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Letters to
Gay Today

Advice from London:
'Don't Let 'Em Get Us Down!'

londonbomb2.jpg - 9.98 K Londoners survey the damage to the Admiral Duncan Pub in Soho I know the pub well, and wasn't far from it last night. The thing is, these lunatics are a small minority with a chip on their shoulder the size of the rock candy mountain; what we have to do is ignore them and carry on exactly as before, being vigilant but not allowing them to change our way of life for us. Personally, I shall be drinking in Soho on Monday afternoon, as usual. Don't let 'em get us down!


Racism or Racialism?

I find it curious: in the last few weeks in Britain, there have been bombs directed against blacks and Asians. Why would any gay assume that his group would be spared? Simply because most of them in Britain are white?

If so, then the British have a lot to learn about racism. Or racialism, as I suppose they say. And about how closely it is related to homophobia. And to all other flavors of prejudice.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Goodbye to the Gay Gene

Jewish Protest Erupts Over Proposed McDonald's at Dachau

Related Sites:
Diversity UK
GayToday does not endorse related sites.


In the Beginning was the Millennium March

I've followed the Millenium March story from the beginning and find some of Kerry Lobel's concerns (April 27—World) to be a bit disingenuous.

klobelnew.jpg - 3.87 K Kerry Lobel She states in her own letter that the March will allow hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians "to experience the power of gathering in their nation's capital, to feel strength in numbers, and to create a show of force for the GLBT community," and yet she says she questions the usefulness of the March. She just stated the usefulness of the March in terms very plain and simple.

From her resignation letter, it sounds more like Lobel is upset that she was in the minority in voting on a number of issues. Her letter could almost read, "You're not playing the way I want to play, so I'm not going to play anymore."

I personally am sick of all the bickering going on about the March. All the different organizations want to have their say about how things are run. It all seems pretty simple to me. Announce a day for the March. Make sure all the permits and facilities are in place, as well as some keynote speakers. Then let the March happen. I know that's a very simplified way of looking at it.

But look at it this way. The Nation of Islam organized the Million Man March in a matter of months. They received tons and tons and tons of media coverage and even had a movie made about it. Why is it our people can't organize a March in a matter of two years? We are all a very very diverse group of people. But we have to come together on this March and put our differences aside if we are going to be accepted for the one thing that makes us all alike.

Kevin Little
Atlanta, Georgia
Goodbye to the Gay Gene

gaygene2.gif - 18.33 K Bravo!!!! Good riddance to the "gay" (and implausible) gene. (GayToday, Viewpoint, April 26) Now that the mad scientists can't "fix" a non-existent gene-- what on earth will they come up with next to get rid of us?

Well, maybe they will have to spend time finding (and fixing) the "soul" gene....

Jaded 'ol me,


A 30-Year Reunion

Thank you for the truly wonderful article by Jack Nichols. I remember reading him 30 years ago, and he is still fresh, sound, sane and lovely. Is he 100 years old by now (like the rest of us)? I hope to meet him someday.

Tim Frasca

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