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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

A Grammy for Eminem?

eminem4.jpg - 7.17 K Giving an award to the homophobic, misogynist, violence spewing Eminem, for being a great musical artist, is like giving an award to Hitler for being a great housepainter. Art cannot be separated from politics. Spewing songs about killing, raping, mutilating and destroying people is not art. I can understand Eminem. He is sick, and therefore the media's and publics new millennium version of what used to be billed as the grotesque and revolting circus side show. But I can't understand the reviewers who defend him. I suppose "au courant" are two words which have become more important than "Never Again." Hate always sells, but look at the price.

Robin Tyler--pioneering activist, February 1

India's Earthquake

It is exhilarating to be able to see the Lord's wrath in action. The Almighty is obviously fed up with folks walking around worshiping cows instead of Jesus.

Pastor Deacon Fred--Landover Baptist Church--"God Kicks Off End Times Killing Spree with Indian Earthquake"

Mass Murderer: George W. Bush

gwsmoke.jpg - 6.70 K Will George W. Bush find it in him to resist the drug companies? To lead a great American campaign to get treatment for the HIV and AIDS sufferers around the world?…The example of the abortion gag rule gives little hope. There, in the name of life, he imposed a policy that will produce more death: terrible death.

Anthony Lewis--"Bush and AIDS"--New York Times, February 3

A Honeymoon Minus the Sex

George W. Bush isn't just getting a honeymoon in Washington; it's an outright love affair. The Inaugural Address--quick, can you remember a single line two weeks later?--was "the most eloquent speech in the last 40 years of Inaurgural Addresses," said the talking head on MSNBC. Mr. Bush has a "seductive talent for listening" says the L.A. Times. He hooks Democrats with "the gaze into the eye, the back clap," says the Washington Post. Even the new president's punctuality has been a source of rapture--ah!, that old Mussolini touch!--not to mention those cowboy boots, those winks, those gags. He's our "nicknamer in chief," cheers Newsweek.

Frank Rich--"Charm School Graduate in Chief"--New York Times, February 3

Job Interviewee: Ashcroft Told a Whopper

ashcroftchircoaltion.jpg - 6.16 K At no time was I contacted by the "anti-Ashcroft campaign" -- or anyone else for that matter -- and encouraged to speak out on this subject. Ashcroft defenders have tried to picture this incident as part of a campaign to smear him as homophobic, but it is certainly not that in my case. I believe presidents should be able to have Cabinet members of their choosing, and I would not disqualify someone for holding Ashcroft's views on gay people, even though I do not share them. My concern is truth-telling. I only came forward after Ashcroft said something I knew was not true.

Paul Offner-- "I Was Not Part of an 'Anti-Ashcroft Campaign' "--Letters-- Washington Post, February 3

Hunters Posing as Macho Men

Each year the data shows that hunters shoot 42 million mourning doves, 30 million squirrels, 28 million quail, 25 million rabbits, 20 million pheasants, 14 million ducks, 6 million deer, and thousands of geese, bears, moose, elk, antelopes, swans, cougars, turkeys, wolves, foxes, coyotes, bobcats…for the fun of it…It is also estimated that for every animal a hunter kills and recovers, at least two wounded and unrecovered animals die slowly and painfully of blood loss, infections or starvation.

Helen S. Filkins--"Letters"--Florida Today, January 28

It's a Burger King World

The centralized purchasing decisions of the large (fast food) restaurant chains and their demand for standardized products have given a handful of coporations an unprecedented degree of power over the nation's food supply..the basic thinking behind fast food has become the operating system of today's retail ecomomy.

Eric Schlosser--Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, Houghton Mifflin, 2001

No Shit, Sherlock!

If you and your partner are concealing important things about yourselves from each other, your relationship is not destined to be close.

Jon P. Bloch, Ph.D.--author: Finding Your Leading Man: How to Create Male-to-Male Intimacy And Make Your Relationship a Blockbuster,

St. Martin's Press, 2000
stiffed.jpg - 22.45 K 'No Man at All'

There was something almost absurd about these men struggling, week after week, to recognize themselves as dominators when they were so clearly dominated, done in by the world…their every day experience was of feeling controlled-- a feeling they had no way of expressing because to reveal it was less than masculine, would make each of them in fact "no man at all."

Susan Faludi--Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man--Perennial, an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2000

Dare to be Different?

The writing on the wall became the headlines on the media when the likes of this John Ashcroft gets elected by a partisan body to a very high and influential office as affects civil rights. This is no accident…Conservative isolationism begins with the policing of the people into complete fear and submission. Dare to be different? Not if you know what's good for you!

Rich Schiff--Greenwich Village Gazette, February 2

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