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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Defend Against the Arts Bullies

slucasbunny.jpg - 7.11 K Sarah Lucas' Bunny is part of the controversial Saatchi Collection appearing at the Brooklyn Art Museum All over the country, and all over the world, people who are afraid of new ideas, people whose faith is too shallow and too fragile to encounter any interrogatory spirit, people who do not scruple at using blackmail, threats of violence or violence itself to silence voices different from their own—these people have waged a war against art in the name of decency, in the name of civic stability, in the name of God.

Tony Kushner—"Fighting the Arts Bullies"—The Nation, November 29

Who Are We to Say it Isn't Marriage?

If his wife Claudine knew that instead of pounding the sidewalks in search of employment he is planted in the Garden watching a theatrical event which amusingly describes itself as professional wrestling, she would shy a frying pan at him, the relationship between Wally Wallski and his spouse being somewhat like the relationship between a walnut and a hammer.

Stephen Dobyns—The Wrestler's Cruel Study
—Published by W.W. Norton & Co.

Walter Cronkite Tells it Like it Is

wcronkite.jpg - 6.37 K I consider myself a person of faith. I work very hard at being a Christian. And certainly, the Christian Coalition does not speak for me.

What's more, I am absolutely sure that the Christian Coalition does not speak for the great majority of men and women of faith in this country. And I, for one, am not prepared to stand by and permit Mr. (Pat) Robertson and his friends to get away with wrapping their harsh right wing views in the banner of religious faith.

Walter Cronkite—in a letter requesting support for
The Interfaith Alliance:

Going at a Snail's Pace

My body is dying on me. I carry it like an old overcoat. It's horrible. You start to smell – the smell of death – and you can do nothing about it. I can no longer see properly. I need to wear glasses when I go out, but am far too vain, so I walk the streets blind. You go deaf, and people talk to you as if you're a non-comprehending child. Your legs give up on you. Nowadays I spend so much time working out how to avoid making the trip downstairs more than once a day. When I do get out, I can barely walk more than a few yards at a snail's pace – and according to those who know, I'm lucky; in good shape for my 90 years.

Quentin Crisp—"On Death"—The Age, Australia, November 23

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Calmness Mantra

I am the landscape, not the storm. My awareness is the landscape, and it endures, the storms of emotion blow through it and go. I am the landscape, not the storm.

James Thornton—"Presence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder"—in Queer Dharma: Voices of Gay Buddhists, Volume 2—Edited by Winston Leyland and Published by Gay Sunshine Press Gay Sunshine Press:

Listen to a Long-Time Christian:

With every passing day I get more convinced that most of the Christian churches (Catholic and Protestant alike) are no closer to granting GLBT people full acceptance than they were twenty or thirty years ago.

In many ways it's gotten worse.

Rev. Mel White--Director of Soulforce, following the trial of Rev. Jimmy Creech by the United Methodist Church in Grand River, Nebraska.

A Mini-Mind is Made Up

gwbush2.jpg - 5.16 K There is no need to debate the issue – I've already made up my mind.

George W. Bush—replying to reporters asking about his refusal to meet with gay Republicans — Dallas Morning News, November 23

When an Arkansas Police Chief
Calls the Aldermen Gay

Well, it kind of shocked me…I really didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. But what went through my mind was: 'This guy just called you a gay. He just accused you and Combs of sleeping together.' That's when I paused. Everybody paused. ... We was kind of frozen there, and I thought, 'What in the world is going on here?'"

Mike Meadows— El Dorado, Arkansas Alderman--" Police chief fired; gay remark about aldermen last straw"--Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, November 24

When an FBI Director Calls a Legendary Journalist Gay

It is mind-boggling that the FBI would have these accusations sitting in a file!. …Jack Chancellor was a dedicated journalist of the highest ethical and moral character. How dare they suspect him of being gay when the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a cross- dresser who ran around in women's clothing!

Sarah McClendon--veteran White House correspondent to National Enquirer, November 24

tobiasdnc.gif - 14.37 K Why We Should Elect
a Democrat President

But the 800-pound gorilla here is not the House or the Senate or even the White House.

It's the Supreme Court.

The next president will likely appoint four new justices and thereby shape the character of the court for the next 25 years.

Andrew Tobias-- "Defending the Supremes"
The Advocate, December 7

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