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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Leaving W's Daughter
Out of the News

Jenna Bush's Federally Protected Wetlands Now Open For Public Drilling

The Onion- "News" headline--

Coors Beer Pride?

"A political movement simply can't have corporate sponsorship," says Sarah Schulman, an author and lesbian activist who stopped attending pride parades a few years ago when she saw a Coors beer float pass by.

Ronald Alsop-"Commercialism at Gay Pride Parade Causes Alienation Among Activists"- Wall Street Journal

Circumcise Yourself!

For steps 3 and 4, click to

Seal your commitment to God by cutting off part of your penis! It's easy to do. All you need is a kitchen knife and a can of Crisco!


Heroes and Heroines among Librarians

"We're not making any comment on the morality of homosexuality or the nature of homosexuality," said Chip Ward, assistant director for Salt Lake City's libraries. "We're simply recognizing we have gay citizens. They pay taxes. We're committed to serving them as we would any other part of the population." …But to librarians, the display is about more than just doing their jobs. They also cling to, and defend, the First Amendment.

Rebecca Walsh-" 'Gay Display' Stirs Library Debate"-The Salt Lake Tribune, June 22

Staining the Senate

Passed by a vote of 51-49, Helms' amendment last week to the education bill would strip federal funds from schools that deny meeting spaces to Boy Scout troops because of the Boy Scouts' antigay policies. As it looks now, the amendment may not become part of the final version of the education bill because of the hard work of gay-supportive senators like Barbara Boxer (D-CA). But as The New York Times noted in an editorial, "the measure has stained the Senate" with bigotry; many senators attacked gays and lesbians viciously during five hours of debate.

Michelangelo Signorile-" Bono-fide Arrogance"-- , June 21

Poor and Pre-Judged

The hatred I experienced growing up poor seemed to me remarkably similar to what I experienced growing up a dyke, and I couldn't imagine everyone didn't see it that way. But then, I still can't believe there are gay Republicans.

Dorothy Allison-"Speaking Trash to Power"-Interview by Amber Hollibaugh with Ben Silverbush- The Village Voice, June 20-26


The term "religious freedom" evidently means nothing to the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles. Nancy Zins learned this last October after she was refused the right to purchase two license plates - one for her car and one for her husband's car - that bear Scripture verses. The specialty plates were to read: "ROMANS5" and "ROMANS8." The passages speak of acquiring peace and joy through faith in Jesus Christ. Mrs. Zins says the New Testament passages have given her and her husband - a pastor - great comfort through the years. Attorneys for the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute announced this week that they have appealed to the Washington County Superior Court to reverse the decision of the Vermont DMV denying permission for the plates bearing a religious message to Mrs. Zins on the grounds that the plates' message might be offensive or confusing.

Jerry Falwell-- Jerry Falwell Confidential, June 21

Washington D.C. Commission
on Human Rights

In a long-awaited ruling issued Wednesday night, a panel of three commissioners found that the two men "were subjected to humiliation, embarrassment and indignity" when the Boy Scouts revoked their membership in 1992. They ordered the Boy Scouts and the National Capital Area Council to admit both men -- Michael Geller, 39, and Roland Pool, 40 -- as adult members, to pay each $50,000 in compensatory damages and to pay the men's attorney fees.

Sewell Chan-"D.C. Panel Reinstates Two Gay Adult Scouts" -Washington Post, June 22

Don Johnson in the Straight Pride Parade?

I think I hear the sound of their chant as the parade comes down the street from that hotbed of heterosexual activism, City Hall. "We're straight, it's great, whatever you are is OK, too."…That handsome man in the yellow convertible and the man-tan? He used to be somebody. That's right, it's Don Johnson, a famous het-about-town, now settled down as a restaurant owner and father of a young child. He's living in syndication.

Rob Morse-" A place where opposites attract"-San Francisco Chronicle, June 22

Logic ala Jesse Helms

…words dripped from his lips in that familiar North Carolina drawl: School officials, under the sway of ''radical militants,'' were hellbent on punishing the Boy Scouts for their stand against gays… The amendment, Helms said, ''would for once and for all put a complete end to the arrogant treatment being directed by various school districts across the nation at the Boy Scouts of America.''

Scott S. Greenberger and Globe Staff-"Helms's remarks surprise Acton Officials: No bias against Scouts"-Boston Globe, June 22

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