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100 Candles on RuPaul's Cake

Fierce Drag Diva of Late Night Talk TV

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Don Romesburg
GLAAD Publications Manager

rupaul4.jpg - 12.52 KRuPaul, the fierce drag diva of late night talk TV, soon will conclude the current season of The RuPaul Show on cable's VH1, marking 100 episodes of the often outrageous and funny gabfest.

As of now, VH1 has not renewed the show for another year. Since premiering October 12, 1996, the show has welcomed an eclectic mix of guests, including Cher, Dennis Rodman, Charo, Whoopi Goldberg, Joan Rivers, Nell Carter, Sandra Bernhard and k.d. lang.

The program will finish its current season with three new Wednesday night episodes - on September 9 (super-model Veronica Webb, Gary Coleman and Dionne Warwick), September 16 (Christina "Mommie Dearest" Crawford, Mary Jo Buttafucco and Gloria "I Will Survive" Gaynor) and September 23 (Laura "Gloria" Branigan, and the "Wonder"-ful Lynda Carter).

rupaul2.jpg - 15.59 KThroughout the past two years, The RuPaul Show has seen the host reveal his more fabulous side, with the biting humor of a drag queen, his open expression of his sexual orientation and a strong sense of camp.

But compassion also has been displayed in episodes including one entitled "The Family Show," in which Ru featured footage from his family's reunion and interviewed his three sisters.

That episode was nominated for a 1998 GLAAD Media Award. By continuing to produce and air The RuPaul Show, VH1 has demonstrated a commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and has sent a message saying that its issues are to be openly celebrated and explored.

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The two faces of RuPaul
Through its efforts, television has become more educational, engaging and entertaining.

Please tell VH1 how much you value The RuPaul Show and encourage the network to renew the show.

Also, check out this season's final three episodes.
John Sykes, President, VH1
1515 Broadway, NY, NY 10036
Fax: 212.258.7955,
(write "RuPaul Show" in the subject line)

© 1997-98 BEI