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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Allen Ginsberg's Spontaneous Mind

ginsbergspontaeous.gif - 3.94 K ''Life should be ecstasy,'' Ginsberg says here, and poetry, he implies, should be life. His poetics was shaped by an adolescent encounter with Williams and Pound, their rejection of what he called the metronomic ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum of iambic pentameter for the flexible, complex rhythms of everyday speech. As informed by his later discovery of Buddhist meditation practice, this recognition led to the idea of poetry as breath, an emanation of the body as much as of the mind (one reason he gave, and attended, so many readings). Indeed, Buddhism taught him to eschew rationality in favor of ''ordinary'' or ''spontaneous'' mind, the vast sea of consciousness upon which our concepts and categories, anxieties and prohibitions, float like so much junk. Hence Ginsberg's compositional method, the moment-by-moment transcription of thoughts and images as they passed across his mind.

William Deresiewicz—“First Thought, Best Thought”—a review of Spontaneous Mind: Selected Interviews 1958-1996 of Allen Ginsberg, edited by David Carter, New York Times Book Reviews, April 8

What Turns On a Bio Cock?

The next event being hosted by the Stop AIDS Project of San Francisco with its $231,750 subsidy from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for HIV prevention is Tuesday, April 10. The Stop AIDS Project will be holding a Tranny Fag forum at the Eros Sex Club and the theme is "More About Dick." As you can see from the listing captured at the Stop AIDS Project web site, this forum is "another opportunity to explore what turns bio cocks on."

I honestly do not know what a "bio cock" is, but thanks to CDC funding, I will learn all about "bio cock" when I attend this forum. I am most excited about participating in the "'hands on' exploration" that is part of the forum.

Frankly, I don't know if I have ever had sexual relations with a female-to-male transgender person, but I just may one day engage in sex with such a person and thanks to the CDC and its partner the Stop AIDS Project, I will know what excites a "bio cock" and how to not spread HIV.

It makes me happy to know the federal government is subsidizing this Tranny Fag event. I hope you will not only continue funding the Stop AIDS Project's HIV prevention programs like this one, but that you increase the amount of money for these programs. Since the San Francisco department of public health believes it needs additional federal grants to duplicate and increase such HIV prevention efforts, you can rest assured when you send more CDC money to San Francisco, those dollars will be used to organize more Tranny Fag forums at one of our fine sex clubs.

Michael Petrelis—in an April 7 letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson

Like All of Us

When people hear transgender or transsexual or transvestite, they think it's all about some wild new way that they can have their sexual experience, when in the end it has a lot less to do with sexual appetite or preference, and more to do with your soul. This husband and wife, yes, they're two separate people, but their souls bonded years before. My character maybe cannot pull off the sex change; he may end his life if he cannot do it with his mate because, like all of us, he needs acceptance, he needs love. If you don't have that, then what's the use?

Beau Bridges—quoted by Hugh Hart—“ It's a Transgender Thing” in his review of a new play "Looking for Normal," by Jane Anderson, in which Bridges stars-- Los Angeles Times, April 8

Make the Pie Higher By George W. Bush

I think we all agree
The past is over.

This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
Become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pant leg of opportunity.
I know that the human being
And the fish can coexist.

Families is where our nation finds hope
Where our wings take dream.
Put food on your family!

Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize Society!
Make the pie higher!
Make the pie higher!
Major league.

Richard Thompson arranged these actual quotes from George W. Bush for the Washington Post

Moon Over The Miami Herald

As we bend over for a photo op, we'll have "No More Bushit" stickers around our backsides and then film it for our video and to send out photos with.

Since the "Oscars", our need to do a little "Hollywood" is showing and we thank Jack Nichols of who is a star in his own right for offering this strategy he once used on another newspaper.

Bob Kunst—Oral Majority's chair in a widely circulated planning memo about his plan to hoist an anally oriented protest at the Miami Herald

Not So Swift in Massachusetts

I don't believe in extending marriage benefits to same-sex couples…I'm not even sure there are any civil union bills floating around. There won't be one coming from me.

Jane Swift--Acting Governor of Massachusetts quoted by Cosmo Macero Jr.--“Swift ready to do battle: Takes stance vs. gay marriages”--Boston Herald, April 7

Dearest Dear Abby

Regardless of what you call it, your landmark civil union law is sensible and forward-thinking. I wish other states would follow your lead and allow same-sex couples who wish to be officially committed to each other the privilege of doing so. It poses no threat to "traditional" marriages and promotes responsibility and accountability between the partners.

Dear Abby—in a response to Vermont's John F. Campbell, Senator Windsor County, Clerk Senate Judiciary Committee—Syndicated column, April 6

A Mt. Airy-Head High School Grad?

A member of the Church of the Open Door in Westminster, and a 1956 graduate of Mount Airy High School, Haines said he thinks the bill only grants "special rights" to homosexuals. Like many of his Republican colleagues in the Senate, he thinks homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and is not determined by genetics. And he bemoans the fact that open homosexuality has become more open…When he was in high school, he said, "gay" was simply a word that meant "happy." Or, it also was the name of a student a year ahead of him in high school.

Patrick Walters—“ Gay-rights bill survives filibuster attempt” describing Maryland's Carroll County Republican Sen. Larry E. Haines— Carroll County Times, March 28

Prime Time TV Today

Turn on prime-time TV today, and you're likely to surf across about a dozen shows that feature significant gay characters -- from Spin City to ER. Or perhaps you'll land on one of the three programs that center on the lives of homosexuals, two of which have debuted in the last six months (CBS's sitcom Some of My Best Friends and Showtime's sexually explicit Queer as Folk…That number could grow next season when at least two more sitcoms with gay lead characters will likely hit the air, including a new one starring Ellen DeGeneres, who also starred in Ellen.

Kim Campbell— "Gays on prime time"-- Christian Science Monitor, April 6

Reasons for Gay Teen Suicides

My fight to live the life I want, and I see it in my gay friends' lives, is so hard. My parents refuse to accept me. Their religion comes before me. I feel like they don't care about how I feel. It really gets lonely. My parents have told me if I live this lifestyle they would rather be dead. They told me that they wish that I was never born. I've run away several times, I've used drugs to satisfy my needs for love, but the drugs became overwhelming. I really need someone to talk to. Next school year I'm going back to my old school where everyone knows I'm gay. It's gonna be so hard. All of this pressure has drove me over the wall to where life seems meaningless. I'm so confused. I'm on so much medication for depression and anxiety, I've been to mental institutions for suicide. It's just the confusion that is getting to me. I'm trapped in a room with windows and doors, but they're all locked and barred.

E-mail message posted by a 17-year-old boy; edited for space (from Bagley & Tremblay 1997a) and quoted in “Suicide & Homosexual Teens-- What Can Biology Teachers Do To Help?” by Mike U. Smith, Mary Ann Drake American Biology Teacher, March issue

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