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Letters to
Gay Today

Larry Kramer's Memorial Speech

krameraids.jpg - 7.49 K Larry Kramer Poor Larry Kramer: He gives the best and the most inspiring speeches at Memorial services. For years he has been preaching about how AIDS is genocide and how the whole AIDS thing is like the Holocaust and that "they are killing us". But he still "doesn't get it."

A decade ago he was ranting that there were no good drugs for AIDS-- now he has "the best" that the AIDS establishment can offer--and he is still bitching--this time about shitting in his pants.

Doesn't he understand that the famous AIDS "experts" in medical science who he is relying on to save his ass--are the same people that are involved (either actively or passively, either consciously or unconsciously) in "introducing" HIV to the planet, and more specifically to the gay community via the gay hepatitis B experiments (1978-1981).

When Edward Hooper came out with his massive 3-pound tome The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS (1999) and pointed his finger to contaminated vaccines as a possible source of introduction of HIV into Africa, Larry (in his internet postings) was all excited about this earth-shattering revelation. He urged us all to get behind this research and tell the world about it, etc, etc, in typical agitated Kramer style. Then when the postings started hot and heavy regarding the man-made origin of HIV and AIDS --Kramer begged to be taken off the list because he was too busy, or whatever.

Kramer wants to have it both ways -- he want his precious media ties and he wants to be recognized when he telephones the AIDS "greats" at the FDA, the NIH, the NCI, the CDC, etc.--and he wants to be taken seriously by these people. But he knows if he starts seriously talking about the evidence for AIDS as a man-made disease that he will make these people very, very angry -- and he might even be cut off from all those media darlings that print his tearful stuff.

What has Kramer learned from the Holocaust??? The Jews could never totally accept the FACT that the Nazis wanted them all dead--so they "got on the train" that took them to their deaths or imprisonment in those Nazi hell holes.

Larry thinks the people who brought us AIDS are going to save him. But they are not, Larry. They are not. Don't you get it??????

If you want to accomplish something in your remaining years that will help humanity to understand how and why AIDS originated as a man-made disease--take your power position and start to educate yourself and others that AIDS is indeed planned genocide, and that your sickness and death is part of the plan -- not some accident of nature in an African rainforest!!!!

Until you are willing to do this--you will continue to pose no threat to the AIDS establishment. Some of them may shed a tear or two while reading your heart-rendering speeches--but they will go on with their HIV-negative lives--and not really care if you are shitting in your pants, or not. Larry, you are in an excellent position to smell the shit about the origin of AIDS. So, why don't you????

With all good wishes,
Alan Cantwell Jr., MD

HIV-Negative Activism

I am a regular reader of GayToday. I just read Larry Kramer's comments about Stephen's passing. I don't know what to do but sit here and cry. I am one of those HIV-Negative Shits that Larry talks about. I am pledging to myself today to get re-involved.

Regards and thanks for a continuing job well done.

Ron Leikem
Portland, Oregon

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Larry Kramer to Drug Companies: Stop the Mass Genocide

Spoiler Ralph Nader

GOP Convention's Gay Issues Aired Mostly by Protestors

Related Sites:
Poz Magazine

Geffen Records

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Buckcub & Ralph Nader

Buckcub was not very charitable to Ralph Nader, even though I can't argue with his point that only Gore has a chance to defeat the fascists. (I'm not even trying to be half-funny by using that word for our enemies--not any more.) Gore's deficiencies are not minor, however, but major. He is a good example of why the "liberal-moderate" alternative is so anemic in America, so lacking in any real popular base.

Basically, Gore is as much tied in with the big money, corporate politics as the Republicans, and in reality, he is kind of a moderate Republican himself--slightly right-of-center, while Bush represents the far right putting on a moderate act. In eight years, though, the Clinton-Gore faction has given us NAFTA, WTO, welfare "reform" and a tough anti-crime bill. Basically, a good record for a moderate Republican administration, but not one that has the interest of ordinary people at heart. rnader2.jpg - 6.30 K Ralph Nader is running for president under the Green Party. He is currently running ahead of Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan in national polls.

I'm writing this, even though I agree with BuckcuB that a vote for Nader is a wasted vote. This only proves that our system is corrupt and unrepresentative, not that Nader is out to lunch. I'll probably vote for Gore, but without any enthusiasm, just like I voted for Clinton twice, with an equal lack of enthusiasm. If Gore can inspire enough unenthusiastic folks to do the same, he'll be the next president.

Mike McHugh

Is David Geffen Behaving Like Roy Cohn?

About Eminem's 'Dagger' Words /And I'll stab you in the head whether you're a fag or a les . . . /Hate fags? The answer's yes.'' I wonder if Eminem is singing that to his "out" boss David Geffen ( who owns custom browsers by Interscope Geffen A&M.. The companies released an Eminem version ( this summer, and possibly more of artist versions later this year. Eminem

Making money again off bashing us gays. In my opinion David Geffen is in the same kettle of fish as the late Roy Cohn. Is there no decency in Mr. Geffen? I know Geffen contributes to AIDS causes, but where his money comes from is really perverted and sick. What's next, rap songs about gay skin lampshades?

Charles Merrill

Medieval Bloodsports at the GOP Convention

I promised myself I wasn't going to watch the GOP convention, in spite of the fact it's in my hometown. I knew it would only make my angry, and mess with my "borderline" high blood pressure.

Well, I broke down and started watching it. I couldn't help myself. It's like passing a horrible wreck at the side of the road--you don't want to look, but you just HAVE to!

And it has indeed made me angry, far beyond what I expected. First, the overwhelmingly old-WASP-guy convention trots out one after another of what I can only call, in spite of political incorrectness, "token Negroes." Am I supposed to be stupid enough to fall for window dressing like that?

Than the background stories started leaking. The Word had gone forth from high up--there were to be no placards critical of the Democrats, no "Bye Bye Bill" signs, no "Look Homeward, Hillary" banners. This was to be orchestrated as a completely positive event. Negativity, even against the hated Democrats, is not permitted. Doing so would dilute George Dubya's warm, fuzzy nice-guy projection of the Republicans,

The Texas delegation, which threatened to walk out en masse if openly-gay Congressman Kolbe was permitted to speak, had to be both cajoled and appeased and threatened out of their plan at the highest levels of George's campaign. They stayed, But" Good Times" was played loudly over Kolbe's introduction and walk to the podium, to drown out the boos and hisses of these "Big Tent" inclusive Republicans. Sickening. More sickening still that Kolbe knew he was being used as a token sop to gays, and didn't seem to mind.

This convention is a demonstration of how desperately far these folks will go to capture the White House for Bush. Conventioneers spoke openly of compromising their principles in the name of attaining victory. Are we to imagine those principles will stay compromised? Will the mangy GOP lion lay down peacefully with the little gay lamb? Not for long, my friend, not for long. Just long enough to shoehorn George Dubya into the Oval office, and then gay heads will roll.

It's like watching some positively medieval bloodsport -- "The King is dead! Long live the King!" before the old King has actually expired and the new King has proven his claim to the throne. These people aren't the Bush family. They're the Borgia! George Sr. as Alfonso, the fount of the family's wealth and power and political connections. George W. as Cesare, the sneaky opportunist who parlayed his daddy's Papacy into a private princedom for himself. Barbara as the dangerous Lucrezia, pulling powerful strings from behind the scenes, These people are not merely dangerous. They are EVIL. And it is clear they'll orchestrate anything to get thier boy elected,

I can only hope that GayToday will do its part to see that George Dubya is defeated, I simply cannot live through four years of another Bush presidency. I couldn't stand to see him destroy what little Bill Clinton has struggled to maintain of the Great Society and the New Deal. Those and similar programs like Ryan White funding keep folks alive and healthy. We should decline to be murdered in the name of political expediency and hidden issue agendas.

Teddy Snyder

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