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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Does He Do Nancy Reagan?

The museum of the First Ladies in Canton, Ohio, is getting $300,000, much to the chagrin of Citizens Against Government Waste, which says the museum “frequently has a drag queen dress up like Helen Taft and give tours to senior citizens.”…Already we have an unfair attack. The person dressing up like Helen Taft is actually the museum's in-house historian. “He does portrayals of 11 different first ladies,” a spokeswoman said proudly.

Gail Collins—“An Ode to Pork”—New York Times, October 17

Self-Love Songs

Single? Serenade Yourself! "Self-love" songs aren't all that popular, so next time you get a bit blue over one of the many "romantic love" songs on the radio, alter your perspective and try singing it to yourself. If you can't sing a love song to yourself convincingly, chances are, you're not ready to sing it to another.

Danny Gale—“Tips for a Positive Perspective”—Love, Danny, GayToday, October 23

Home Exercising Equipment

Look, all the glamour of a leather bar without the two-drink minimum.

Bette Midler—on her new TV sitcom “Bette” CBS-TV Wednesdays 8 p.m.

Feet Are a Feminist Issue

After years of tottering on painfully decorative footwear, I am convinced that the women's shoe industry is the last acceptable haven for misogynists.

Deborah L. Rhode—“Step, Wince, Step Wince”—New York Times, October 18

Hillary for Grand Empress

I hope that gays and lesbians will vote for me because I intend to be a strong advocate for the rights of gays and lesbians to lead full and meaningful lives without the fear of discrimination and have access to equal opportunity and equal treatment as I think they are entitled to in our society.

Hillary Clinton—“Hillary—Up Close & Personal” Interview by David Kirby, The Advocate, October 24

God's Wondering

Heaven-- Reminiscing Monday, God wondered aloud what happened to "that one planet I made, like, four and a half billion years ago, the one with all the monkeys." "Man, I haven't thought about that planet in forever," God said. "I have no idea why it suddenly popped into My head. I remember it was really crude, one of My weaker early efforts, back when I was experimenting with the oxygen atmospheres and those ridiculous carbon-based lifeforms. And I was on that whole upper-primate kick. Huh." God said He couldn't remember the planet's name but was pretty sure it was "something like Ursh or Orth or maybe Ert."

The Onion-- October 21

America OnLine's True Two Faces

A recent $8.35 million gift from America Online CEO Steve Case and his wife, Jean, to her high school alma mater in Fort Lauderdale has raised the hackles of gay activists across the nation…The reason: Jean Case's alma mater is Westminster Academy – the Christian school founded by "ex-gay movement'' leader D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries.

Steve Rothaus and Andrea Elliot—“AOL chief Case's gift to Christian school offends gay activists”—Miami Herald, October 19

Becoming What We Think

Your mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild—but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, And will continue to produce their kind.

James Allen—As You Think, published by New World Library

Joiners and Followers

Let us forget that we are Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians or Freethinkers, and remember only that we are men and women. After all, man and woman are the highest possible titles. All other names belittle us, and show that we have, to a certain extent, given up our individuality, and have consented to wear the collar of authority—that we are followers.

Robert G. Ingersoll— “Man and Woman”--Some Mistakes of Moses, published by Prometheus Books

Landover Baptist Women Get the Right to Vote

"This is the beginning of the end!" noted an exasperated Reverend Harry Hardwick when the board adjourned. "Granted, Landover's girls know their place. But they're just females, and like all females, they are irrational and prone to succumb to temptation. Handing them a ballot is like handing Eve the fruit. Where will it end? Next, they'll want to work outside the home, then in positions in which they actually have authority over men. From there, they'll want to engage in physical tasks like playing sports. The end result is they'll be yammering all their silly ideas at church meetings and, God forbid, demanding to be ministers. We might as well just ask Jesus to take us now. I, for one, don't want to live in such an apocalypse."

Landover Baptist Church—“Church to Allow Gals to Vote”— October 21

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