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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Oscar Wilde: 100 Years Ago this Week

wilde2.jpg - 10.47 K A century ago today, the doctors gave up hope for a disgraced gentleman dying of syphilis in a room at the Hotel d'Alsace in Paris indulged by the proprietors, attended by the embassy doctor, watched by friends, irritated by the magenta flowers on the wallpaper. The last joke of this titan of wit is still funny: "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has to go."

David Marr-- “On the Legacy of Oscar Wilde”—Sydney Morning Herald, November 25

Gay Merger Mania

So I browse through yesterday's mail and notice my latest mortgage statement. Seems I forgot to send out my last payment and I now owe PlanetOutGay.comBankofAmerica a $150 late fee -- unless, that is, I purchase 10 gift subscriptions to PlanetOutGay.comAdvocateOutMagazine, in which case it'll slice the fee in half.

David Tuller—“Queer world domination”—Salon

An Exclusive Gospel Rescue Mission

kolbegopconv.jpg - 6.06 K A Tucson homeless shelter told U.S. Rep Jim Kolbe to stay away from its Thanksgiving dinner because he is gay. The Arizona Republican, the party's only openly gay congressman, wanted to spend a few hours volunteering at Gospel Rescue Mission like he did last year…But the shelter's board of directors met Sunday and subsequently faxed a memo to Kolbe regarding its resolution… “This decision is based on your publicly announced sexual orientation that is diametrically opposite to admonitions in the Bible,” wrote board member Evelyn H. Haugh. “This mission is founded on biblical principles, and we cannot give a public forum to a public official who is blatantly flaunting those principles.”

ABC News, November 23—“ Not In Their House-- Mission Tells Gay Congressman Not to Come By for Thanksgiving”

Gospel Mission Eats Thanksgiving Humble Pie

On Thursday, the day to give thanks for what we have, the Rescue Mission board made an about-face and apologized to Kolbe…A board member told reporters that the shunning of Kolbe was not the Christian thing to do…On one day it's a Christian value to exclude Kolbe from helping serve meals, but on the next day it's not…Go figure.

Ernesto Portillo Jr.— “Gospel Mission eats a slice of humble pie for Thanksgiving” Arizona Daily Star, November 25

Science Doesn't Make Any Sense

gwbushlips.jpg - 6.45 K Jesus told us that we need to become like children if we want to get into Heaven. You see, Jesus doesn't want us to get puffed up with so-called education and knowledge, which is why He has anointed George W. Bush. Scientists would have you believe that salvation can be found in the accumulation of knowledge. They say that "knowledge" will set you free. This is hogwash according to our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus, we know that all knowledge outside of the Holy Bible is a lie. A child could tell you that! During this time of Thanksgiving, science has yet to provide an explanation as to why there are still so many turkeys available after they were all killed last year. We will tell you why: Jesus blesses us with those turkeys, end of story.

Landover Baptist Church—

Roman Catholics Again

Gov. Parris N. Glendening's planned legislation to prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians is provoking a constitutional argument pitting the state attorney general's office against a Catholic diocese.

Jeff Barker—“Anti-discrimination proposal draws fire”-- Baltimore Sun, November 22

Pink Money in Montreal

Gay pride is turning a hefty profit for the city -- to the tune of $40 million…More than 102,000 tourists flocked to the week-long Divers/Cité festival in August and left their money behind, a Crop survey made public yesterday revealed…"We always knew Montreal would become an important gay destination because of its spirit of openness, progressive laws and one of the biggest gay villages in North America," said Tourism Montreal manager Jean-Francois Perrier, who is working hard to bring the Gay Games athletics meet to Montreal in 2006.

Catherine Solyom—“Divers/Cite gay-pride festival a boost to local economy: poll” Montreal Gazette, November 25

Monogamous & Promiscuous

Profoundly committed to the better life, the promiscuous, like the monogamous, are idealists. Both are deranged by hope, in awe of reassurance, impressed by their pleasures. We should not be too quick to set them against each other. At their best, they are both the enemies of cynicism. It is the cynical who are dispiriting because they are always getting their disappointment in first.

Adam Phillips—“Monogamy”—Pantheon Books, 1996

Queer TV Tastes

willandgracecast.jpg - 11.03 K Better World Advertising tracked the TV viewing habits of San Francisco men who identify as gay, bisexual, or transgendered and found that their favorite shows, in order of popularity, are Will & Grace, Ally McBeal, The Simpsons (first-run episodes), Star Trek: Voyager, ER, The X-Files, Friends, The Simpsons (syndicated reruns), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The Practice.

Rex Wockner—The Wockner Wire #120--

Recount Reveals Nader Defeated

Tallahassee, Florida-- A third recount by Florida election officials has "definitively determined" that Green Party candidate Ralph Nader was defeated in the state. "There was a very significant 25,603-vote discrepancy between the first two counts, with Nader losing by respective margins of 2,812,339 and 2,837,942, so we decided to conduct a hand recount," Florida Attorney General Jim Smith said. "We now know that Nader lost by precisely 2,821,278 votes."


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