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Letters to
Gay Today

Attend the Mr. Gay Pride/ Mr. Hotlauderdale Contest!

The Ft. Lauderdale Mr. Gay Pride Contest in conjunction with the Mr. Hotlauderdale contest (preliminary to the international Mr. Hotlanta contest) is a wildfire growing immensely in prizes and contestants. GayMart USA announced today they will provide a $300 shopping spree for the first runner up of the contest being held at the Stonewall Street Festival and Parade on June 25th.

To date contestants are being sponsored by Better Bodies Gym, Pride Factory, Scoop Magazine, Chainz, Scizzorium, Mustards Bar and Grill, Oh! What A Basket, Corporate Travel, GayMart, Alibi, and Streamline Enterprises. Many other businesses have confirmed but as of this release have not submitted their applications.

The contest will be presented in three increments during the festival on June 25th. Early in the day, the contestants will appear on stage in black jeans and a white T-shirt, they will walk the stage and be required to answer a question supplied by three judges (judges have been confirmed and are being kept confidential until the day of the contest). Then around 3 pm, the contestants will appear on stage again in bathing suits supplied by Pride Factory. Then at approximately 5 pm, the contestants will again come on stage and the winners announced.

The prize for the winner of the contest include a trip to Mikonos, Greece to attend the 12 Gods circuit party, a trip to Atlanta to attend the world famous three day circuit party and compete in the Mr. Hotlanta contest (escorted by Bill & Terry from Out & About TV, Ft. Lauderdale Representatives to the Hotlanta River Expo.) with the winner getting cash and prizes of over $20,000, a trip to Columbus, Ohio to attend the ever so fabulous Red Party and other prizes supplied by Ft. Lauderdale businesses.

Everyone is urged to attend the Stonewall Street Festival and Parade on June 25th and help cheer on the contestants in one of the greatest contests of this type with one of the biggest prize packages in Ft. Lauderdale history. The parade steps off at 11 AM from 2020 Wilton Drive and the festival kicks off at 12:00 PM. Hundreds of vendors will be on hand serving up everything from food to information, oh, and don't forget the Free Beer being supplied by Hotspots Magazine.

Terry DeCarlo & Bill Huelsman
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Understanding the Southern Baptists

Health advocate that I am, the Southern Baptists' thunderous reaffirmation of straight male privilege at this year's annual convention in Orlando gave me yet another chance to clean my body of a little carbon dioxide with a languorous yawn.

At one time--about 400 years ago--the Baptists were at the cutting edge of social change as they fought for separation from the Roman Catholic Church. But lately, like George Orwell's pigs, their leaders have started to strut like the orthodox popes they once revolted against. The only things missing from Al Mohler's wardrobe are a cape and miter and a ring suitable for kissing.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Gay Games 2002: New Dates & New Leadership

28 Arrested Protesting at Southern Baptist Convention

Bob Kunst: From Anita to AIDS

Related Sites:

Southern Baptist Convention
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Such transmutations are as predictable as the natural cycle of death and rebirth. We needn't worry too much about this denomination in the long run. They'll be facing a new protestant revolt soon enough.

There's a need in any society, I suppose, for groups like the Southern Baptists. Nearly everyone seeks certitude of some kind in a world full of uncertainties: it makes us feel safer. That understandable quest keeps society from breaking down completely. Revolutions come when old certainties are found to be no longer functional.

If some believe that God gave straight human males dominion over everything from sunfish to the sun, so be it. It makes things nice and tidy. Others believe the moon travels the night sky on the back of a turtle. That's neat and orderly, too. You get a warm feeling of peace in holding fast to any philosophy, however immature, ignorant, or delusional--especially if you're a straight man or a turtle.

It's a mistake for gays, lesbians, women and Jews to expend too much anger--or editorial commentary--on this or any other group that says it alone knows the truth. Most Americans don't trust such jive: we revolt at the very idea. So far our democracy has developed relatively adequate safeguards against takeovers by such groups, but of course we have to remain ever vigilant.

Let the Baptists enjoy their house of illusion. It seems to make them happy and keeps them off the streets during underwear nights at the local gay bars. Plus it allows their ministers and theologians the ability to buy $500 suits, which makes all those Asian sweat shop owners happy, too.

As for myself, I think God gave up long ago and moved to Key West to pal around with Jimmy Buffett at Papa Doc's. I know that for a fact: the sunsets are the best. I think I'll join them.

Religious follies never cease to entertain and amuse.

David Williams,
Editor, The Letter

Gay Activist Riles Elian's Miami Relatives with: 'Bravo Janet Reno!'

elian1.jpg - 8.15 K On May 22, I did interviews with Associated Press, the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, ABC-Channel 10, and Hispanic TV.-Channel 23, about the next day's "Bravo Reno Rally". On the day of the rally, I was interviewed by Associated Press and got coverage in 3 stories. Also Reuters, and a Swedish newspaper. Plus WAMI-Channel 69 Independent. in Miami; FOX-Channel 7; Fox Network News; Mexican T.V.; CBS-Channel 4 in Miami; and both Hispanic TVs –Channel 51, and Channel 23. Also Channel 8 which is cable in Miami and also goes to Latin America, and also Miavision T.V. on cable in Miami and also PBS-Channel 2. I also made CNN and CBS network picked up my "Bravo Reno" poster as well as a host of other media I couldn't get to. I also did NPR Radio, and the Miami Beach Sun newspaper.

Bob Kunst, Executive Director,
The Oral Majority
Miami Beach, Florida

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