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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Nearby Chemical Plants

There's been a bonus for chemical industry donors since Bush became President. ^Newsnight learned he's quietly RESTRICTING public access to estimates of the number of people who will burn or die in case of a catastrophic explosion near these plants.

Greg Palast-Reporting for BBC-TV's Newsnight, May 17

Some Straights
Can Go Gay, Study Says

Dr. Horace Queen, a psychiatrist at Boston's Mass Genital Hospital who led the study, said he cannot estimate what percentage of highly motivated straight people can change their sexual orientation...But he said the research "shows some people can change from straight to gay, and we ought to acknowledge that." Queen defined "highly motivated straight people" as men and women who wanted to improve their wardrobes and have more frequent sex.

Jen Dohr Bender--, SF Gate parody "Some Straights Can Go Gay, Study Says,"--SF Gate

The 'Little Pill' Murders

It is hard to believe that even in this civilized country there are women who opt to take a little pill which will literally choke their tiny babies to death before they even have a chance to begin. Personally, I find this practice as despicable as an abortion. Why, they may as well just take a coat hanger and poke around their privates. And I imagine that you have even met some of these women. On the appearance they can seem as sweet as the anyone from your Sunday school class. But in reality they are putting on a face because they are partial birth murderers and harlots. The next time the woman at Neiman's smiles at you when she hands you your receipt you need to stop and wonder; Is she smiling at you because she is a Christian or because she knows she will be going home later on and having sexual relations with her husband for recreation and not procreation.

Sister Taffy-"Daily Blessings"

Conservative Christian Bullies Protest

A bill aimed at curtailing bullying and harassment in schools stalled out in the Legislature after Christian conservatives complained that it amounted to a gay rights measure. The bill would have require school districts to set up policies against harassment, bullying and intimidation, and would have ordered the state to develop a model policy as a guide. It also would have required districts to train employees and volunteers in the prevention of bullying.

Angela Galloway-"Anti-bullying vote blocked in Olympia"-Seattle Post Intelligencer-May 1

Australian Atheists Would Welcome Archbishop Pell

Atheism is dynamic and able to change with the times. If a deity or deities appeared before me tomorrow, I would happily re-evaluate my position…Atheism is diverse. Subscribers are welcome regardless of their gender, nationality or marital status (even blatant heterosexuals are allowed to sign up). Atheism is supportive. When faced with painful existential questions about what happens after death, I turn to my atheist friends, who say: "Absolutely no idea. Care for some original sin?"

Emma Tom-" Come in George, atheists accept anyone"-The Australian, May 19

How to Spend Your Tax Cut?

If you're in the middle class, Bush and the Republicans want you to take the meager tax cut they're promising and turn it over to the oil and gas companies--the same ones that are already making millions from the high gas prices…Bush said last week that the solution to high gas prices for average Americans was for them to use the money from the tax cut and spend it at the pump.
"Remember the Tax Cut Bush Promised You?"

Macho Madness

If you showed any sign of caring, it was seen as a sign of weakness. If you were the least bit concerned about the civilians, you were considered pathetic, definitely not a man.

Michael Bernhardt-A Vietnam vet who exposed his American military unit which conducted the infamous My Lai massacre-quoted in Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Male, by Susan Faludi--pages 351-52

Whose Big Salary?

Thanks for reporting on the Florida Power and Light CEO's annual salary and bonus--$36.7 million. I assume that Mr. James Broadhead will gladly chip in to defray those rising costs on our energy bills…Is there really an energy crisis that requires such rising costs? Or are the Bush-backed energy companies claiming there's a crisis so that their CEO's can pocket even bigger bonuses?…In beleaguered California, just before P.G.&E. filed for bankruptcy and left the entire state facing energy bills running twice as high, the CEO's in that energy company received a whopping $50 million in bonuses. Is there something wrong with that picture? …I'm sure that these energy bosses must live in gated communities. Otherwise, it would seem, they'd be getting the same kind of treatment that Dr. Frankenstein got from crowds of angry peasants following his creation of a monster.

Jack Nichols-"Is U.S. Energy Crisis for Real?
"-Florida Today, April 23

Are Stigmas Sportsmanlike?

Being a gay male athlete is still the strongest taboo in sports, especially big-time male team sports…While a handful of individual-sport athletes like decathlete Tom Waddel or diver Greg Louganis have admitted their homosexuality, former NFL running back Dave Kopay (in 1975) and former Giants offensive guard Roy Simmons (in 1992) remain the only other male team sport athletes who outed themselves besides (Billy) Bean.

Johnette Howard-" The stigma remains a fact of life for gay athletes"--The Sporting News, May 18

Cheaters in the Bush Administration

Personally, if I have to choose, I prefer people who cheat on their wives to people who cheat on their kids…We are entitled to be worried. Because there are no breaks here. But guess what? There is a wall. Several, actually. They are called the bond market, the allies and the world at large. And if these guys keep going in the radical directions they are going, at the speed they are traveling, they are going to hit something real hard. Normally, I wouldn't mind. It would serve them right-except we're all in the back seat.

Thomas L. Freidman
"Foreign Affairs-A Perfect Storm"-New York Times, May 18

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