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Gay Today

Boycott General Motors!

gmkiss.jpg - 7.21 K Recently the Big Two (Ford and General Motors) announced that they were extending health care benefits to partners of employees involved in same sex relationships. This was done to attract potential employees in this day of worker shortages. This extension of benefits was considered, by many, long overdue and was applauded by many human rights and gay rights groups.

For many years Ford Motor Co. has lead the way in hiring and promoting people not based on their sexual orientation but on their ability. This has resulted in many homosexuals being promoted to high profile, prominent positions. Unfortunately, I know too well, General Motors has a lot of catching up to do.

I am a 32-year-old male who has worked my whole career (14 years) as a product designer contracted to GM. I have always been considered a good, efficient employee and have been placed on all the programs, and in the positions, deemed desirable.

Things were going all right until four years ago. At this time a perception arose that I was a homosexual. Quite frankly I'm the type of person who doesn't care how others view me as long as I am comfortable with myself. Anyway, I was there to do a job (which, at the time, I enjoyed) and that's all.

It all started with a handful of co-workers making comments aimed towards me insinuating homosexuality on my part. Once I noticed this going on, I confronted the people involved and requested them to stop this behavior immediately. When they continued I took advantage of GMs' "open-door" policy on this matter. That made things worse!

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Spoiler Ralph Nader

Related Sites:
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Ralph Nader for President
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

My next assignment placed me in a GM facility with about 4000 people in it. Upon arriving there, it was open season on me. Everyone from equals to GM management took part in creating a very hostile work environment. There were multiple incidences taking place daily anywhere from comments to suggested violence toward me. Here are a few examples of what I was subjected to; People I'd never met making derogatory comments in passing. My GM supervisor accelerating and veering his car towards me as I walked through the parking lot. Co-workers motioning to shoot me as I walked past. Sound bytes anonymously sent to play on my computer. My vehicle was "keyed" (twice) while I was at work. And many other occurrences too numerous to mention.

I tried to ignore all that was going on and hoped people would eventually move on to another target. But that never happened. Eventually GM considered me the distraction in the workplace and fired me when I inquired about details of a contract (on morning start time) they wanted everyone to sign.

I was terminated in Oct. '99 and have been black listed since.

My experience has left me scarred and I am a shell of the outgoing person I used to be.

So if you are considering a job with either of the Big Two think before you hire in. My suggestion, think Ford first. And if my story disturbs you, buy Ford first.

Looking for a new career,
Craig Parr

Tunnelvision by Nader

Gore Vidal, during a three hour interview on C-Span's 2 BookNotes, October 1,2000, said he "had gone the third party route before" while supporting Dr. Spock and the People's Party in the 1970s.

Gore noted that he wouldn't vote for Nader because he was very narrow in his focus. Nader, Gore Vidal pointed out, was more concerned with waging his own personal war on General Motors than he was with stopping the War In Vietnam.

vidalcat.jpg - 7.02 K Author Gore Vidal

This is a much more serious shortcoming than Nader's recent dismissal of sexual/sexual orientation politics. It shows a man who ignores a forest fire and concentrates on just one burning tree.

Randy Wicker New York City

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