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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Frozen Futures

fatherlondon.gif - 12.09 K The homosexual couple who returned to Britain from America with their twin daughters had them baptized at their local Anglican church yesterday. Tony Barlow and Barrie Drewitt said they may consider having more children. Mr Drewitt, 31, said: "We don't rule it out. We have some 24 embryos still on ice."

The Times of London-- “Gay Fathers Have Twins Baptized”—May 15

Performance Art & Anarchism

Things are funny in threes: the father, son, the Holy Ghost. The executive, the legislative, the judicial.

Holly Hughes—“Preaching to the Perverted”—Presented by Performance Space 122 at 150 First Avenue at Ninth Street in New York City's East Village

Wise Realizations from a Macho Mayor

rudydeniro.jpg - 7.77 KI used to think the core of me was politics…When you feel your mortality and your humanity you realize that, that the core of you is being able to take care of your health…You realize you're not superman and you're just a human being.

New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani—quoted in the New York Times, May 20

E-mail Regrets

The Moving Finger writes; and having writ Moves on; nor all thy piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line, Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.

Omar Khayyam— Persian poet, --The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 12th Century

Log Cabin Republicans Are Saying:

lcrbig.jpg - 13.61 K Mayor Giuliani is a fighter, a champion and a courageous leader, and our hearts and prayers are with him now when he needs it the most. We hope for a quick and total recovery, and we will stand with Mayor Giuliani now and in the future.

James Wagstaff-- President of Log Cabin Republicans of New York City, Press Release, May 19

News from Heaven:
Archangels Already Sick Of Cardinal O'Connor Telling Them How They Do It In New York

Heaven--Less than two weeks after his passage into God's Eternal Kingdom, Cardinal John O'Connor is already irritating the Archangels with his constant talk of Heaven's lack of facilities, culture, and cosmopolitanism compared to New York City, his former place of residence.

The Onion--- Current Issue
Southern Baptists Tell How the Catholic Cardinal Died

cardinaloconnor.jpg - 11.54 K On May 3, 2000, another Mary-lover was called to Hell. While the death of an unsaved Catholic is never cause for sorrow, this one at least accepted God's hatred of those who sin. What a shame the leader of the Archdiocese of New York didn't accept the Bible's demands that He accept Christ as his only Lord and Savior and forgo the worship of idols and mortals.

John O'Connor began his tenure as the nation's leading incense-burner 16 years ago. He immediately began preaching condemnation of sinners and the subjugation of women, leading many Southern Baptists to believe he might one day see the light and reject the Catholic cult. But, alas, he died an 80-year-old Hell-bound mackarel-snapper.

Landover Baptist Church—“Despite His Hating the Right People, Cardinal Called to Hell”—

Buckle Your Stun Belts…Its Going to be a Bumpy Ride

The-United States appeared Wednesday, May 10 in front of the United Nations Convention Against Torture in Geneva in its first appearance before the body since ratifying the convention six years ago. The human rights group Amnesty International filed a 45-page report with the UN committee that documented specific cases where the U.S. has violated the international pact

Kate Randall—“Amnesty International Condemns USA for Torture”—Greenwich Village Gazette, May 20

What Testosterone Injections Did for Andrew Sullivan

asullivanbloa.jpg - 34.23 K My dog ran off the leash to forage for a chicken bone left in my local park. The more I chased her, the more she ran. By the time I retrieved her, the bone had been consumed, and I gave her a sharp tap on her rear end. "Don't smack your dog!" yelled a burly guy a few yards away. What I found myself yelling back at him is not printable in this magazine, but I have never used that language in public before, let alone bellow it at the top of my voice. He shouted back and within seconds I was actually close to hitting him. He backed down and slunk off. I strutted home, chest puffed up, contrite beagle dragged sheepishly behind me.

Andrew Sullivan—"The HE Hormone"—The New York Times Magazine, April 2

sisterroma.jpg - 13.89 K Divine Hope Eternal

Resurrection Bingo will take place on the first Thursday of each month.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence—Announcing the introduction of monthly games in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood.

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