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Letters to
Gay Today

It's Such a Shame She's So What???

leder.jpg - 8.25 K I just read of your Linda Eder experience...I have enjoyed listening to her for years...and have been telling people about her for's great to see her finally getting the recognition she so truly deserves...

Are you aware that almost every song she has ever recorded...with very few exceptions…have been written by her husband Frank Wildhorn?…another amazing talent who is finally getting his due recognition.

Linda truly has an amazing voice...and let me tell you…as one who has seen her sing in person many times.. believe me when I tell you…she sounds EVEN BETTER live...and she has such a sweet, unassuming personality. If you ever get the chance to see her, don't pass it up.
It's such a shame she's so unattractive!!!!!!
The girl has it all!!!!!!
Take care,


Gay Pride Parade Etiquette?

stonenyc5.jpg - 8.52 K I may get slammed for this but I also have a problem with many others who participate in such parades. Those who march with the purpose of displaying their fetishes -- I don't understand the need for this. We fight for the right to love who we wish and say that our sex lives should be of no concern to others... and then put it out there with with an 'in your face' attitude.

If my hetero neighbor likes wearing diapers, leather or high heels...well, I don't need to know about it. And no, I wouldn't want him marching down the street parading around in his fetish gear, either. I don't need to see it. I don't need to know what gets him off. I'm not interested and I'd be disgusted if he insisted on showing me.

If you visit you will see a "fag facts' page that addresses issues such as the gay community's support of NAMBLA. You can enter their chat room and speak to many people who understand that there is a "gay agenda" which involves the acceptance of pedaphiles as "just another lifestyle..."

I've spent a lot of time arguing that there really is no "gay agenda" as defined by such people as Rev. Phelps. I always believed that any "agenda" was simply a movement to gain the SAME rights as heteros. And that while enjoying these SAME rights gays and lesbians would accept the SAME social responsibilities that the hetero community holds.... for the good of all. Am I wrong?

Robert E.

St. Patrick's Bells Didn't Ring After All

A correction. Bells heard by marchers ringing at St. Patrick's Cathedral during NYC Pride and reported by two prominent activists who relayed the faulty information to GayToday, were, in fact, ringing at a nearby church and not at the giant Catholic cathedral.

Members of Dignity conducted a prayer vigil across the street from St. Patrick's during the parade, requesting that the Church open wide its doors to openly gay Catholics.

Brendan Fay as reported to Randolfe Wicker

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Massive Crowds March Through New York City

It's Time: Linda Eder

Quotes & Quips

Related Sites:
Linda Eder: Official Site
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

rickymartin6.jpg - 8.73 K Ricky Martin?

Of course he's gay. I know this for a "fact" My sisters best friend's brother who married the dentist's wife was talking to his hairdresser who heard it from his best client, a blue haired Drag Queen named Midnight. He/She heard it while her hair was drying and the fresh fumes from the perm were just kicking in.


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