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Letters to
Gay Today

From Serbia's Gay Activists

serbia.gif - 10.43 K The Campaign Against Homophobia strongly supports the G-8 decision to end the bombing of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), as well as the agreement regarding peaceful solution of Kosovo crisis.

Even though we do not support military measures as a mean of any conflict resolution, we recognize it was a way --no matter how bad--to end Milosevic's regime discrimination against Kosovo Albanians, and provide them with a opportunity to create democratic autonomy in the frame of FRY.

We also hope that the rights of other minor nations in Kosovo will be respected, and that international forces will protect them as well. Once again, we highlight our strong belief that all conflicts in the Modern World must be solved peacefully, with the leading role of United Nations, as well as with the respect of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva Convention and all other relevant international treatments, using only diplomatic and non-violent means for crisis resolutions.

Serbian society now stands at the crossroad of two different paths: one is reconciliation, and democratization of the country, with the full respect of human rights and civic freedom, developing an open and prosperous society; the other is a continuance of the old course of isolation, devastation of all domestic civic institutions and organizations, creation of new conflict areas and destruction of any possibility of democratic progress.

We strongly believe international community must support the first solution, and help establishing a modern, democratic Serbia within the infrastructure of European institutions (such as OSCE and EU).

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Serb & U.S. Activists Meet On-Line

Letters to the Editor

Sexual Recruiting and the Ex-Gay Movement

Related Sites:
60 Minutes
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

In that frame, Campaign Against Homophobia will continue the work on the further development of human rights in general, especially focusing on gay and lesbian rights, as we did so far. All our projects, stopped during the bombing, will now be continued.

We have also planned new, interesting initiatives, particularly supporting intensifying of international cooperation, media visibility and psychological assistance for young gays and lesbians.

We strongly count on your support of further realization of our plans, and hope that you will be with us even more then you used to be during the NATO aggression, helping us to achieve our basic goal--full respect for queer existence in FRY.

I would personally like to thank all of you for your support during these hard days, and to let you know that you are in my thoughts and my heart.

For Campaign Against Homophobia,

Dusan Maljkovic
Executive Coordinator Deputy

Stopping the Foolishness

jesusgaytoday.gif - 10.67 K Jesus is coming soon. You know, the one you hate so much, and when He does he will burn you and your filth to the ground. So if I were you I'd stop the foolishness and repent.

P.S. Gary Bauer for 2000.

George Mann

Ed. Note: No hatred here, only laughter. But thanks for the tip, sweets.
60 Minutes on Gays

I wish I had taken notes tonight - I was on the computer and 60 Minutes was on the telee ... I felt pretty good about myself, but apparently I am something beneath contempt. The gist of the story was the high number of gay teens (but I am sure no teen), the high suicide rate among gay teens, the reaction of parents when told of gayness ... something like l in 4 kicked out of the house, and hysterically ill-informed people making statements like "my son has died" when asked what they thought when they discovered he was gay. They went into all kinds of cures for being gay.

The story was like a kick in the family jewels, only worse. ... I just simply cannot believe this represents the status of gays in the U.S... I thought we had come so far. The ignorance about issues like AIDS was astounding. 60minutescast.jpg - 9.15 K Cast of 60 Minutes

I don't know if 60 Minutes did a balanced piece or not - they were interviewing people from some organization which worked to change the sexual orientation, and claimed a high success rate. I think every gay person should have been insulted by the piece, but I did not have the presence of mind to tape it. It truly sickened me. If you all saw it, what did you think?

T. R.

Editorial Reply: It was balanced enough. Hopefully it will have served to radicalize you a bit.

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