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Nepot Depot at the White House

FCC Chairman Michael Powell Republican power brokers-either those who've been appointed by Bush or those catering to him, are watching knowingly as their offspring are handsomely rewarded with top echelon jobs in government.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's son Michael is now Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist-one of the 'Gang of Five' who appointed Bush can happily say that his daughter, Janet, has been appointed Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services.

Another ardent Supreme Court Bush-backer, Antonin Scalia, can now boast that his son, Eugene, has been handed the position of Solicitor General of the Department of Labor.

U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), 98, is proud of his recently-graduated 28-year old son, J. Strom Thurmond, Jr., chosen to become U.S. Attorney for South Carolina.

Another relatively young dude, David, 35, the son of U.S. Senator Jim Bunning (Kentucky-R) has been nominated to be a Federal Judge. True, he's practiced law for ten whole years. But the American Bar Association recommends that such judges have at least twelve years experience. Bush, however, has moved to eliminate American Bar Association guidelines in the making of his judicial choices.

The White House is Nepot Depot.

Renaldo Imaris

The Genoa Globalization Protests Debate

Ted Snyder is welcome to read my article on the Genoa protests, which Jack Nichols kindly published and which plainly states "that street battles are not the best way to hold ruling classes accountable for their own recklessness and their contempt for democracy."

I will not suggest that Snyder should read my article "again" since it is plain he has not read it even once. If he cares to hire himself out as a corporate hatchet man, Snyder should go far in an anti-democratic bipartisan system. Other citizens have the choice to kick the bums out at the polls. This is what I said before, but I'll say it again for the benefit of those so dazzled by GloboCorp advertisements that they've lost the ability to read plain sentences.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Bush's Secret Anti-Gay Bigotry in Flames

Globalization Protester a Hooligan

India: Zealots Close Down Lesbian Movie

Related Sites:
Federal Communications Commission

G8 Protest
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Thomas Scott Tucker

San Francisco's First
South Asian Film Festival,
Qfilmistan, Aug. 31, 2001 - Sept. 2, 2001

Trikone presents QFilmistan, the first South Asian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender film festival in North America, celebrating creative growth and increasing visibility of our community on and off-screen.

South Asian queerness in cinema recently got a boost through films like Deepa Mehta's Fire and Nisha Ganatra's Chutney Popcorn. This festival will feature the seminal works that led to films like those, as well as other exciting works that have released since. Some of the films have shown at different film festivals over the year but this is the first time many of them will be seen together. We are particularly excited to be premiering several new films at this historic festival.

From the word Kyon (or Q) meaning 'Why' in Hindi and Urdu; and Filmistan meaning 'a land of films', QFilmistan seems to ask, "Why is there a need for a focus on films?" While Q (as in Queer) Filmistan answers that question by offering cinema as space to understand the integral role that being Queer has played in shaping all aspects of our experience as South Asians, in the subcontinent and abroad.

The hour-and-a-half long programs of QFilmistan are organized to give the viewers an understanding into five inter-related factors that have shaped the Queer South Asian community's experience : Sex 'N' Fantasy, Travel Log, Family, Icon, and Navel Gazing[/]Nasal Piercings.

QFilmistan offers up a wide variety and genre of films/ videos that will ask QFilmistan? and answer, QFilmistan! These films celebrate, reclaim, explain, and entertain- all while expanding our notions of what constitutes Queer South Asian sensibility and experience!

Films include a first-time ever look at transsexual life in Pakistan, a story of a first kiss in San Francisco, a look at young diasporan second generation South Asian queers, cyber sex, a hijra's story, coming out to your mother on camera, a rumination on jungle boy star Sabu, rock icons like Freddy Mercury, sex fantasies from Toronto, a tapestry of queerness and exile from the Caribbean as well as drag queens in New York and much much more. And of course some landmark clips from the Bollywood film industry with its hidden (and not so hidden) queer subtext.

Filmmakers represented include Pratibha Parmar, Riyad Wadia, Nisha Ganatra, Nish Saran, Ian Iqbal Rashid, Meena Nanji and many exciting up and coming filmmakers. Qfilmistan will happen from August 31, 2001 - September 2, 2001 at the Artists Television Access, 992 Valencia St, San Francisco (at 21st St).

For more information please contact TRIKONE at 415-789-7322

Sandip Roy

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