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Letters to
Gay Today

RU-486: Tax Churches that Oppose the Pill

overpop2.gif - 13.02 K This relatively safe and effective form of abortion has been practiced in Western Europe for many years. What a triumph for science that the FDA approved it.

Can you imagine how much simpler it is now, and how more private for the woman who wishes to reject the growth of cells in her womb? Avoidance of pregnancy is best done by sustaining abstinence from heterosexual intercourse. Homosexual sex is superior in this regard, since it is sex as an expression of desire, and maybe of love, free from the side-effect of producing a parasite in the body of the female.

Barring that, chemical or surgical alterations are next best, and the least appealing--condoms.

I say, the folks who kept RU-486 out of the country should bear the cost of raising all the millions of preventable births. I don't want to pay for them. I don't want to adopt them. Tax the churches at a rate of 39% and use the proceeds to house all the unwanted children. And tax parents who breed more than 2 children at a rate of 100% sales tax on all items purchased to feed, clothe and house the extra one. Use the sales tax money to build incentive schools for children from small families.

If you breed a worker's family, three, then you will have them form work teams for the cleaning industry. If you build families of four to six, now you have construction teams. Families of more than six children, these get medals from the state after a lifetime of sex work and then are sterilized.

You know, there are too many people everywhere. Our species will overrun the planet and completely change it, readying it for its next initiation--the initiation to the great fire.

Badpuppy Forums

Neuter the Naughty

I wish I had a dollar for every time I had to hear my mother say she wished abortion had been available to her when she was pregnant with me. And I remember one bitter cold night in New York City when I was waiting in a Bus Stop shelter on 2nd Ave. for a downtown bus. I huddled over a trash can trying to get out of the wind and light a cigarette....and was only inches away from a tiny tiny little frozen hand. It was a newborn baby wrapped in newspaper and dumped in the trash can.

Yesterday, walking in downtown Philadelphia, I saw a small boy, perhaps nine or ten, trying to cover his bruised and swollen face with a cowboy hat and a bandanna, furtively dodging along the sidewalk, probably between beatings.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Overpopulation of Gaia could spell trouble in the future

Family Values & Population: A Reply to the Contraceptive Critics

Pressure Mounts on Boy Scouts to Reverse Anti-Gay Policy

Related Sites:
Rep. Tom Tancero

Scouting for All
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Life is not sacred, or holy, or precious. Life is cheap, and tough, and rotten, and you are lucky if you survive it without becoming cancerously bitter. Any woman who wants to terminate a pregnancy should be allowed to, as easily and effortlessly as possible. It is not a moral issue, or a religious issue, or a matter of right or wrong. It's simple practical biological common sense, we are overburdened with unwanted children, who have miserable childhoods and become miserable adults. We propagate senselessly and without purpose, and most of us should be neutered, like stray animals.

Chances R
Badpuppy Forums

Morale Boosters

What wonderful articles from BuckcuB concerning bigotry and Ms. (Betsy) Hart, plus Jesse Monteagudo's Banned Book Week story. I work in a public library and know exactly what it means to celebrate this week all year long. Your Web site is a real morale booster. I love wearing my Badpuppy tee-shirt. Thanks.

Name withheld
Oklahoma City

Oppose the Scout's Honor Act!

Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado has introduced counter-legislation, currently being referred to as the Scouts Honor Act (H.B. 5306). The bill was introduced along with twenty-three co-sponsors, on Tuesday, September 26, 2000. Rep. Tom Tancredo

According to AFA Director of Governmental Affairs Patrick Trueman, "AFA supports Colorado Rep. Tancredo's, Scouts Honor Act, which prohibits the use of federal funds to discriminate against, investigate, or deny access to public property or facilities to the Boy Scouts of America. In addition, the bill says that no entity that accepts federal funds can compel the Boy Scouts to accept members who do not share their beliefs."

The Scout's Honor Act would protect the BSA who clearly identifies as an organization that discriminates against gay youth and adults and atheists to not be denied access to public facilities or funding. How can we allow our tax dollars to support an organization that professes bigotry against a segment of our society? This is unthinkable and should not be tolerated. Scouting For All asks that you speak out LOUD to oppose this ACT!!!!

Rep.Tancredo feels that if he can get many more sponsors on the bill, the House leadership may bring it to the floor for a vote. Encourage your congressperson not to support the bigoted Scout's Honor Act!

Action Needed

Contact your member of Congress immediately and ask that he or she not support the Scouts Honor Act which is an Act supporting bigotry in our society.

Contact your Representative (with your zip code) by pointing your browser to - -or House Members by name - or House Members by state - or by calling the capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121.

Scouting For All also encourages you to send Rep. Tancredo a note telling him that his actions are disgusting and support bigotry in America. He should be advocating that the BSA discontinue its discriminatory policy against our gay youth and adults and atheists. His actions are a disgrace.

E-Mail Rep. Tancredo:

Scouting for All

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