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Peter Tatchell: Comparing the Bible to Mein Kampf

A Lent Lecture at St. Botolph's Church

ptatchellnew.jpg - 11.62 K Peter Tatchell "The Bible is to gays what Mein Kampf is to Jews", according to London's gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. "It is the theory and practice of Homo Holocaust".

"Nevertheless, the lesbian and gay community must not stoop to the church's inhumanity. We should loathe the sin of homophobia, but love the sinner and strive to deliver them from prejudice and discrimination ".

Tatchell was delivering a Lent lecture at St Botolph's Church, Aldagte.

"For over 1,800 years, the Christian churches followed the murderous incitements of Leviticus 20:13, sponsoring the mass murder of queers.

"We were stoned to death in antiquity, burned alive during the medieval era and, in Britain, hung from gallows until the mid-nineteenth century.

"This slaughter of homosexuals took place with the official blessing of Popes, Cardinals and Archbishops of Canterbury".

Peter Tatchell's Lent talk at St Botolph's, on March 21 was the latest in the series, Ministry & Sexuality in the New Century,organized by Action for Gay and Lesbian Ordination (AGLO), and chaired by Dr Kenneth Leech.

Tatchell was speaking on the theme of "2000 years of church homophobia - time for Christian atonement?".

"The time has come for Christian leaders to apologize for the church-sponsored persecution of lesbian and gay people. Without this gesture of truth and reconciliation, the homosexual community cannot easily forgive 2,000 years of church homophobia", said Tatchell.

Related Articles from the GayToday Archive:
Peter Tatchell: Outrage in Action

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OutRage! London
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"The church has recently marked the Millennium by celebrating 2,000 years of Christianity. But many lesbians and gay men were not celebrating. We were mourning two millennia of Christian prejudice, which has inflicted terrible pain on homosexual people.

"Over the last 2,000 years, church-inspired homophobia has led to hundreds of millions of homosexuals worldwide being rejected and reviled by their families, driven to depression and suicide, discriminated against by anti-gay laws, and condemned to death for sodomy.

"Christian leaders have never expressed any remorse for the church's oppression of queers. The Pope's recent apology for Vatican intolerance made no mention of past Catholic support for murderous anti-homosexual witch-hunts.

"The Archbishop of Canterbury's millennium sermon in January was an opportunity to atone for the genocide inflicted on us, but Dr Carey chose to ignore our suffering.

"When we asked the Archbishop to express his remorse for the church's crimes against queer humanity, he said nothing. In response to our request for an apology to the gay community, Dr Carey remained silent and indifferent. archbishcanterbury.jpg - 8.18 K The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey

"The Christian churches, more than any other institution in British society, have waged an almost ceaseless war against homosexual people.

"It is a war that still continues today. Last year, the Archbishop of Canterbury mobilized the House of Lords to vote down an equal age of consent.

"Now, Cardinal Winning is scaremongering and queer-baiting in a desperate bid to save Section 28.

"Current religious homophobia has its roots in Biblical teaching. Leviticus 20:13 demands that homosexual be put to death.

"The Bible is to gays what Mein Kampf is to Jews. It is the theory and practice of Homo Holocaust.

"For over 1,800 years, the Christian churches followed the murderous incitements of Leviticus 20:13, sponsoring the mass murder of queers.

"We were stoned to death in antiquity, burned alive during the medieval era and, in Britain, hung from gallows until the mid-nineteenth century.

"This slaughter of homosexuals took place with the official blessing of Popes, Cardinals and Archbishops of Canterbury.

"While the church no longer advocates the death penalty for gay lovers, it still preaches a gospel of sexual apartheid, arguing that homosexuality should not be accorded the same moral or legal status as heterosexuality.

"Is not this claim for the moral superiority of heterosexuality analagous to the way the leaders of the Dutch Reformed Church defended white superiority during the apartheid era in South Africa?

"Does it not echo their justification of racial discrimination against black people?

"The Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Winning preach a doctrine of straight supremacism, which is used by them to justify the abuse of queers as second class citizens.

"They provide the moral rationale for the homophobic hate campaign of the Daily Mail. Their opposition to gay equality gives comfort and succour to queer-bashers everywhere
cardwhin.jpg - 11.03 K Cardinal Winning

"While they may disclaim it as their intention, these churchmen incite the prejudice that fuels the violence against our community. They have queer blood on their hands.

"Cardinal Winning, Dr Carey and most of the church hierarchy continue to support discrimination against gay people with regard to the age of consent, marriage, employment, Section 28 and the fostering and adoption of children.

"They say that lesbians and gay men are not entitled to human rights.

"If church leaders advocated similar discrimination against black or Jewish people, there would be a nationwide outcry. They would be shunned and discredited.

"Instead, these apostles of intolerance and unreason are invited to advise the government on the content of the school curriculum.

"In this atmosphere of on-going religious bigotry, it is difficult to show forgiveness - all the more so when the church leaders who have authorised our victimization show no signs of sorrow and regret.

"Nevertheless, the lesbian and gay community must not stoop to the church's inhumanity. We should loathe the sin of homophobia, but love the sinner and strive to deliver them from prejudice and discrimination ", said Tatchell.

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