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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Isn't Camille Paglia the Real Whiny Slug?

camille5.gif - 15.00 K 'Why are a Jewish collector and a Jewish museum director promoting anti-Catholic art?' asked Camille Paglia in a subhead since deleted from her Salon column, adding a Nixonian touch to her usual insinuating boorishness.

Um, I don't know,Camille. Because they killed Christ? Because they think they're so smart? Because they want to make a fast buck?…Paglia hasn't bothered to make the trip to Brooklyn, but she knows 'Catholic bashing' when she reads a one-line description of a painting in a newspaper. Besides, she saw (museum director) Lehman on TV and found him to be a 'whiny slug'.

Katha Pollitt—"Catholic Bashing?'—The Nation, November 1

Are You Listening Camille?

Women who write anti-feminist pieces are hypocrites, and that's never a nice thing to be. If these women really want their crackpot views about girls robbing boys of their education and women stealing men's jobs to be taken seriously, they should stop writing and get cooking. There are thousands of unemployed male journalists out there, many of them with families to support, who could be filling that space instead. For some reason, women captains of industry are bad and unnatural, but women journalists aren't. Funny, that.

Julie Burchill—The Guardian Newspaper, London, October 23

allymcbeal.jpg - 5.77 K Hooray for Ally McBeal!

It's hot to kiss a woman. It is soft and warm.

Ally McBeal star
Calista Flockheart--
to TV talk show host Jay Leno

ambeautysm.jpg - 4.76 K Rex at the Multiplex

The multiplex hit American Beauty not only shows us a happy, successful gay couple but also makes a powerful statement about the horror of the closet via a third character. I had no clue that's the direction the film was going in till the second it happened. Very well done.

Rex Wockner— "The Wockner Wire"—Planet Out, October 22

Pat Robertson's Date with George W. Bush, Jr.

I'm completely comfortable with him.

Pat Robertson—speaking about presidential candidate George W. Bush, Jr. to reporters during the annual meeting of his Christian Coalition where Bush, Gary Bauer and others spoke.

Did George W. Say He Wouldn't Hire Known Gays?

tafel2.jpg - 28.17 K Governor Bush has a responsibility to clear this matter up immediately and publicly. How can the campaign be uncertain on this fundamental Republican principle that merit must be the sole criterion in employment and on the fact that there is a non-discrimination policy in place for federal employees? This was on the same day they name openly gay Republicans, including an elected official, to their steering committees. And there is a long list of Governors, Senators and Congressmen who are strong gay rights supporters and have endorsed Governor Bush for President. Are they going to be disqualified for their strong record of advocacy on behalf of their gay constituents? The hundreds of openly gay Republicans who have been recruited to contribute and work for the Bush campaign deserve a clear answer.

Rich Tafel--Executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, Press Release, October 22

A Republican Who Momentarily Admits the Party's Faults

Too often, on social issues, my party has painted an image of America slouching toward Gomorrah…Too often my party has confused the need for limited government with a disdain for government itself.

Presidential Candidate George W. Bush, Jr.—in a speech to the Manhattan Institute

Sex isn't Offensive

I come from a different time and place, perhaps. I find racism offensive. I find sexism offensive. I don't find sex or sexual desire offensive. Tacky sometimes. And frequently funny. But not offensive.

Jim Baxter—Editor of North Carolina's The Front Page—Interview with Steve Warren

Irish Justice for Gay Author Robert Drake

drakeireland.gif - 12.61 K A jury in northwest Ireland yesterday found two men guilty in the near-fatal beating of Philadelphia author Robert Drake…

The Circuit Court jury of four women and seven men deliberated about two hours before finding Ian Monaghan, 20, and Glen Mahon, 21, both of Sligo, guilty of "recklessly causing serious harm," the Irish equivalent of aggravated assault.

Michael Matza-- "Two Irish men guilty in beating of Phila. Author" --Philadelphia Inquirer, October 21

He's Coming Baaaaack?

Scientists rescued the corpse of a woolly mammoth thought to have been frozen into the Siberian tundra 23,000 years ago. It is hoped that the animal can be cloned.

Human Cloning Foundation Newsletter, October

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