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Paul FR Hamilton: 14-Foot Full Frontal Self-Portraiture

Compiled By GayToday

phamilton2.jpg - 23.88 K British artist Paul FR Hamilton in his piece Comme

Gay British artist Paul FR Hamilton, 26, unwittingly caused chaos at last weekend's prestigious "Living Surfaces" Web design conference, when an enormous image featuring his own erect penis was accidentally displayed to 400+ delegates.

The picture came from Hamilton's infamous "Uncut" Website, an exhibit of "full-frontal self portraiture" which has been attracting a stream of acclaim, awards, stalkers and outraged condemnation since its launch in August 1998.

"There has always been some difficulty in exhibiting these pictures in a fine art context," said the artist today. "The site's been repeatedly banned as pornography by Web hosting companies worldwide.

phamilton1.jpg - 12.50 K This Uncut photo of Hamilton popped up at a British Web design conference "Of course I have no wish to offend anyone. Very clear warnings of its explicit nature are given, and site-blocking software is commonly available now to prevent children, Christians and other vulnerable groups from seeing anything which they might find distressing."

Unfortunately, no such warning was given to the conference delegates at the American Centre for Design, Chicago, before the image was projected. Maverick designer Patric King, addressing them at the time, accepted full responsibility:

"It was an incredibly embarrassing accident," said King. "I was delivering my speech, discussing societal reflections of mass technology... as an illustration I was demonstrating the way I've used my own site as a personal forum.

"One section of my site showcases all kinds of artwork--including a lot of Paul's, because I think it's some of the most scintillating and intelligent erotic photography out there - but obviously I had absolutely no intention of displaying it during my speech. I just clicked a link without thinking and suddenly there it was... one of the most explicit ones, too... projected fourteen feet high.

"I almost fainted. Quite a few delegates walked out, though some just giggled."

Paul Hamilton comments, "Luckily it hasn't ended Patric's career or emotionally scarred him, we've actually become friends as a result. Since no real damage was done, I find the incident hilarious. I just wish I could have been there."

He insists though that he has no desire to be controversial:

"Given the prevalence of outright porn on the Web, it never occurred to me that I'd cause any fuss with pictures which even my death-threatening critics recognize as 'art'.

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"I really gave no thought to the effect my work might have on people outside of the gay community... I don't ever try to be outrageous or shocking or offensive, I just make pictures that I consider beautiful. They're on the Web so that an appropriate audience can access them, I'm not thrusting them in Jesse Helms' face.

"'Uncut' has caused a lot of trouble, but only when it's fallen into the hands of people who I never intended to see it. I'm just glad that this time it wasn't directly my fault. The last disaster was a press release I wrote this Spring for Magic Mirror, a collaborative fine art show with my American partner Howard DesChenes, which accidentally outed him to his mother.

"I was visiting at the time, supposedly as just a friend--his parents still thought he had a girlfriend. His mother suddenly phoned him out of the blue to say that she'd seen 'Uncut', and was he gay too?

"It was a nightmare. In the end, though, Howard and I work so well together, and the exhibition was so phenomenally successful, that she couldn't really insist I was a bad influence. We get on OK now, she calls me her 'other small obnoxious child' and complains I don't eat enough.

phamilton3.jpg - 7.29 K Hamilton's Moth "I've certainly learned my lesson and toned things down a bit over the last year. Howard and I are having a go at being semi-respectable artists, no full-frontal nudity, though the homoeroticism of our imagery remains fairly obvious.

"My long-term goal is still to make really outstandingly beautiful gay porn, but I've put that on hold for a while and am trying to behave.

"My most recent site 'light[squared]' features photoshoots of gay escorts offset by dead animals and psychedelic shrimps, so hopefully on balance it won't offend anyone."

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