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Hitler wasn't Gay. He was Grim.

If Hitler was gay...then I don't want to be!

I think we should ask ourselves what it would mean, in any case, to call Adolf Hitler "gay." Do we really want to be THAT "inclusive"?

It's is meaningless to describe him this way, given that he enthusiastically exterminated gays, along with millions of other human beings he imagined to be "inferior." Judge the man by his actions; they speak loud and clear.

For what it's worth, as a professional historian who wrote a dissertation on Nazi war crimes, I doubt very much that Hitler was gay in any case. There is no evidence for it, and tons of evidence against it. It's as much a distortion of history as to write gays out of the picture completely.

But even if he did have a thing for guys--so what?

Michael McHugh

Bush Family's Dirty Secrets

George II signed an executive order intended to allow prevention of the release of twelve year old presidential papers. Is that a surprise?

The Bush family Iran-Contra gang, having succeeded in their coup one a year ago, would prefer not to circulate more information about their insidious covert activities - even now with the propagandistic corporate press stuffed deeply in their pockets - i.e., Gates' MSNBC must be quite happy with the Justice Department - there are still factions in post-contitutional America who are willing to publicize the Reagan-Bush I era's dirty secrets.

Bush and his friends are gorging on the corpse of the American treasury - enriching themselves while hundreds of thousands of workers are thrown out of their jobs. Meanwhile, they are still waving fabrications about Al-Qaida as a pretext for a prolonged war of global conquest.

And the supposed mastermind of September 11, Mohammed Atta, turns out to be connected to CIA through Pakistani intelligence. Is that a surprise? Lee Harvey Oswald redux.


War as a Cover for Greed?

The Presidency of the United States was stolen by those who have no respect for our Constitution!

The right wing of the Republican Party has control of the Executive branch of our Government and is using the Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center as cover. They are destroying the economy and the Bill of Rights.

I urge moderate Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, etc. to band together and bring a halt to the White House demagoguery.

I was born during the Great Depression (1930), lived through WW2, survived the Korean War but today I fear for the survival of The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, a country many of us fought for. "WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TO LATE"

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Who's Who in History's Closet

America: The Incipient Fascist State

The Republicans: Building a Fascist Future

Related Sites:
Nazis and Bush Family History
The Book George W. Bush Doesn't Want You To Read
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Tom T.

Note: My opinion only: If the Reagan papers (Iran/ Contra) are released a lot of not so nice things will come out and put George SR. in a bad light. Tom

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