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Letters to
Gay Today

You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But…

Hurricane Anthony strikes again. Remember how I reported last week that ex-gay kingpin Anthony Falzarano held a press conference where he dissed the Christian Coalition, among others?

Well, seems Anthony presented himself as the head of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (P-FOX), when he actually was fired weeks before.
falzpig.jpg - 9.96 K Anthony Falzarano and friend

Things have gotten so bad in the squabble between Falzarano and P-FOX, that P-FOX's board had to send out a nasty letter telling the world to ignore that angry little man behind the curtain (read the letter online at

The 'ex-gays' and their militant fundamentalist cohorts like to claim that they're all about 'God' and 'love,' but it's becoming more and more clear that they're simply another cut-throat inside-the-beltway political lobby whose ultimate goals are power and money.

With Falzarano's well-known temper, and the big-money religious right groups apparently now gunning for him, stay tuned for more ex-gay shoes to drop soon.

John Aravosis,
The List
Wired Strategies

No One—Including the State—
Should Take a Life

shepelecchair2.jpg - 9.26 K Aaron McKinney risks the death penalty for the horrible homicide of Matthew Shepard, the gay student killed in Laramie, Wy. (U.S.A) on the 9th of October 1998.

It would be a great thing if the general mobilization that occurred for Matt were to repeat itself for his assassins, because homophobia is combated, not with more violence, but with understanding.

Gay and lesbian organizations find themselves fighting daily for the recognition of homosexual rights, therefore they should be first in line to oppose the death penalty, because it's really about the same battle for civility.

It would be an important step if the Gay & Lesbian community, united with other associations of all shapes and forms, and individuals, in order to make a strong stand against such a barbaric act as the death penalty. Because no-one can kill another one, not even in the name of the law.

Sintax Error and MondoQueer are asking you to participate to this initiative. For more information please go to

Thank you,
Luca Balboni - MondoQueer
Flavio Romani - Sintax Error

Hate Doesn't Conquer Hate
—Only Love Does

I have recently spent a lot of time surfing the net looking at hate sites. Why is there so many hate sites, why is there so much hate to be found on the web, yet I can find nothing which supports the union of different groups all coming together as one?

Are there any sites which show "straights, gays, black, white and religious groups, etc" all supporting and respecting/loving each other? Is this an impossible request to ask of people?

Please check out this site (warning:- Much hate towards homosexuals herein)

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Death Penalty in Shepard Case Slammed by Activists

Families of Murdered Men Blast George W. Bush, Jr.

Ex-Gays 'Infuriate' The Family Research Council

Related Sites:
Wired Strategies
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Is the Bible the main trouble maker? Was I fooled into believing that it was written in love but the writers were actually a hate group? There are heaps of links to other hate sites. I believe Freedom of speech should be for the common good, don't you, therefore how can these people legally preach hate? How about Matthew Shephard's family? Can they stop the hate towards them? Extremely upset and depressed about all the hate

Liam A.

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