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Letters to
Gay Today

In Jerry Falwell's & Pat Robertson's State

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This is a link to an article about a gunman who went into the "Backstreet Cafe" killed one man and shot 5 others. He has been caught.

My partner and I were down the street at the club called "The Park" when the shooting took place. We were locked into the bar by local police as a protection from the gunman who was supposedly still wondering the streets at the time.

They were calling it a hate crime at this time. The local press here seems to be ignoring this at present or at least ignoring the gay hatecrime side of the story. The Roanoke Times which is where the article is from seems to be treating this as if it is a typical crime, as you can see no mention is made that this was a gay bar.

Also WDBJ-7 (CBS), WSLS-10 (NBC) & WSET-13 (ABC) seem not to be giving this the attention it deserves at present.

This may also be because this happened late Friday and this is Saturday. Time will tell. I am hoping you all can investigate this more thoroughly and bring it to the attention of your readers.

With the President fighting for Hate Crimes legislation this is more reason that people across the country should know.I haven't heard of anyone walking into a gay bar as of late shooting six people and killing one of them. Please investigate this. I will send more as I find it. I am also sending this to our President as well.

The Colt Man—Roanoke, Virginia, September 23

The Denialist Cliche

I am dismayed to see you repeating the cliche of "denialists." This is dirty politics and should not be used at all. Of course, you understand that this relates to Holocaust deniers and thus those of us who question "AIDS" and "HIV" are relegated by implication to the realm of neo-Nazis. I am really sorry you have done this as your site offers so much otherwise to the gay world.

There is a genuine movement against the orthodox theory regarding the etiology of "AIDS" world wide. I have sent you some of that information. It is based not on just opposition but also in large part on a disillusionment with the general theory of disease which is now taught in our medical schools.

Members of ACT UP/San Francisco, who believe HIV is not the cause of AIDS

"AIDS" is actually a retrogressive movement in the practice of medicine which had already been moving toward multifactorialism prior to the onset of "AIDS." Although that movement toward mutifactorialism has been eclipsed by the "AIDS" war and the resulting propaganda, it nevertheless is still extant.

You are allying yourself with reactionary forces when I have always thought of us as being somewhat always in the avant-garde.

Hoping for better days,

Fred Cline, San Francisco

Holy Mother Church

My name is Ben, and you obviously don't understand the Church's teaching on Homosexuality, OR birth control and abortion. Before you publish something on your website, please look a little deeper than you have into the Church's teachings, and THEN post your opinion.

I am Catholic and very happy with what teachings come from the "Princes of Rome," for our Holy Mother Church is in fact guided by the Holy Spirit, and it is only humans that do wrong. Do you understand the word "understand"?

See if you can understand this: Christ died for EVERYONE (that means you), and with this, I don't understand the advocation of "Piss Christ".. That is just like taking someone who saved you and your family from a house fire, and then putting him in a jar of piss. Would you do that? I wouldn't, but you know, that is just my opinion.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Beheading: A Grisly Murder in Virginia

AIDS Treatment: Answering the Denialists

Vatican Condemns Homosexuality as Intrinsically Evil

Related Sites:
Anti-Violence Project

ACT UP/San Francisco
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

In Christ,
Ben from Louisiana

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