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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

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They say that Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian and that--apparently she likes Bush.

Bill Maher—on CNN's Larry King Live, August 4

Dick Cheney's Perpetually Angry Wife

Dick Cheney's perpetually angry wife, Lynne, predictably became the only big-name Republican in the entire convention to go off-script. That moment occurred last Sunday morning when, in an interview on ABC, Cokie Roberts said to her, “You have a daughter who has now declared that she is openly gay.” Lynne Cheney snapped back, “Mary has never declared such a thing,” and then chastised Ms. Roberts for bringing the subject up. “I am simply not going to talk about (my daughters') personal lives,” Mrs. Cheney barked, cowing Ms. Roberts into retreat.

Frank Rich—“The GOP's Age of Acquarius”—New York Times, August 5

Republican Leader Dick Armey
Strikes Again

armey.gif - 7.57 K According to an account published by Cox News Service, humor columnist Dave Barry approached Armey at a cocktail party following the Republican National Convention session on Wednesday and asked: "Are you really Dick Armey?" Armey replied: "Yes, I am Dick Armey. And if there is a dick army, Barney Frank would want to join up."

The Washington Post—“Armey Upsets Gays With Off-Color Joke”—August 5

'Compassionate Conservatism' & Convention Police

Guards, police, and administrators continue to attack protestors in jail, seeking to demoralize and divide. Recently released prisoners have reported eyewitness accounts of widespread abuse that can only be described as torture. There are numerous accounts of arrestees who have been isolated, verbally abused, punched, kicked, thrown against walls, bloodied, and dragged naked across floors, in one instance through a "trash trough" containing refuse, spittle and urine.

There has been a reported sexual assault by a female officer who pulled and twisted a prisoner's penis. Seven witnesses saw one woman dragged naked and bleeding. Diabetics, epileptics, and asthmatics continue to be denied medication. Trauma and psychological stress are evident.

Paul Davis, from ACT UP Philadelphia, reports his eyewitness accounts of brutality inside the Philadelphia jail. "I saw a man handcuffed to his cell door in a crucifixion position. He groaned and bellowed for 20 minutes that they were using metal handcuffs to smash his hands. I heard women screaming and being dragged along the floor. I saw a woman screaming in pain as a police officer said, "You want more?! You want more?!"

Act Up Philadelphia—Press Release, August 4

Oily Business Deals

gwbushsmile2.jpg - 6.38 K Don't lie, don't cheat, and don't talk about it if you ever did it, and don't let pleasures of the flesh sway you from the important things in life, like making business deals.

Oh, and on that subject, I don't believe God frowns on a good old-fashioned business deal. If you make good money, the good Lord doesn't mind as long as you tithe. If you have to play a little power politics with people in the process, that's not so bad, because you're really doing them a favor. It's a good old-fashioned character-builder.

George W. Bush—Republican Presidential Candidate— addressing the Louisville anti-gay Christian men's group, The Promise Keepers on July 29--“The Grain of Salt”—Louisville Eccentric Observer, August 2

Over the Rainbow

The University of Hawaii is changing the nickname of its sports teams from the Rainbow Warriors to Warriors. The school is also scrapping its rainbow logo, which dates back to 1923…"That logo really put a stigma on our program at times in regards to its part of the gay community, their flags and so forth," Hawaii Athletic Director Hugh Yoshida told KGMB television.

David Teel—“Homophobia is rife in the world of sports”-- Austin American-Statesman, August 6

What We Always Knew

The priesthood of the 21st century will likely be perceived as a predominantly gay profession. Vicars of priests and seminary administrators, who have been around a while, speak among themselves of the disproportionate number of gay men that populate our seminaries and presbyterates. Studies find that approximately half of American priests and seminarians are homosexually oriented ... the percentage appears to be highest among priests under 40.

Father Donald Cozzens--author of The Changing Face of the Priesthood and president-rector and professor of pastoral theology at St Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology--The Sunday Age, August 5

Traditional Family Values Down Under

A few years ago, the idea of raising children without getting married would have met with widespread disapproval, but today, about a half of all Australians see nothing wrong with it. The fastest-growing family type is the single-parent family – up from one in eight of all families 10 years ago to more than one in five today. More than 1 million children under age 15 are now being raised by just one parent (usually mum – lone-father households make up only one in eight of all single-parent families). One projection by the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests that in 20 years, one-third of pre-school age children could be living with just one parent…There has also been an increase in recent years in the number of step-families (4 per cent of the total) and blended families, where both partners bring children from previous relationships into the new family home (3 per cent). ..Together with the increase in the number of single-parent families, this means that more than a quarter of children under the age of 18 are today living apart from biological parents.

Peter Saunders—“A Question of Families”-- The Weekend Australian, August 6

Bingo! A Size Queen's Bonanza

sisters.jpg - 28.20 K You might not consider yourself a size queen, but when you play for prizes, size matters. After the enormous debut success of Resurrection Bingo, we've increased the size of the prize pool by 10%. We've also got pull tabs that allow you to win up to $50 instantly, the O69 Bonus, Balcony Bingo Bonus and the Good Neighbor Bingo Bonus.

Sisters of Perpetual

Crossing the Church-State Divide

A Philadelphia pastor may have violated federal tax law by endorsing George W. Bush from the pulpit of his church during the Republican National Convention last night, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

During the convention, the Rev. Herbert Lusk of Greater Exodus Baptist Church was brought into the convention hall via satellite hookup. Lusk, speaking from his church in North Philadelphia, addressed the cheering delegates and said, "We are supporting Gov. Bush, and we are supporting him because we know that he understands that we must give faith a chance."

Later Lusk added, "Mr. Bush, we are praying for you. Keep the faith. We love you. And we love you because we know that you have a testimony."

In a letter to Charles O. Rossotti, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Americans United Executive Director Barry W. Lynn requested an investigation into the matter.

Americans United for Separation of Church & State— Press Release, August 1

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