks to turn. For a welcome change, I want some of them in the morgue surrounded by weeping friends and lovers.

It's about time, isn't it?

H.O. Calwaugh

Editor's Note: Though your frustration is understandable, if you think its about time to go killing people, you're no better than those you hate. Besides, there is no them. There is only us.

AIDS Fraud Information

aidsscams.gif - 19.63 K The Texas AIDS Health Fraud Information Network (TAHFIN) can now be reached toll-free at their new number: 800-758-5152.

TAHFIN is a task force sponsored by the US Food and Drug Administration and composed of Community-Based Organizations (CBO), Texas Department of Health (TDH), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Treatment Advocates, Health Care Providers and people with HIV/AIDS.

The mission of TAHFIN is to educate the consumer on HIV/AIDS treatment fraud issues and concerns, especially as it relates to potentially dangerous or fraudulent therapies.

TAHFIN respects the right of individuals to pursue alternative forms of treatment in addition to traditional therapies. TAHFIN encourages each individual to make the most educated and informed decisions possible. TAHFIN also has a web site at

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Hostility: A Health Hazard

New Results with Hepatitis B, HIV

A Major AIDS Scam?

Related Sites:
Coral Ridge Ministries
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

David Arvelo
HIV/AIDS Coordinator
FDA Dallas District Office

Ignorance is Bliss to Rev. D. James Kennedy's Sheep

I ran across your article about D. James Kennedy while doing a search for Coral Ridge Ministries. I spent about eight years of my life involved with the Goth scene and I experimented with bisexuality during my youth. I am now a born-again Christian and am very glad to be so. revkensheep.jpg - 12.82 K How far would Rev. Kennedy's flock go to please the bigot evangelist?

While I am still undecided about issues regarding homosexuality, I do not believe that it is fair to label Dr. Kennedy hateful. He does have very different opinions than you do. I was once addicted to pornography and I know for a fact that it is very very destructive. It caused me a great deal of pain.

You quote that the American Psychiatric Association speaks out against the "Truth in Love" campaign. Well, they also say that pedophilia isn't harmful and I know many people that were molested as children that can argue against that one. I do not believe that they are an honest organization.

I do hope that you will recognize that while the "Truth in Love" campaign may not be in your interests it is not hateful.


Editor's Note: The GayAgenda: Talking Back to the Fundamentalists (Prometheus Books) was a book inspired partly as a reply to Rev. D. James Kennedy's early '90s hate video, The Gay Agenda. If, in the arena of thought you can summon the courage, read it.

Alabaman Student's Hepatitis Survey

I am a student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I have a survey about hepatitis that I am trying to get linked to web sites and/or distributed in other ways. I thought perhaps you could help me out. I have official university approval. I am trying to get as much info from as many people as possible. My survey is at: Any help would be appreciated. What do you say? Let me know. I would really appreciate your help!


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