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Super Bowl: 'Bush Stole the Election' Banner Plane to Fly

By Jack Nichols

Tampa, Florida—Oral Majority chair Bob Kunst, a veteran gay activist who has been demonstrating against what he calls “Bushit” for more than a year, remains undeterred now that Mr. Bush has been installed as the U.S. President. Super Bowl spectators will view the Oral Majority banner

Returning this week to South Florida from Washington, D.C. on his recent Freedom Ride that transported 48 Oral Majority supporters protesting the theft of Election 2000 at the Inaugural, Kunst has now hired a banner plane which, he says, will fly over the football stadium here on Super Bowl Sunday.

The banner will read: “Bush Stole the Election!” and will advertise the Oral Majority's web site:

If the Florida voting fracas has faded in the national media, Kunst vows to keep the theft of votes issue alive. “Give up? Never!” he says.

“We plan to remind Bushit as well as all those who now thoughtlessly support him, whether Democrats or Republicans, that the Bush family has disgraced our one-time democracy. We won't rest. While some have given up, caved-in, or accepted Bush as their President, he isn't our President and we will always see him as illegitimate, as an imposter and a thief and we will never stop treating him as such.”

The Oral Majority Sunday protest will begin on the ground here, near the stadium at approximately 2 p.m. "At Hines and Tampa Bay Boulevard," says Kunst, "in a first amendment area that's been set aside for protests."

The indefatigable activist explains that the banner plane will then fly over the stadium between 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. and that he expects it not only to be seen by Super Bowl XXXV spectators, but by the mainstream media as well.

"To forgive such treachery as a stolen election is to invite a greater disaster upon us all," he told GayToday, "and our strength in purpose is to state wherever, and whenever he shows up or at any opportunity for mass media coverage, such as the Super Bowl, we'll be there to remind everyone that "Bush Stole the Election!"

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:

Ashcroft Likely to Win —Where's Gay Leadership Outrage?

Washington Times: Oral Majority to Protest Bush Coronation

President Clinton Calls Gore the Winner in Election 2000

Related Sites:
Oral Majority Online

GayToday does not endorse related sites.

“The nation,” says Kunst, “and everything we hold sacred, including our vote, has been stolen from us. There is a 'cover-up', and there's hardly any Democratic leadership willing to fight it. In the meantime such 'business as usual' lethargy and compliance is backfiring, making the nation and our planet vulnerable to Bush's selfish fascist politics that totally ignore the real needs of our beloved country, steering all profits to his father's oily fat cat cronies.”

Oral Majority also promises to be on hand for the second round of a U.S. Civil Rights Commission investigation into Florida's “planned” dysfunctional presidential vote that will be held in February.
Contributions to Oral Majority to help pay for the banner plane are welcomed. Telephone: 305-864-5110 and/or contact Oral Majority:

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