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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Mormon Marriage Meddlers

mormontemple2.jpg - 8.86 K Another irony is that the Mormon Church has been a huge financial backer of the Knight Initiative. This is a church that has had its own problems with definitions of marriage, and in the past suffered violence and prejudice because of those definitions.

Who are they to get on a high horse when polygamy is still winked at in Utah?

Rob Morse—" Oh, come on, you right-wingers"-- San Francisco Examiner, January 26

Savage Germ Warfare

This week in Salon, syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage wrote of his undercover stint with the Gary Bauer campaign in Iowa. While lying in a Des Moines hotel room suffering from the flu, Savage caught the candidate on TV speaking out against gay marriage.

dansavage2.jpg - 4.35 K That did it. The openly gay Savage decided his mission was clear: "Get close enough to Bauer to give him the flu, which, if I am successful, will lay him flat just before the New Hampshire primary."

Savage regales readers with tales of coughing on everything in the Bauer office, even licking doorknobs when nobody was looking. He sucked on a pen he later handed to the candidate.

Rod Dreher—" Snotty Little Germ Spreads Liberal Hate"-- New York Post, January 28

Salon's Generals Convene

bauer2000.gif - 12.17 K On Tuesday, Salon published a highly controversial story by Seattle sex columnist Dan Savage on his attempt to hobble Gary Bauer's campaign by infecting the right-wing candidate and his staff with the flu. Savage's piece provoked a flood of outraged letters to the editor. This weekend, we will publish a selection of those letters and an explanation of our decision to run the piece.

Salon Magazine, January 28

Renouncing Germ Warfare

We still believe publishing the article was the right choice, but we also feel compelled to say: We didn't assign Savage to infect Bauer. We don't condone or endorse what he says he did.

Salon Magazine, January 29

Limits to What Can Be Done with an Oscar

Last week's City of Angels episode – in which a gay man visited the emergency room with an awards statue jammed up his rectum – has drawn flack from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

Michael Starr—The Starr Report—"Angels' attack"-- New York Post, January 27

whoopie.jpg - 5.92 K What can Whoppie do with Oscar?

Excommunicating NAMBLA

NAMBLA is not a homosexual organization, however, as Mr. Goepfert implies. Nothing could be further from the truth. NAMBLA is an organization of pedophiles (people who are primarily sexually aroused by children). Pedophilia and homosexuality are independent and unrelated conditions…One needs only to talk with any hideously overburdened DSS child protective services worker to find that the epidemic of domestic violence and child abuse, committed mostly by heterosexuals, is a much greater threat to our society than the recognition of loving, committed partners, whatever their sexual orientation.

Rick Helms—President of the North Carolina Association for Management and Treatment of Sex Offenders—"Letters"--Charlotte Observer, January 26

advocatejtt.jpg - 18.17 K Since He Was 8 Years Old

Over the years I've worked with so many smart, funny, talented gay people, and I just don't think about it. They're my friends.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas—"Uncommonly Grounded" Interview by Dennis Hensley, The Advocate, February 1

No Lavender Cards, Just Green Ones

For most people, you can fall in love with someone, marry them and they can get a green card within days. I know (binational same-sex) couples that have been in relationships 15 years and are forced to separate or leave the country.

Lesbian and gay people have always been ready to go for the challenges of being in a relationship with someone else, with the added challenge of having none of the support, goodies, reinforcement, or significant financial reward that married people get in this culture.

Tim Miller--Performance artist who battled for gay rights at Laguna Art Museum last weekend—Orange County Register, January 28

wcohen.jpg - 8.46 K Believing isn't the Same as Knowing

We believe that the approach we have taken is balanced and appropriate…We believe that this policy has worked and will continue to work. We need to improve upon it as far as the harassment aspect.

William Cohen, U.S. Secretary of Defense—speaking at a news conference with British Defense Secretary, Geoff Hoon whose troops are sexually integrated, January 27

GayDar is in the Eye of the Beholder

As a woman who has self-identified as a lesbian since her teens – and one who has spent the better part of her adult life working within the lesbian and gay community – I have a secret for all of you: "Gaydar" isn't as reliable as it would seem. And in the cultural climate we now inhabit, the intersection of comments such as John McCain's with issues of gender and sexuality can't be so easily determined.

Cathy Renna—"How Do We Know They're Gay?"-- Washington Post, January 29

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