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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

gwbushsmile.jpg - 7.00 K In Texas There is Christmas in June

Texas Governor George W. Bush officially declared June 10, 2000, JESUS DAY. What became of Separation of Church and State?

Henry Messer— gay activist, Triangle Foundation (Michigan)--in an e-mail to GayToday

Peruvian Mayor is 'Over' the Rainbow

The days may be numbered for the rainbow flags that fly in the mountain breezes of Cuzco, Peru's tourism mecca and ancient capital of the Inca Empire…Cuzco Mayor Carlos Valencia and members of the City Council want it scrapped. Valencia's concern is not with the rainbow itself, but with a similar rainbow flag used to symbolize gay pride.

Lucien O. Chauvin—“ Anti-Gay Sentiment May Bring End To Peruvian Town's Rainbow Flag”—Fox News, August 30

Ann Richards on How to Be a Good Republican:

1. You have to believe that the nation's current 8-year prosperity was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but yesterday's gasoline prices are all Clinton's fault.

2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.

3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.

4. You have to believe that AIDS victims deserve their disease, but smokers with lung cancer and overweight individuals with heart disease don't deserve theirs.

5. You have to appreciate the power rush that comes with sporting a gun.

6. You have to believe...everything Rush Limbaugh says.

7. You have to believe that the agricultural, restaurant, housing and hotel industries can survive without immigrant labor.

8. You have to believe God hates homosexuality, but loves the death penalty.

9. You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you still won't vote for Alan Keyes.

10. You have to believe that pollution is OK as long as it makes a profit.

11. You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha.

12. You have to believe Newt Gingrich and Henry Hyde were really faithful husbands.

13. You have to believe speaking a few Spanish phrases makes you instantly popular in the barrio.

14. You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.

15. You have to be against government interference in business, until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bail out.

16. You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred for AIDS victims, homosexuals, and President Clinton.

17. You have to believe government has nothing to do with providing police protection, national defense, and building roads.

18. You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher.

Ann Richards-- (former Democratic Governor of Texas)

Civil Union Tensions in Vermont

The tension has grown to the point that 168 residents recently signed a letter, printed in the local paper, decrying "the divisiveness, hostility and mistrust we see overtaking our towns since the passage of the civil unions law." They described "a climate of fear being created by people whose alarmist tactics discourage rational debate" and called for a return to "a spirit of community."

Carey Goldberg—“Vermont Residents Split Over Civil Unions Law”— New York Times, September 3

The Silver-Tongued Infidel to a Presbyterian

ringersol.jpg - 7.09 K That some of your brethren look upon me as a monster on account of my unbelief, tends to show that those who love God are not always the friends of their fellow-men.

Is it not strange that people who admit that they ought to be eternally damned, that they are by nature totally depraved, and that there is no soundness or health in them, can be so arrogantly egotistic as to look upon others as "monsters"? And yet "some of your brethren," who regard unbelievers as infamous, rely for salvation entirely on the goodness of another, and expect to receive as alms an eternity of joy.

Robert G. Ingersoll—Part one of the orator's debate with the Presbyterian theorist, Dr. Henry M. Field, published in the North American Review, 1887

Sexual One Liners

  • How many perverts does it take to put in a light bulb? Just one, but it takes the entire emergency room to get it out!

  • Why do we have orgasms? How else would we know when to stop?

  • Why is being in the military like a blowjob? The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel.

  • What do you call twelve naked men sitting on each other's shoulders? A scrotum pole!

    Exit Newspaper-- South Africa, September

    The Fat Naked Fag Focussed on Winning the Game

    survivorrich.jpg - 9.67 K In my experience, straight people are more relaxed with gay people when gay people act as if being gay is the most normal thing in the world (which it is to us) rather than making an issue of it.

    That's how I live, and, personally, I never encounter any anti-gay anything (though I'm fully aware it's out there). That's how Richard Hatch lived his life on the Survivor island, and 15 apparently straight people helped him win the game and a cool million.

    Rex Wockner—The Wockner Wire

    Great Lakes Leather Conference 2000
    (Louisville Ky. Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1)

    Those planning on attending include:

    Joseph Bean, Leather Archives & Museum
    Mr. Marcus Hernandez, Bay Area Reporer
    Mike Zuhl, Drummer Magazine
    Fraser Picard, International Mr. Drummer 1999
    Woodie Barnes, International Drummer boy 1999
    Pam Meyer, International Ms. Leather 1999
    John Tatum, International Mr. Fantasy 1999
    Dan Clark, Great Lakes Mr. Drummer 2000
    Andrew Keisker, Great Lakes Drummer boy 2000
    Mistress Kendra, Ms. Leather Pride Indiana 1996
    Ira Smith, World-renowned erotic artist
    Shan Carr, the Comedianne a.k.a. "The gay man's lesbian"

    GLLC Hotline for information: (502) 634-9272 Email:

    Paid Scientists Owning AIDS Patents & Pharmaceutical Stock

    Conflict of interest keeps an ordinary citizen off a jury. Conflict of interest got Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, and other politicians in hot water. Shouldn't it keep PAID scientists from having credibility? One can scan the ranks of high-profile AIDS apologists and easily spot the ones who own AIDS patents or stock in pharmaceutical companies, who pull fat speakers' fees from drug conferences, or whose research was funded by assorted interest parties. If these guys were running for President, they would already be toast over this issue.

    Patricia Nell WarrenA&U Magazine, September

    Fight Killer AIDS Drug Kings

    In South Africa, where 4.5 million people have HIV, no one can afford Pfizer's killer prices. AIDS activists in South Africa and the United States have been demanding that Pfizer drop the price or allow generic production of the drug. In South Africa, Pfizer's patent means that even the government must pay $4.15 per pill, while in Thailand, where Pfizer does not have a patent on fluconazole, the drug is only $0.29 per pill. In Kenya, where Pfizer also has exclusive rights, fluconazole costs $18.00 per pill-more expensive, even, than U.S. prices.

    Join in Demanding Access to Life Saving Drugs for Poor Countries Thursday, September 7 at 12 Noon—Phizer Pharmaceuticals At 42nd Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, New York City

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