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Letters to
Gay Today

The Abysmal Katherine Harris

The Secretary of State is responsible for the conduct of elections--you can see what an abysmal job Katherine Harris has done - but that's typical of states that have inadequate investments in their infrastructure. Florida needs to raise some taxes.

Katherine Harris represents the worst of American society - a parasitical multi-millionaire crony of her powerful friends spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money on travel junkets while not spending a dime to install reliable voting equipment. She is a public official who cavalierly misses her own deadlines - she was 18 days late in sending out voter instructions, but discovers the importance of deadlines in order to grab an ambassadorship. She deserves every personal and professional attack launched on her, because her mission is to carry out the Republican's desperate grab for power at any cost.

The truth is, the Republicans are terrified that African-Americans, the white and non-white working poor turned out in huge numbers to vote, and the Republicans will do anything to make sure that these votes are not counted. Here is a case where the complete phoniness of their "trust the people" message is illustrated - what they really mean is "trust your powerful friends."

What the world cannot understand is how the most powerful democracy in the world does not have adequate technology, and when that inadequate technology fails, does not trust its people to count ballots - but rather tries desperately to shut down the process. Calling Harris a Soviet commissar was calling a spade a spade - she has no interest in anything but the party line.

I am thrilled that Gore isn't laying down to just take shrill abuse from the Republicans. He said he would fight for us, and he is. The Republicans would have already stolen this election if Gore hadn't fought back. They are continuing the coup they began in their assault on Clinton. Gore's resistance continues to show that there will be every kind of hell to pay if the Republicans stay on this course.

Lastly, let me quote from The Economist, a liberal British journal that endorsed Bush "...the main priority is simply to get it right - to count and recount. That may take longer than either of the candidates (and even some journalists) might find bearable. But it is the right thing to do. The recriminations may never stop - particularly among the Democrats in the Gore camp, should Mr. Bush prevail."

Badpuppy Forums

Which Backstreet Boy is Gay?

Dear Friends: You may find this song to be of interest if you have sound:


Bid for Rosa Parks' Signature

As part of its end of the year fundraising effort, the Kentucky Gay & Lesbian Library and Archives is offering an authentic autograph of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks on Ebay. Starting bid is just $5 but it's expected to attract higher bids before it's over. Although there is no certificate of authenticity accompanying the autograph, it was purchased from a reputable national autograph vendor.

It is one of three autographs currently in our possession but will be auctioning off only one at this time. We are keeping a fourth autograph for our permanent collection.

Proceeds from the auction will go to the Building Fund of the Williams-Nichols Institute, the corporate name for the archives and library.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Strong Support for Gore from Progressive Political Thinkers

GOP Tricks & 13 Media Myths about the Election

On a Florida Beach a Happy Anarchist Dreams

Related Sites:
Gay Backstreet Boy?
Backstreet Boys
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

To find out more, go to, click on Search at the top of the screen, then click on By Seller on the next screen, then look for the box "Seller's User ID" on the next screen and type in louisvilledave and press Enter or Return on your keyboard. The Rosa Parks autograph will be listed on our list along with many other items. Check it out! Thanks.

David Williams, Director

Queer as Promos

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For what it's worth, I received a color brochure from Showtime asking me to sign up (I did) but it was a promo for Queer as Folk, exclusively. I wonder where they got my name and if anybody else got that same promo. It was obviously aimed at the gay community.


Post Election Polls

When chatting with people around town, and my town is a pretty evenly split town (a few weeks ago we went for Gore nationally and sent a conservative Republican to Congress) most folks who are not active politicos are not in any particular rush. They may want Gore or Bush to win in the end, but there is little of the supposed intense frustration that the media & the Republican party are trying to stir up. Nobody around here (except, as mentioned, those folks who hold office or are active members of their respective parties) seems to think that the world will come to an end if both Bush & Gore spend a couple of weeks exhausting legal remedies.

And let's not forget the big national poll last week, where Gore got more votes than Bush by several hundred thousand. Yes, Bush may manage to pull of a win by technicality of the outmoded electoral college, and his little brother & the Florida legislature may invoke a century-old law & declare W the winner, but everybody knows that more Americans voted for Gore than Bush.

Badpuppy Forums

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