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Letters to
Gay Today

Stop Impeachment? That's What I Want!

clinton.gif - 11.79 K The man, this Mr. Clinton, is a self-centered lying ^)$*. I hope he goes down in history as a loser.

The gay "establishment" may support him, but lots of us think he should go. Being associated with this kind of politician is poor publicity for gays and lesbians. Thanks!

Signed, D.C. Kincaid
"Don't blame me, I voted for Perot."

Go Reggie White!

reggiewhite.jpg - 2.50 K I say go Reggie because I also say go Jesus! Reggie is sticking up for the biblical values and what was taught in God's word(the Holy Bible). Homosexuality IS a sin just like telling a lie or stealing or cheating or whatever. But if you don't believe in the word of God then you would never accept Reggies belief. Honey, it's sho' 'nuff tight but it is all soooo right.

jesus2.gif - 20.38 K If you disagree but you believe in the word of God, e-mail me back and I'll let you know what the bible says about homosexuality and the very filthy act. I have a brother that was delivered by God of homosexuality. The bible says we're born in sin and shapened in iniquity. But it doesn't say that we're expected to stay in that sin.

Thanks for your time,

Signed, Sharnita

What Fate Awaits Republican Zealots?

Actually as a long time Democrat, (I do occasionally support a Republican now in then but it will be rare in the future) I am really delighted at what the Republicans are doing. They are just exposing themselves as the hypocrites and partisan politicians they are. It is just so obvious to most of the American Public what they are doing it is really funny. They will be the ones to suffer in the next election, because this fiasco will not be forgotten. It's inevitable that the Right Wing would self-destruct, I am just glad they are not smart enough to realize what they are doing, they are so involved in the feeding frenzy they don't see that it is they who are bleeding.

Signed, Albert L.

A Moderate's View: Sanctimonious Republicans

What IS certain, though, is the outcome for Republicans. They have likely cooked the party goose for a decade to come. The nation as a whole has rejected the rightward tilt of the party, and this will benefit Democrats in the coming several elections.

This may not be so much allegiance to Clinton, most moderates find him every bit as offensive and dishonest as the right does, we're just not obsessed with the guy; he's President, not God, and nothing he's done is uniquely evil or distinct from his recent predecessors in unseemliness or illegality (in my opinion).

The failure of the Republican leadership to have a sense of balance in the investigation and hearings will be remembered for years, regardless of Clinton's misdeeds and lying under oath about matters pertaining to his sexual transgressions. The public has a perspective on this that does not forgive Clinton, it just balances the goods and the bads of his Presidency. Republicans are trying to do something the public clearly opposes, and the sanctimonious pursuit of the guy obviously does not sit well.

The removal of Clinton could portend a return to Democratic control of both houses of Congress, a Democratic President (Gore or other Democrat in 2000), and a rejection of the right that will necessitate a regrouping of the Republican Party under the leadership of a new leader.

lott.gif - 15.49 K Sen. Trent Lott The loss of Gingrich, Lott, Armey and Delay from top roles is inevitable, if Clinton goes, the process could be speeded up by 4-6 years, and that's fine with us moderates who have little faith in Clinton, and little belief that the state of the country's economy is his doing (and not the fortunate byproduct of the business cycle and our preeminent and unique role in the world).

Lastly, if Republicans believe Democrats fear impeachment and/or removal of Clinton, think again. The outcomes are pretty rosy if the perpetual tar baby for Republican abuse is gone. We'll be left with a sound, growing economy, a budget in balance, and the Republicans will be dominated by zealots with no real agenda, no accomplishments, ensuring a shift to center that was portended by the November election results.

Signed, KSL

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Anti-Gay Ad Shows Bigot-Player in Football Uniform
Impeachment Supported by Log Cabin Republican Leader
Pen Points: Oct. 19, 1998
The Politics of Intimacy

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