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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

The GOP Idea of Inclusion

How do Republicans practice inclusion? Their candidates are from two different oil companies.

Rob Reiner—on CNN, August 15
The Gentrification of West Hollywood

West Hollywood has a spiritual connection for gays and lesbians. and people are wondering if folks are not being subtly told, 'This is not your neighborhood anymore,' if the city is detaching itself from its proletarian roots and attaching itself more to posh consumerism. We're calling ourselves East Beverly Hills. (laughs)

Mark Haile—Special Events Coordinator at A Different Light Bookstore, West Hollywood, California—“Boystown at the Crossroads”—Los Angeles Times, August 18

Liza to Do Hip Op

Troubled diva Liza Minnelli has shed more than 4 1/2 stones in four months to undergo a vital op. The 54-year-old entertainer, who had ballooned to more than 14 stones, desperately needs hip replacement and spinal fusion surgery. But doctors told her they were not prepared to operate until she trimmed down to at least 10 stones.

Glasgow Daily Record & Sunday Mail—“Liza Slims for Vital Hip Op”—August 20

Alabama is A-OK

The only bad reaction he's gotten here has been from national reporters, White said, who've asked if any crosses have been burned in his yard.

''That bothers me because their impression of Alabama is (worse) than it really is,'' he said. ''I really believe that the majority of Alabamians believe everyone should be treated the same.''

John Aderson— on David White, Alabama's singular gay delegate at the Democratic National Convention—“ Gay delegate waves banner for Alabama”-- The Huntsville Times, August 17

Mary Cheney:
'She's Here, She's Queer—Now What?'

mcheney2.jpg - 12.46 K If Al Gore had a daughter who was an active member of an anti-Semitic group, we'd surely find it ironic and newsworthy.

John Curley--Assistant Managing Editor, News Desk Story, San Francisco Chronicle replies to critics of a Chronicle headline about the openly lesbian daughter of Republican anti-gay candidate, Dick Cheney. The headline read: “She's Here, She's Queer. Now What?” —August 20

Wake Up to Social Control Strategies!

We have allowed ourselves to be dictated to, (subliminally or otherwise) and to be manipulated by corporations and organizations who appear to have mankind's best interests at heart, but who are actually anti-human to the core. We need to wake up! Our campaign is all about pressing for change. We are letting the dominant parties know that we are not ignorant of their social control strategies, and that not all of us are asleep.

And there are many people now waking up to the true extent of the pharmo/politico/media manipulation of the public psyche. These same people are also becoming more and more aware of the detrimental effects this manipulation is bringing to bear on the all round health of mankind.

Credence Publicans--Credence AIDS Update, Issue 3, August

Please Forward this to Every Person of Voting Age

Texas, under the leadership of Governor George W. Bush, is ranked:

gwsmoke.jpg - 6.70 K 50th in spending for teachers' salaries
49th in spending on the environment
48th in per-capita funding for public health
47th in delivery of social services
42nd in child-support collections
41st in per-capita spending on public education
and ...
5th in percentage of population living in poverty
1st in air and water pollution
1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance
1st in percentage of children without health insurance
1st in executions (average 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years as Governor)

Just think of what he could do for the country if he were president!

Diversity, the Press & Sitting Pretty

Diversity is important, even if Donald Gorrie wants the Scottish Executive to specify the 'correct' Pantone colour for the Saltire. But we have to accept that the press will always choose what they want from that diversity when it suits their purposes. We should not respond by curtailing our Diversity. And we should be proud of what we are. No doubt the redoubtable Robbie Campbell will have a moan at me about my harping on about 'fat bastards'. But, Honey, I've paid for the food and drink that have made me the man I am. As Heather White says, "It doesn't happen overnight". I'm a fat bastard. I have no problems with it. And if anybody does have a problem with it, they can fuck off or we'll sit on them!

John Hein—editorial in Scotsgay August issue

John Rechy Knows

cruiser1.jpg - 9.12 K Police followed cruising gay men home, waited then broke in and arrested them having sex. Such consensual acts between adults, in private, were punishable with five or more years in prison. . . . (Vice arrests in private are legal even today; a 1986 Supreme Court decision let stand the conviction of two consenting Georgia adults arrested at home; imprisonment is still possible).

John Rechy—author quoted on unfair sodomy law enforcement tactics in “Letters”--Los Angeles Times, August 20

Fear of Conversion
—Scary from the Other Side?

In their vocabulary, teaching impressionable schoolchildren that homosexuality is good and normal is not promotion of the gay lifestyle; it is "honoring diversity." Bringing openly gay political activists into schools is not recruiting; it is "suicide prevention." Forcing students and teachers to attend pro-homosexual indoctrination is not brainwashing; it is "sensitivity training."

Scott Lively—“Commentary”—Eugene-Register-Guard, August 16

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