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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Environmental Carnage

Bush has turned Christie Whitman into the Toulouse-Lautrec of his administration.

Mark Shields—“Capital Gang”—CNN, March 17

What Happened to Old Fashioned Disco?

Mark the calendar for Monday, April 2, for it's time again for "Super Disco Bingo."…For five years, drag queen Daisy Mae has hosted Disco Bingo. Every Monday night at Rehab, the swank front lounge of Circuit Nightclub, 3641 N. Halsted, in Chicago, Daisy Mae holds court over a crowd of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight folk, all gathered to play Bingo and have a great time. Men and women (and everything in between) join in the fun. Bachelorette parties mix just fine with gay men on dates, with everyone using their "Audience Response Cards," to make sure they participate correctly in this communal party.

Press Release-- March 13

Village People's Glenn Hughes:
'Bury Me in Leather'

The Group's original biker, who died March 4, had kept in touch with 35,000 fans via e-mail…Glenn Hughes, the original biker of the Village People, lived for the disco group he joined 24 years ago, even requesting to be buried in his leather costume, friends said Tuesday (March 13).—

Virtue, Art and the YMCA

The great artists of the world are never Puritans, and seldom respectable. No virtuous man--that is, virtuous in the Y.M.C.A. sense--has ever painted a picture worth looking at, or written a symphony worth hearing, or a book worth reading.

Henry Louis Mencken—A Mencken Chrestomathy, Vintage Books

A Rosie Scenario

Rosie O'Donnell is out of the closet -- and happy about it. The big-hearted talk-show titan has never made a secret of her sexuality, say pals, but she's never shouted that she's a lesbian from the rooftops, either…Now, Rosie has been outed officially by New York Magazine and she's saying "What's the big deal?" to pals. The 38-year-old Queen of Nice shrugged her shoulders when she heard that the magazine was including her in a special edition entitled Gay Life Now.

The Globe—“Rosie O: Gay and Proud”, March 20

So Many Christians, So Few Lions

A campaign aimed at attracting homosexual tourists to Cape Town - billed as an international holiday destination for gays - has sparked a backlash among religious groups…Thousands of Christians will gather at Newlands rugby ground in South Africa's gay capital on Wednesday, Human Rights Day, to pray for a sin-free city and an end to this official promotion of a town already ranked fifth in the world as a venue for gay travelers.

Karen Macgregor-- Faiths unite to fight gay invasion of Cape Town”— The Independent, London, March 18

Stock Market Blues

We need a new program called 'Who used to be a Millionaire?'

Margaret Carlson—“Capital Gang”, CNN, March 17

GOP Sex Morality gets Tiresome

I am tired of talking about sex. This is a monumental waste of time and taxpayer's dollars.

Rep. Alice Miller--D-Shaftsbury (Vermont)—responding to a 12-hour debate in the Vermont legislature during which Republicans have attempted to repeal the state's same-sex civil unions law.—Rutland Herald, March 16

Oscar for Dubya

kunstgopconv.jpg - 11.42 K We want to nominate Bush for an Oscar--Best Performance in a Coup… We want stars who have said that they are part of this movement, the Alec Baldwins of the industry, to join us on camera. The response [to earlier protests] has been overwhelmingly positive, even in backwoods Southern towns, where we get......many more thumbs-up than middle fingers.

Bob Kunst—quoted in Johnny Angel's column in L.A. Weekly
Mugabe Once Thanked Peter Tatchell

mugabe.jpg - 6.05 K When Robert Mugabe publicly thanked (gay activist) Peter Tatchell for his contribution to the Zimbabwean struggle four years ago, little did he know that soon he would not be speaking to him…In fact, that their relationship would break down so badly that Tatchell would soon be stalking his former hero— trying to arrest him. In the 1970s Tatchell had marched alongside young Zimbabwean firebrands like Didymus Mutasa, who later became Speaker of Parliament, and Chen Chimutengwende, who became information minister. He also raised funds to buy medical kits for ZANU guerrillas fighting against Ian Smith's racist government.

Financial Gazette--(South Africa), March 15—

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