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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Off His Stupid Rocker

jrocker.jpg - 7.26 K Imagine having to take the 7 train to [Shea Stadium] looking like you're [in] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing.

The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?

John Rocker—Pitcher for the Atlanta Braves-- Sports Illustrated

We'd Miss Him So

We almost didn't have Boy George to kick around any more.

Rex Wockner— "Did it really wanna hurt him?"--The Wockner Wire:

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I never thought that God would come down and tell me I couldn't do this or that. God forgives everything, and this is the only life I have.

Steven Gately---"Gay Boyzone Star: Why My Life was a Lie" The Daily Record and Sunday Mail, December 23

To Vermont's Lawmakers

The governor and legislative leaders should…leave the moral wrestling to the clerics and to the conscience of their constituents. Vermont lawmakers are not being asked to make a moral judgment about same-sex couplings, only to remedy the discrimination to which homosexual couples are now subjected….The obvious solution is to extend the right to marry to gay and lesbian couples….Domestic partnership proposals are no more than a political dodge, an unconscionable sop to bigots who will tolerate homosexuality only if it can be segregated in some parallel universe. But gay and lesbian people do not live in a parallel universe. They live in this one.

Eileen McNamara— "Marriage Lite Just Won't Cut It"-- Boston Globe, December 22

Expanding the Circle

goreadvocate.jpg - 12.65 K We are poised to expand the circle of human dignity yet again, to say that it will no longer be permissible to discriminate against someone because of who he or she falls in love with or because of that person's sexual orientation

U.S. Vice-president Al Gore—quoted in The Des Moines Register, December 22

Harassment by Trained Killers Not Allowed

It is important that the leadership of each of the services issue a strong statement to the field that harassment of service members for any reason, to include alleged or perceived homosexuality, will not be tolerated.

United States Department of Defense—Memo released December 23

gaysinmilitary2.jpg - 8.44 K The Marines: Leading the Armed Services in Male Anal Sex

Due to the 'hate crime' death of a homo in the Army, we now have to take extra steps to ensure the safety of the queer who has 'told.'

Lt. Col. Edward Melton USMC—E-mailed notice reported on CNN, December 14

Liking One but Hating All Others

Glen, I respect you as a person and as a human being. What I said about gay people does not apply to you personally.

Gov. George W. Bush—to openly gay Democrat Glen Maxey, a Texas House member following Bush's argument that gays can't make fit adoptive parents.

Go Back to Your Family Research Council, Gary

The Vermont Supreme Court decision is an unmitigated disaster for the American family. This decision is the most recent example of non-elected judges run amok. No one elects these judges and yet they feel the urgent need to legislate from the bench.

Gary Bauer—Republican presidential hopeful, quoted in The Daily Oklahoman, December 22

The Gay Man's Glamour or Cosmopolitan?

heromag.jpg - 11.10 K Hero seems to be pushing this the farthest, edging toward the editorial format of Glamour or Cosmopolitan, running articles on how to perk up your sex life and, "Look ten years younger," as well as a dating section called "Boyfriend Finder." Beach reading.

Jeff Dawson— "Gay Issues Gaining Ground Online"—Online Journalism Review, November 24

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