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Letters to
Gay Today

Covering Rev. Phelps' Canadian Flag Burning Trip

phelpscana.jpg - 6.54 K You should follow this matter as it is possible that Rev. Phelps might have problems with Canadian authorities. Some of the activities of Rev. Phelps, like waving "god hates fags" signs, may well constitute criminal offenses in Canada and under Canada`s criminal code (Canada has a provision against hate propaganda).In any case, I will follow the matter closely, and if newspapers here report that Rev. Phelps has run into trouble with the authorities, I will communicate you the details at once. Possibilities: Rev. Phelps could be denied entry into Canada, or later arrested and charged for hate propaganda. He may not be aware of the risk he is taking. It is not like the U.S. here.

Stefan Meysztowicz

Dignity/USA's President: On Combating Bigots (CC:)

The article on Archbishop Pell of Australia garchive/people/053199pe.htm was poorly written and an unconvincing response to whatever it was the Pell said or did.

It does the public dialogue no good to engage the kind of name calling seen in the article. It is unfair to criticize someone's actions without describing precisely what it is that the person did.

If Pell said something, it would have been more convincing if the article had quoted his position. As a gay Catholic who believes that his spirituality and his sexuality can be and are reconciled, I take exception to the anti-Catholicism that seems to underpin the article.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Another Unembarrassed Ignoramus

Log Cabin Warns 'Stay Out of Bed with Pat Robertson'

Pat Robertson's 'Legal Beagles' Chided as Failures

Related Sites:
OutRage! London

Digntiy USA
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Your coverage of the relationship between Church prelates and Church members would be more helpful if it was less combative.

Robert Miailovich,
President, Dignity/USA

Turning Off the Bigot's Spigot

rbtsoncash.jpg - 14.62 K Pat Robertson, the U.S. religious bigot, has lost not only his deal with the Bank of Scotland, but also his Directorship of Laura Ashley, the UK High Street fabrics chain. He resigned this (Friday) afternoon.

Clearly, the effect of the campaign against the Bank of Scotland together with its effect on their share price and reputation was a salutary warning to Laura Ashley's Board.

That he was ever appointed to his Directorship is, incomprehensible, given his well publicised attacks on women, Muslims, Hindus, Gays and other minorities. We doubt, however, that Dr. Robertson will be again involved in business deals in the British Isles.

OutRage! wrote to Laura Ashley's Chief Executive on Monday suggesting that Dr Robertson's presence on their Board could be bad for business. In media interviews we indicated that OutRage! would mount a campaign, including a boycott of Laura Ashley shops, if Dr. Robertson remained. His resignation is evidence that even the threat of a consumer boycott can bring about change.

These victories over Dr. Robertson will, we trust, hearten activists in the USA who have been fighting Robertson and the Christianreich for so long. He can be beaten.

David Allison

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