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Letters to
Gay Today

Nader Traitors

rnader3.jpg - 10.20 K I am having a very hard time with Mr. Nader and his supporters who are apparently not living on this planet, in this country in this time as in a real body-politic. Thank God Gore did a stronger popular vote showing and there will be maybe a tie in the senate. Perhaps a very divided congress and divided political climate will temper some of the damage.

If finally crowned Bush will strike back with vigor and venom against labor. Texas, minimum wage of $3.25-- what an appalling number. Every law regarding pollution, environment, civil rights, choice, labor, will go on the block. Watch Bush undo all of Clinton's executive orders on the national parks and protecting wilderness. They will gear us for all out RR (Ronald Reagan) style war, and perhaps start a major conflict to test all the new toys and get the blood of the patriots flowing. The dug war will triple overnight with even more prison $$$$$'s gushing.

Going to be a wild and terrifying time. Thanks Naderites. Today, I don't think I want any part of your political analysis. Truth in fact , I agree with many of the proposals that Ralph had borrowed from 40 years of progressive politics. But not this--- let's elect Bush strategy and see how bad it gets.

By the way isn't the whole rational of the word green is a ultimate proactive, no , an ultimate advocacy of good environment. Bush was elected by Nader. WHAT respect for the environment that shows.

This is not a good day for me..... GW is by far stupider and lazy than his father or RR, and the payback to the fat cats who elected him will make us all reel. And four short years to make sure it all happens. Don't be surprised by anything. The right wing will extract a heavy price for their money, votes, and silence these past months. A compassionate conservative, what fucked blather.

George Bakan

Thrill Words?

Er... the election is over, and it now appears that Nader did indeed throw the election to Bush. Not something to be crowing about -- unless the words "President Bush" give you a thrill. In which case, congratulations, you Nader voters have helped elect the most fascist president in decades.

Richard Schneider

P.S. Aren't you all suspicious of what's going on in Florida, where Jeb is governor. and the vote mysteriously flipped over to Bush after all the networks had called it for Gore? Weird.
To Last Week's Fundamentalist Bushitter

gwspeak175.jpg - 8.51 K Such perennial stupidity as you display in your letter (GayToday, “Pen Points”, from JE, October 6) tempts me to fly into a rage and smash something, after all, hasn't it been explained to the likes of you over and over seemingly without end and without results? You ask:

“Why are You Afraid of George W. Bush? You folks are very scary. What a bunch of doomsayers.”

And what would you have said to the Jews in 1930? To the Bahai's in Iran? to the Kurds today? When there is a group which obviously despises and seeks to exterminate another, and that group is in a position of too much power, isn't doomsaying only appropriate?

“I have nothing against the gay life but keep it in your own space.”

And what space do you think that is? I'll tell you: the world. The same space you occupy is also ours.

“If George W is elected the world for you is not going to end.”

Not for you, so why should you worry? Already there are hundreds of gays making ready to leave the country if Bush wins. The rest of us will hang in there hoping for the best, and possibly ending up in some "reeducation camp" or forced therapy. I know that sounds extreme now, but such has and continues to happen in the world.

“Many straight people are tired of the gay agenda pushing itself in our schools, community and other places that sex should not enter into. Even the straight sex that is seen in the movies, on TV and everywhere should be severely limited. Our kids don't need this kind of behavior pushed down their throats in the media and in out (sic) schools.”

There's that 'agenda' again, another propaganda tool of the religious nutcases. We no more have an agenda than you do: to simply live our lives as we see fit, just as you do. As for pushing into inappropriate places...well I can see how you can be blind to the fact that you do just that everyday and don't realize it. Every time you identify yourself as Mr. & Mrs., every time you kiss your girlfriend in public, hold hands or hug her. These same activities by us you call "pushing the agenda". And TV is rife with heterosexual imagery, why shouldn't we get our fair share?

“I came to your site to see what is being said so I can expand my horizons and learn,”

And obviously you failed.

“but if what I read is any indication of what is happening in the gay community, chicken little was right "The sky is falling, the sky is falling". Try to have a positive attitude about life people and look beyond your one issue, do we want a liar, cheat, and a man who is as wooden as a post who can't take responsibility for his own actions, to be our next president?”

Do we want a criminal, a born-again Christian, a tool of the Christian extremists and the rich, a person who can't string together an english sentence reliably, a person who knows little of domestic issues and nothing of foreign ones? Certainly not.

"NO, elect someone with family values and MORALS to lead our children to a new tomorrow."

Family values, morals, children. The top three buzz words of the religious right which are increasingly leaving a bad taste in Americas mouths.

"No the gays are not going to be hunted down and killed like you think, but the world does need to look at a bigger picture than what you folks are spouting!"

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Strong Support for Gore from Progressive Political Thinkers

Spoiler Ralph Nader

Why are You Afraid of George W. Bush?

Related Sites:
Ralph Nader

George W. Bush
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Get new glasses. Gays are ALREADY being hunted down and killed, and often times the authorities cover it up or even participate. What will it be like when the word comes down from the top that homophobia is ok? Your 'smile be happy' attitude is just what the extremists need to climb to the top.

Then watch it hit the fan.

Eric Williams,

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