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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Dissident Journalists

Some of these dissident journalists were blown off course by what was almost always formidable opposition. They were smashed on the rocks of tradition, and they faded from the public eye and mind. They were a speck, an oddity, and item of ephemera on history's rarefied scrolls…But other of these spirited revolutionaries proved strong enough, single-minded enough, and fortunate enough to witness the new thought or new approach that they championed rise from a ripple to a wave to a universal force that swept away all their enemies and succeeded in becoming part of the American consciousness…When that happened, they changed the world.

Rodger Streitmatter, Ph.D.-"Introduction"-Voices of Revolution: The Dissident Press in America-to be published in September by Columbia University Press

Respecting Life after Birth

When I start seeing conservatives showing respect for all human life -- regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, geographical location, criminal convictions, or anything else -- I might be able to work up a little enthusiasm for their reverence for fetal life.

Harley Sorensen-"How About Respecting Life After Birth, Right to Lifers?"-SF Gate, August 13

About What Do Religions Agree?

Our trouble is that the ONLY thing religions can agree on is their fear and hatred of homosexuals. They can't agree on who is god, how to baptize, on slavery or no slavery, where women are on the totem pole, or if wine is a god's blood or just wine, etc. The only solution is separation of church and state.

Billy Glover-Homosexual Information Center, August 7

Variety's Editor in Chief a Bigot?

Peter Bart, the editor in chief of Variety and one of the most powerful journalists in Hollywood was suspended today because of derogatory comments about blacks, Jews and gays that were attributed to him in a magazine article…Phone calls left at Mr. Bart's office were not returned.

Bernard Weintraub-"Editor in Chief of Variety Is Suspended"-New York Times, August 18

Bush the Orator

Mr. Bush has been at his weakest in using the bully pulpit. He has a way of looking small and out of place when he speaks in public-like a schoolboy who has been put on the podium by mistake.

Lexington-"A Republican Sex Change"-The Economist, August 11

Melissa Shines Brightly Solo

She is back on her feet after a rough breakup with longtime partner Julie Cypher (as revealed in Etheridge's new CD, ''Skin''), and she fed off the crowd's energy in a night that felt like a healing ceremony…Etheridge stuck to music for most of the night, but the highs and lows of her relationship with Cypher fed into the evening like an electric current. "Down to One,'' a poignant new song from ''Skin,'' had Etheridge singing, ''Where do I go now that I'm down to one? ... Sooner or later we all end up walking alone.''

Steve Morse-"Etheridge burns bright in solo show"-- Boston Globe, August 18

Inevitable Concessions on Stem Cell Research

Though Mr. Bush said he wouldn't change his mind, they (scientists) predict that if the 60 stem cell lines aren't accessible or scientifically useful, the political pressure from patients' advocacy groups and Congress will force inevitable concessions from the White House.

Frank Rich-"The Genius of George W. Bush"-New York Times, August 18

Fight Club

Get bumped and bruised all you want at the Brawlers' Fight Club NYC, a monthly event at the Manhole Mens' Club, featuring wrestling, grappling, gut punching, and everything but reconciling with your famous daughter. The motto? "If you got the balls, we got the space!" And indeed, the cozy basement-dotted with guys in their underwear paddling and massaging each other, in that order-is centered around a mat, on which some serious antagonism is worked ou.

Michael Musto-- "La Dolce Musto"-The Village Voice, August 15

Freedom Doesn't Guarantee Comfort

Now freedom is an idea we must hold in our hearts, but at the same time we need to understand that if we desire it we must be ready to face all the risks that destruction involves, all the risks of destroying the constituted order we are living under. Freedom is not a concept to cradle ourselves in, in the hope that improvements will develop independently of our real capacity to intervene.

Alfredo M. Bonanno-The Anarchist Tension-Elephant Editions, BM Elephant, London

History of the South: Up Close and Inside

From up close and very much from the inside, James T. Sears, in Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones, presents us with a fascinating, marvelously detailed, meticulously and extensively researched and compiled, highly structured, wonderfully personalized picture of the early post-Stonewall, southern gay scene as the ferment spreading from Greenwich Village starting in 1969 engulfed the South…Now turn the page and read about it.

Franklin E. Kameny, Ph.D.-"Foreword"-- Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South (Rutger's University Press)

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