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Vatican Assumes Power in Cases
of Priest-Child Molestation

Compiled by GayToday

Vatican City-Secret trials of pedophile priests by Roman Catholic ecclesiastical courts will be overseen by The Vatican, according to new rulings issued here Tuesday.

Critics of Rome deplored this development, insisting that secret trials would only further protect priest-predators at the expense of their child-victims.

The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, it has been widely reported, has long allowed a world-wide epidemic of such child molesting to flourish among its clergy unhindered. When priests were named as suspects, the Church has been perceived to have been tardy, wedded to a policy of procrastination and near-non-intervention.

The Vatican will now receive, from the far corners of the globe, notice of each allegation of child abuse by non-abstinent members its priesthood.

Among the primary reasons touted for a Vatican take-over of accusations against priests have been those with a financial twist. Damages were awarded two years ago against the Roman Catholic diocese in Dallas, Texas due to the sexual exploitation of boys by clergy. The diocese's concealing of the exploitation was regarded by local citizens as heinous and was thus paid for by the Church in the amount of $120 million.

This particular instance of churchly wrong-doing has fanned the belief that priests as investigators are too much prone to protect their pedophile peers.

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Most such investigations and trials will continue to take place in local ecclesiastical courts. An appeals court has been set up at the Vatican, however.

A Vatican official told the New York Times that the new rulings had been "put into effect by the Holy Father (the Pope) and it is a great sadness for him, you can imagine. He cannot believe these things."

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