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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

mlandon.jpg - 12.37 K Michael Landon: Role-Model Dad

There was a big rumor on the set of Bonanza that he was having an affair with Hoss (costar Don Blocker). And my dad would sort of play with it. They would sort of hang all over each other and nuzzle on the set just to stir the pot.

Christopher Landon—"Christopher's Street"—Interview by John Griffiths—The Advocate, December 7

Christians with Guts?

I'm not guilty of murder. I'm guilty of obeying the laws of the Creator. So many people claim to be Christians and complain about all these things their religion says are a sin, but they're not willing to do anything about it. They don't have the guts.

Benjamin Matthew Williams—who admits to the killing of a gay couple, Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder in their home near Redding, California—Sacramento Bee, November 5

Gay Gossip: The New Homophobia?

Gay-gossip is the newest and most clever form of homophobia: It lets us judge and mock rumored gays under the guise of being liberated. If I think so and so (a film star) is gay and roll my eyes during his sex scenes, I can always pass my behavior off as gay-friendly: "Why doesn't he love himself enough to admit who he really is?" But by obsessing over his sexuality instead of judging him as a performer, I'm engaging in the precise form of homophobia that gays and lesbians despise – judging them by their orientation instead of their personhood.

Amy Sohn—"Gay or Straight—It's Nobody's Business"—New York Post, November 30

qcrispsmall.jpg - 4.91 K Speak Kindly of the Dead

Quentin was a mess.

Rex Wockner—The Wockner Wire

Inexpensive Individuality

Don't let designers bully you. Visit flea markets to create trends of your own.

Wayne Koestenbaum— "Cleavage—Essays on Sex, Stars and Aesthetics"—to be published in March by Ballantine Books

seattleriots.jpg - 16.87 K The Seattle Battle

The cops started it. That's it. For all the images of black-clad anarchists smashing shop windows, and for all the comments about Seattle wishing to be known as trade friendly but ending up being known as "the most riotous" (according to NPR), it was the police who attacked the crowds of protestors first. Before noon on November 30th, groups of anti-WTO protestors had managed to keep most of the 3000 delegates from entering the building, and leading to the cancellation of the opening ceremonies. Then a police motorcycle slowly and deliberately rode up to the human chain and ran it over.

Nick Mamatas— "Seattle Police—The World Spray Organization"—Greenwich Village Gazette, December 3

Czechs and Church Weddings

An acquaintance of mine taking a Czech bride found his hopes of a church wedding in her village met with uncomprehending stares, as if some groom from New Guinea, with elaborate facial paint and a bone through his septum, were asking that a volcano God be propitiated with a blood sacrifice.

John Updike— "The Future of Faith"—The New Yorker, November 29

George W. Bush: Hardline Conservative

gwbush3.jpg - 5.08 K But in other respects the governor's views are hardline conservative. He has praised Antoin Scalia and Clarence Thomas as models for the kind of choices he would make for the Supreme Court, and he refused to meet with a group of gay Republicans.

Editorial --"A Republican Full House" New York Times, December 2

Crime at the Top

Stop repeat offenders—don't re-elect them!

Paradox magazine, December

robrtfire.gif - 45.33 K The Pot Calling the Kettle

Canada has lost its collective mind.

Pat Robertson—
"The 700 Club"
—December 1

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