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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Easter with the Clones of the Future

cloneman1.jpg - 9.36 K Hopefully, they will be singing new hymns with titles like: "Stem Cells Are Flowers From Heaven" "When The Clones Go Marching In" "Glory Be! His Spirit Is Cloned In Me!" and other wondrous moving songs...

Randolfe Wicker-- founder of Clone Rights United Front, the world's first pro-human cloning activist organization, April 21

Political Panderer is a Better Person?

"The meeting was a wide-ranging discussion on issues. I'm a better person for the meeting. I enjoyed it. ... I welcome gay Americans into my campaign. I want the Republicans, conservative Republicans to understand we judge people based upon their heart and soul, that's what the campaign is about. And while we disagree on gay marriage for example, we agree on a lot of other issues and it's important for people to hear that. ... These are individuals who've got interesting stories to tell and it's important for the next president to listen to people's real-life stories. These are people from our neighborhoods, people with whom all of us went to school, people who generally care about America, and I appreciate them sharing their stories with me. And I'm mindful that we're all God's children."

George W. Bush--Republican presidential candidate, April 13 in Austin, Texas, after a much-delayed meeting with gay Republicans

Naked in Queensland?

On the Gold Coast, police on motorised tricycles plough through the dunes of an environmental reserve looking for nudists and warning beachgoers wearing bathers not to disrobe. A spokeswoman for the Minister for Police, Mr Tom Barton, said a 1931 law, the Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Act, which bans public nudity, was under review.

Greg Roberts—“Indecent Obsession Hits Nudists” Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, April 22

Liz' First Award

It's the first award I've received from a gay organization and I'm honored and just tickled. ... All of my life I've spent a lot of time with gay men -- Montgomery Clift, Jimmy Dean, Rock Hudson -- who are my colleagues, coworkers, confidantes, my closest friends, but I never thought of who they slept with! They were just the people I loved. I could never understand why they couldn't be afforded the same rights and protections as all of the rest of us. There is no gay agenda, it's a human agenda.

Elizabeth Taylor—at The GLAAD Awards, quoted in The Wockner Wire, #89,

Hillary Rodham Clinton Hails Elizabeth Taylor

hillary1.jpg - 6.92 K Elizabeth is a legend, a star who has made us laugh and cry and think hard for years. But she's also shown us not only the best of entertainment but the best of humanity. By word and example she has taught us that an injustice toward any of us is an injustice toward of all of us. ... Congratulations on this well-deserved award.

Hillary Rodham Clinton—Candidate for the New York Senate—in a video tribute to Elizabeth Taylor—quoted by Rex Wockner in GayToday, April 24

Renegade Baptist Kindergarten Teacher

It was disgusting!…That woman made no attempt to distinguish between boys' activities and girls' activities. She had them all performing the same tasks. Is it any wonder several of our young people over the years have had sexual identity crises? They all stem from that devil's liberal teachings.

Landover Baptist Church--“Perverted Teacher Turns Kindergarten Into Homosexual Training Camp!”

Zimbabwe's Homophobic & Racist President Mugabe

The sinister feature, rather, is the president's role in the current campaign. He “regrets” the deaths, but he supports the takeovers in which they happen, calling white farmers “the enemy of the state”. Above all he refuses to condemn the violence unequivocally and have it stopped.

The Economist—“At Risk in Africa”, April 22

Family Values at the Trash Bin

In Georgia, under a bill overwhelmingly approved by the state House, women would be allowed to leave unwanted newborns at hospitals as an alternative to leaving babies in trash bins, bathroom stalls or other places…Sponsors of the bill say the measure would save infants who would otherwise be left to die.

Holly Robertson— “Abandoned Baby Epidemic Grows” Florida Today, March 5

Unsettling and Undermining the Status Quo

I don't countenance violence, but I do support thought's disruptiveness— The shock of speech, the capacity of art to undermine and unsettle. Wilde: "Art is the most intense mode of Individualism the world has known. I am inclined to say that it is the only real mode of Individualism the world has known."

Wayne Koestenbaum—Cleavage: Essays on Sex, Stars, and Aesthetics Ballantine Books, May 2000

After a Woman is Injured

I think they need to be in front of a judge…That behavior is not acceptable and their actions should have consequences.

Hank Wilson--Survive AIDS member addresses the disruptive behavior of dissident AIDS denialists in ACT UP-SF at an AIDS treatment meeting— “More violence from ACT UP/SF”--Bay Area Reporter, April 20

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