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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Santa Goes Nude

Santa has been sacked after baring his bottom in upmarket London store Harrods' grotto. Another staff member took an after-hours snap of Father Christmas wearing nothing but his boots. ..The woman who took the photo was also fired and the person who printed it was asked to resign. A Harrods spokesman said: "The photo was not obscene and we recognised it was a prank. ..Nevertheless, it was unacceptable behaviour."

MX News--The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd.-"Naked Snap--Bare Cheek of Sacked Santa"-December 19

Industry Thrives in America's Most Creative Cities

Richard Florida of Carnegie Mellon University argues that the most creative cities in the United States are also those with the highest proportion of gay households. The reason is partly that gay households have the hefty spending power of two earners without the expense of children. But, in addition, their presence goes with the sort of open, diverse city culture in which creative industries thrive.

Economist.Com-"Singles and the City: The Bridget Jones Economy"-December 20

Lord of the Cock Rings

As every unsaved person who has read Tolkein's disgusting series of books already knows, they are filled with depictions of sex between races, species, and even explicit coded passages detailing an elf's homosexual tryst with two goblins (which is just a fancy secular word for demons). Tolkein even has the audacity to try and top the Bible by depicting gruesome battle scenes and horrible attrocities. Nice try, Mr. Tolkein, but leave the horror to God, He's the expert.

Landover Baptist Church--"The Sexually Depraved World of J.R.R. Tolkein" December 21

China's First Male Beauty Parlor

The Extraordinary Space Men's Health and Beauty Salon is the first beauty salon in China catering exclusively to males…Extraordinary Space is not simply the province of the city's slowly emerging gay community. "Most of our customers are office workers, white collar workers and some performers," said Mr Wu. "Less than 10 per cent of our customers would be gay. So it's not like a gay bar or club."

John Schauble-"Male Beauty parlour a first for China"-Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, December 21

A Virgin Goddess

IT is high time heaven's glass ceiling was shattered. I am speaking of the drive - supported by 6 million Catholics - to have the Pope declare the Virgin Mary co-redeemer with Christ. Such a dogma would involve three new spiritual truths: that Mary is co-redemptrix and participates, with her son, in humanity's redemption; that she is a mediatrix of all graces; and that she is an advocate for believers and influences God's judgments…In other words, Mary would receive what The New York Times has called ``the ultimate promotion''. The Catholic Church would win over more people than it would alienate by enhancing Mary's status. Who knows? If the cult of Mary continues to grow, the Holy Trinity may well evolve into the Holy Quartet.

Rosemary Neill-"Father, Son and Holy Mum"-The Australian-December 21

Wisdom from Hungary's Homosexual Pioneer

"Nothing would be gained if the congenital nature (of homosexuality) were proven. It is much more important to convince opponents that, exactly on the legal grounds they are talking about, this phenomenon is no business of theirs, whether congenital or deliberate, since the state does not have the right to interfere with whatever two people above fourteen may do with each other voluntarily and in private, without harming the rights of other people..."

Károly Kertbeny-1868

The De-Gaying of Mark Bingham

Venerable Morris Kight feels the news media is trying to DE-GAY late Mark Bingham. He specifically cites Newsweek magazine (Dec. 5, 2001) which has page after page of information on Mark Bingham saying he was the ring leader and catalyst for the heroic act to force a hijacked plane to land in Pennsylvania. Arizona Senator John McCain agrees with Kight that the heroism of Bingham saved the Congress where both House and Senate leaders were in session. Yet there is no mention of Bingham being a star GAY athlete. Why?

Tom Swann-Member U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs Community Advisory Board AMVETS District 9 Commander Serving San Bernardino and Riverside Counties-- "Venerable Morris Kight to honor Mark Bingham"-December 19

Egyptian Teen 'Guilty' of Habitual Debauchery

Amnesty International today deplored the decision of the Cairo Juvenile Appeal Court for Misdemeanours, confirming the conviction of 17-year-old Mahmud for "habitual debauchery"…The Court reduced an earlier sentence of three years' imprisonment to a six-month term.

International Secretariat of Amnesty International-" Egypt: Torture and imprisonment for actual or perceived sexual orientation"-News Release--December 19

If the Three Wise Men had been Gay?

  • Arrived early.
  • Helped deliver the baby AND dressed it up in a gorgeous butter cream-coloured 100% cotton throw.
  • Cleaned the stable AND redecorated it in a "western" theme to match the animals.
  • Would not have made a casserole but a flawless entree of Chilean sea bass dusted in cocoa powder with Guatemalan mangoes in a light chutney mix, mashed potatoes with a light cream fennel sauce and Anjou pears with yoghurt cream cheese and Grand Marnier swirls, topped off with a caff/half caff cappuccino con panna.
  • The practical gifts would have included items from the new Martha Stewart Living collection.
  • Peace? How can you have peace when the entire night just screams for a drag number?

    Rev. Dorothy McCrae/McMahon-- A very out senior cleric formerly working in the National Assembly of the UCA but now freelancing around Australia. Many in Tasmania will remember her for the recent Dorothy Awards at the TLGRL.

    Morning in Afghanistan

    The interim government scheduled to take office in Afghanistan on Dec. 22 will discontinue executions of people charged with sodomy and will likely adopt a more tolerant policy on human rights for gays, according to a spokesperson for the Northern Alliance, the Afghan military faction that fought against the Taliban.

    Lou Chibbaro Jr.-"New Afghan rulers better for gays?"-Washington Blade, December 21

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