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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Curses on the Entrapment Prosecutor

bmirkin2.jpg - 7.25 K Regarding the AP story about the case against me being dropped, here are a few observations which you are welcome to pass along… The story is for the most part accurate, but does contain some significant omissions. The most minor of these involves my "cursing" at the prosecutor.

The incident occurred when Assistant District Attorney Perry Sims tried to interrupt my lawyer in the midst of an interview with the media. I lost my cool and shouted, "Lay off, you fucking liar!" He did indeed respond, in his most righteous tone: "Thank you very much, Mr. Mirken," and stormed out of the courtroom.

Bruce Mirken to GayTodayJuly 7

dmiller.jpg - 6.74 K Elizabeth's Bob Dole: Campaigning?

Bob Dole…walking naked through Times Square carrying a sign: "Stay Hard. Ask Me How."

Dennis Miller—HBO, July 9

Life Expectancy in South Africa

The life expectancy of the average South African was expected to drop from 60 to 40 years by 2008 as a result of AIDS mortality, the Department of Welfare and Population Development said Friday.

Xinhua-- July 9

AIDS in China

The number of Chinese infected by the virus that causes AIDS has climbed past 400,000, a state-run newspaper reported, citing Health Ministry sources.

About two-thirds of the people infected with HIV are drug addicts living in rural areas, although the number of sexually transmitted cases is increasing, the Yangcheng Evening News said in a report seen Friday in Beijing. It said some 83 percent of HIV carriers were men and that more than half were in their twenties.

CNN-- July 10

Let Them Groan

asandler2.jpg - 6.47 K A kiss is just a kiss—except when it's a gay lip lock in an Adam Sandler flick. Early on in the comedian's latest laughfest, Big Daddy, two of his character's seemingly straight lawyer buddies (Peter Dante and Allen Covert) share a pretty intense goodbye smooch at a party. That tongue action is causing some straights to groan…

The Advocate—"The Buzz", July 20

Comforting Internet Population Statistics

Computer Economics projects that the worldwide gay and lesbian Internet population will increase from 9.2 million users in 1999 to 17.1 million users in 2005.

Over the next five years, the Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America regions will be home to the largest groups of gay and lesbian Internet users.

"Web-based marketers need to get a clue. This is a significant market segment that cannot be ignored and certainly not alienated," said Computer Economics vice president of research, Michael Erbschloe.

Business Wire--July 9

Family Values Pedophiles

In the July 7, 1999 edition of the Family Research Council's (FRC) publication Culture Facts, there is yet another insinuation that gays are pedophiles--this is a common theme among militant fundamentalists. Ironically, and sadly, the threat to small children seems to come not from gay Americans, but from family values pedophiles.

According to the Indianapolis Star News on May 15, 1999, one of the leaders of the Christian right's battle to ban gay adoption in Indiana is himself an admitted pedophile. And what's worse, he successfully won a court battle to refuse custody of a little nine-year-old girl to a gay couple--he got custody of the girl himself--and then proceeded to sexually abuse the child. According to newspaper reports, during the gay adoption custody battle, the militant fundamentalist pedophile and his wife "described themselves as Christians and emphasized the importance of raising children in a traditional family setting."

John Aravosis—"The List"--Wired Strategies, July 9

Elton: No Anaesthetic for a 'Normal Lifestyle' ?

ejohn2.jpg - 6.34 K Sir Elton John has left hospital following surgery to fit a heart pacemaker saying he hopes to resume a "normal lifestyle".

The singer, 52, had the operation without general anaesthetic on Friday after tests revealed he had an irregular heartbeat.

BBC On-Line News, July 10

Breaking Wind

windmill3.jpg - 8.90 K Energy Secretary Bill Richardson says he will announce Monday a plan to produce 5 percent of the nation's electricity from wind by 2020, up from one-tenth of 1 percent now. Under the plan, the Federal Government, the nation's largest electricity customer, would rely on wind for 5 percent of its use by 2010.

"We think that wind technology has the most potential of any renewable energy technology right now," Mr. Richardson said…

Matthew L. Wald—"U.S. Aims to Have 5% of Electricity from Wind by 2020"—New York Times, June 20

West Hollywood is Safe Sex City

The West Hollywood city council -- overriding its own city staff & human services commission's recommendation -- voted 3 to 2 Tuesday to instruct staff to draft a plan for mandatory condom distribution in the city's "high risk" bars, nightclubs and adult establishments.

Council also voted unanimously to adopt the staff and human services commission's recommendation to increase the total number of condoms the city distributes …to 250,000 -- up from 36,000 -- as part of a stepped up AIDS prevention effort.

PR Newswire—July 9

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