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Spirit of Bigotry Awards
Announced by Lesbian Avengers

Winners: Senator Trent Lott,
Congressmen Bob Barr & Henry Hyde

Homophobia, Misogyny,
Bigotry & Hypocrisy Earn GOP Credits

Compiled by GayToday

Washington, D. C., Jan. 1-- Lesbian Avengers today announced the recipients of their coveted 1998 Spirit of Bigotry Awards.

lottspam.gif - 18.39 K The Avengers selected Senator Trent Lott to receive "The Hormelli," for outstanding leadership in the area of homophobia. Lott has been instrumental in the battle against James Hormel's appointment as the ambassador to Luxembourg.

When asked how they decided to honor Senator Lott with such an award, Lesbian Avenger Nikki Plaid said, "It was very difficult. There were so many outstanding homophobic performances this year, but Senator Lott rose to the top. His party should be proud."

hydeaward.gif - 7.53 K The second Spirit of Bigotry Award, the Maxi, will be presented to Congressman Henry Hyde for his glorious display of misogyny above and beyond the call of duty.

Not only has Congressman Hyde helped limit the availability of abortions, but he has also gone completely against all logic and helped block funding for contraceptives as well.

The Avengers were also impressed by Congressman Hyde's willingness to testify in defense of the notorious clinic blockader Joseph Scheidler. Scheidler, a close personal friend of Hyde's, was recently one of several individuals sued by NOW for his illegal use of threats and intimidation to close abortion clinics.

The Avengers were particularly taken with Congressman Hyde's ability to disregard his insistence on the absolute sovereignty of the "rule of law" that he defended to the death during the impeachment hearings in order to justify Mr. Scheidler's actions.

Hyde proudly stated that "Moral law can transcend the laws of man Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God." Avenger Karen Taggart was overwhelmed by this hypocrisy.

"That's what solidified it for me--I mean not only does he completely go against every earlier statement he has ever made about the 'rule of law' but for a national representative of a country founded on the basic principle of separation of church and state to describe the rule of God as above the rule of law that kind of action takes real ignorance."

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barrdixie.gif - 6.60 K The third award, the Dixie, will be awarded to newcomer Congressman Bob Barr for his willingness to uphold and promote pre-Civil War family values.

The Avengers admit that it was difficult to pick only one aspect of Barr's 1998 performance to honor. Avenger Jessica Brown explained, "I mean the guy is just an all around asshole. He was the main sponsor of DOMA, yet he's on his third wife.

"He represents one of the states with the highest percentage of Blacks and yet he speaks at a convention of a known white supremacist organization. Add to that his pension for licking whipped cream off the breasts of women and what we have here is a genuine patriot."

Avengers are still observing the details of Representative Bob Livingston's recent behavior for possible recognition. Brown observed, "every time we create an award for him, something new is unveiled and we just can't seem to make up our minds! Way to go Bob! Keep it up!"

The D.C. Avengers will present the awards in the offices of each recipient on January 6, 1998. Each recipient will be presented with an official certificate and, as Plaid described it, "shall we just say an token of our appreciation."

The presenting committee will gather at 1st and Constitution, NE at 2 p.m. and proceed to the first office.
The DC Lesbian Avengers is a non-violent, direct action group focused on issues vital to lesbian survival and visibility.
Hotline: 202/861-1393

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