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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Elton: Fleeced by a First Love

ejohn2.jpg - 6.34 K As far as I'm concerned John Reid's a liar and a cheat… It all started in Atlanta a couple of years ago. I'd been with John for 28 years – five of them in a personal relationship. He was my first love…I figured out something was wrong so I asked my lawyer, Frank Presland, who's been with me for 18 years, to take a look at my finances. It was the first time I'd asked for an audit in all those years. I didn't know how much money I had. And what did we find? The biggest mess you can imagine. There were literally dozens of horrendous deals. It was a total mess and very alarming. I estimate £ 20 million had gone.

Elton John—"Fleeced—Elton Tells: My Lying Cheat Manager Cost Me £ 20"—The Mirror, July 16

Are Heterosexuals Really the Little Guys?

kevindean2.jpg - 10.43 K An investigation into the size of male sex organs reveals that homosexuals are generally better endowed than heterosexuals.

This is a study done by the Kinsey Institute and researchers say there may be some relationship between innate sexual orientation tendencies and the size of genitalia.

Dr. Dean--Sexual Orientation, July 1999

Perfect Baptist Love for Gays and Lesbians

I found out something about perfect love that casts out fear. In our case, fear cast out perfect love.

Rev. Jimmy Allen—Ex-president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1971-1979)—"Former Baptist Leader Seeks a Dialogue with Gay Church"—Los Angeles Times, July 17

Another Archbishop: Another Ignoramus Zealot

dignity2.jpg - 7.19 K I therefore believe that, as pastors, we cannot in good conscience support Dignity or encourage our people to become involved with its activities.

Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput—"Priests warned on gay meet" Denver Post, July 17

ringersol.jpg - 7.09 K Robert Ingersoll Bishops & Liars

I don't believe in calling a man a liar simply because he's a bishop. It's bad enough to call a man a bishop.

Robert G. Ingersoll—Ingersoll the Magnificent, edited by Joseph Lewis

The Vatican's Mistake

The Vatican made a huge mistake. Once they paid attention to the book, everybody paid attention.

Lorenzo Ruggiero--Editor & Chief of Kaos, a Milan publishing house responsible for "Gone with the Wind in the Vatican" a new expose of Vatican intrigues, money scandals and sex offenses. "Tell All Book Creates Furor at Vatican"-- New York Times, July 17

Corpus Christi Turns Up In Edinburgh

leatherjesus.gif - 19.87 K I urge people not to judge the play before seeing it…Some will be offended by the very fact that it suggests Jesus and some of his disciples were gay. But it's really about hate crimes and it is not anti-Christian. The show preaches fellowship, love, care, sensitivity and tolerance.

Stephen Billington— "'Jesus is Gay' Play at Fringe" The Independent newspaper— July 17

Rock Lyrics I'll Censor, You Folks I Won't

All people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be able to be a part of a loving relationship in a family without fear of recrimination or discrimination.

Tipper Gore—July 15--Addressing a $150,000 fundraiser in Washington, D.C. sponsored by Gays & Lesbians for Gore

They Work for the Oligarchy

How can some scientists still deny global warming?

Gale E. Christianson—"Naysayers, Thriving in the Heat"—The New York Times, July 8

In a Sane World We Would Be Subsidizing…

A story finally getting some attention is the hideous case of the U.S. trade representative trying to force African countries NOT to manufacture cheap generic substitutes for the drugs used to treat AIDS.

Our government's object is to protect the profits of multinational drug companies. Obviously, practically no one in Africa, where the disease is rampant, can afford the $15,000 a year that the drug companies now charge for the full AIDS "cocktail." And 85 percent of all AIDS sufferers live in Third World countries. In a sane world, we would be subsidizing the manufacture of generic substitutes for AIDS drugs.

Molly Ivins— "We need a little public service from drug companies" Star Telegram, July 14

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